Chapter 436 Qin Xuan: Damn it, did that man kill the lake?

“Aha! If you want the air of chaos! Ask Bridget to take you there! She knows where the air of chaos is!”

Seeing Lin Lei looking at him anxiously, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smiled, then glanced at the Death Lord next to him, and then slowly said!

Hearing that, the Death Lord next to him suddenly Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, she knew it was Tang senior who was revenge on herself, but she didn’t care too much, because she would have to be in Chaos after all. Ya is still there!

“Master master! Look…

Lin Lei looked expectantly at Lord Death!

“Okay! After I have handled the affairs of The Netherworld, you will go to the Land of Chaos with me! By the way! If you have anything else to do, please do it quickly! After all, if you go this time, Don’t know how long it will take to come back!

Seeing this, Lord Death nodded and said!

After all, this time Lin Lei went to the land of chaos and mainly cultivated the chaos body.

“The land of chaos? Is that the place where the gray energy is located?

Lin Lei guessed in his heart, and then said to Lord Death: “Okay! I know!!

“Yeah! I will inform you two days later!”

Lord Death nodded to Lin Lei, and then said to Qin Xuan next to him: “Tang senior! Then I will deal with The Netherworld first!

“Hmm! Go! Go! They are uncomfortable if you stay here!”

Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan waved his hand and said.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at everyone, and glanced at Beirut and others next to him!

After all, Death is ruled by one of the four rules, the top existence in this world, so Hogg and George’s own Bebe’s parents, staying with her feel a lot of pressure.

What’s more, they saw just now that the Destiny ruled the light and the ruler took care of it when the Death ruler turned his hands. How could this make them feel less pressured?

As for why they are with Qin Xuan, why there is no pressure, mainly because you and they have not yet determined what kind of cultivation base Qin Xuan is, and Qin Xuan has no reputation. The most important thing is that Qin Xuan does not usually have any prestige. It feels like a mortal, so there is no pressure at all with him!

“Ah! Then senior I will leave!”

Hearing that, Death Lord also said something Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared, and disappeared with her, and the seven main gods of The Netherworld!

After seeing Lord Death leave, only Qin Xuan, Beirut, and Lin Lei were present.As for the others, they all breathed a sigh of relief!

“Lin Lei! Have you become the main god this time?”

At this moment, Hogg suddenly asked Lin Lei!

“Uh! It’s not a complete breakthrough, it’s only halfway through! Father, are you worried about your mother?”

Hearing this, Lin Lei knew what his father meant, and immediately replied!

“Half breakthrough? What do you mean? Then whether you are the opponent of the light dominates now, I am worried that your mother will be in danger if you stay there for a long time!”

Hogg said with a worried look!

After all, this time the Lord of Destiny and the Lord of Light have come to The Netherworld. Hogg is afraid that the Lord of Light will find his wife’s identity and put his wife in danger, so he will ask!

“Haha! Father, don’t worry, although I haven’t made a breakthrough this time, it is still very simple to clean up a master of light!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei suddenly laughed!

“Really? But the people behind him are the masters of fate! You must know that the masters of fate are at the same level as Lord Death!”

After hearing Lin Lei’s words, Hogg still asked with some worry!

After all, in Hogg’s heart, saving his wife is important, but his son is also important. If he is sure that he is not sure, Hogg will not let Lin Lei take it easily!

Now that her wife is controlled by others, if her son is also folded inside, I am afraid that there will be no chance at all. His only chance!

“Father, don’t worry, don’t say that one master of fate, even if there are ten masters of fate, I can easily clean him up!”

Seeing his father still looked worried, Lin Lei nodded and said affirmatively!

“Huh! That’s fine!”

Seeing this, Hogg also breathed a sigh of relief, rubbing his hands involuntarily at the moment, and then asked a little embarrassed: “Lin Lei! Then when are you going to save your mother?”

“Aha! Don’t worry, father! I will go to the face of the god of light, you can wait here with peace of mind! I promise to bring my mother to you intact!”

Lin Lei patted his father on the shoulder, and then assured him!

After speaking, Lin Lei broke through the space directly!

After Lin Lei left, although Lin Lei repeatedly assured him, Hogg was still very worried!

“Ah! Uncle, don’t worry about it. I have been with the boss for so long, knowing that the boss is not a big talker, he said that if he can bring aunt back, he will definitely bring aunt back!”

Seeing Hogg still walking around in a hurry, Beibei also hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him!

“Ok, I know!”

Hearing this, Hogg suddenly nodded with a wry smile!

“Ah! Where’s the lake? Where’s the lake where I usually go fishing? Which goddamn killed the lake! Come out to me and see if I won’t catch your skin!”

Just when the atmosphere was a little heavy, suddenly there was a cry of cleavage and lungs not far away!

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that Qin Xuan had run to the lake where they usually fished at some point, and now Qin Xuan was still holding his own bucket with a fishing rod in his hand, and looking at the posture, it was obvious that he wanted to fish!

However, the lake water that I usually see is now dry, and there is no drop of water, only a huge pothole!

Seeing Qin Xuan screaming and furiously there, Beirut and others suddenly did not know whether to laugh or cry!

“Ahem! senior, the lake seems to have been lost by the battle just now!”

Beirut walked to Qin Xuan’s side, and then prompted!

“Uh! I lost the battle just now?

Hearing that, Qin Xuan was a little dumbfounded!

He was watching the show just now, and he didn’t pay attention to the condition of the lake at all, so he didn’t care about how the lake disappeared!

“Woo woo woo! I didn’t know (that’s good) just now who refused to make a move, why do you know that you regret it now?”

At this time, the proprietress of the Nether Hotel also came over, and saw her look at Qin Xuan jokingly, and then said jokingly!

“Um! Are you blaming me for this? You know this is your lake!”

Seeing Xiao Nizi teasing herself, Qin Xuan gave her an angry look, and then reminded!

“Uh! It seems to be! Which bastard lost the lake?”

Hearing that, the lady boss was also dumbfounded.Just now she was only looking at hitting Qin Xuan, and she didn’t have time to think about it.Now hearing his reminder, the lady boss also reacted immediately!

“What do you say?”

Qin Xuan gave her a blank look, then asked back!

Ha ha ha ha!

Seeing this, it seems that you have yourself in the fight just now, so the disappearance of this lake also has your own share in it?

Thinking of this, the lady boss couldn’t help showing an awkward look! The author was also a little embarrassed. The water should be fine at all, right?.

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