Chapter 428: Fusion of the Power of the Lord God?

“I can’t rush about the trick, and with such a big movement, I want to come and see the excitement!

Destruction Lord Utreid spread his hands, and said!

After speaking, the Destruction Lord no longer paid attention to Off, but looked towards the Nether Hotel!

Not long after the two rulers came, other rulers also rushed to The Netherworld!

Brigitte “Special! Who is breaking through in there? It can make such a big movement! By the way, what about your deity? The Netherworld has made such a big movement, why haven’t you seen her-she came out?

Dominator Utreid asked curiously!

“Ah! The person who is breaking through seems to be Lin Lei, Baruch, as for the deity, I don’t know where she is now!”

Hearing that, the lady boss shrugged, and then replied!

“Huh? Baruch?”

Hearing this, Destroy Dominator’s eyes twitched slightly, and then glanced at Light Dominator next to Off!

For the surname of Baruch, how could the Lord of Destruction do not know. You must know that the surname of Baruch was at the highest position in The Underworld, but one of the four major families once gave birth to the Lord God, but was later destroyed by the Lord of Light. As a result, this family is also lonely now!

When the Lord of Light was ruining the family’s lord god at the time, it was too angry to destroy the Lord, and even prepared to personally kill the Lord of Light. If it hadn’t been blocked by the Lord of Destiny, Ov had promised a lot of benefits, I am afraid that the Lord of Light would have long been there. Dead in his hands!

Unexpectedly, it was the Baruch family who made such a big noise now. Thinking of this, the Destruction Lord couldn’t help but look jokingly towards the Light Lord!

Sure enough, the face of the ruler of light was a bit ugly at this time, and the face of the ruler of fate, Ov, also changed slightly!

But they didn’t say anything, after all, this is The Netherworld, not their territory!

At this time, I saw the sky above the Netherworld Hotel, suddenly gathered a strong fire elemental power, and the power of the wind element, these elemental powers are rushing into the crazy Netherworld Hotel!

At this time, in the Nether Hotel, Lin Lei was sitting cross-legged and suspended in the air, and the main godhead of the fire system and the main godhead of the wind system were also integrated into the clone of the fire system god and the wind system god in Lin Lei’s body.

The refining of the Lord’s Godhead was only a matter of a moment, and each of Lin Lei’s souls had once again changed, and the power of will was once again integrated into the soul.

After refining these two main godheads, the forest surface Cultivation Base has also been further strengthened, and the power of will has been increased by nearly ten times!

But these did not reach Lin Lei’s expectations at all. Although the Cultivation Base has increased a lot, Lin Lei is still not satisfied. Even after refining the two main gods, his Cultivation Base is now comparable to the rule.

But it’s just comparable, it’s not an opponent of the Lord of Light at all, how can Lin Lei who wants to save his mother from the Lord of Light be able to bear it!

“What the hell is going on? Am I feeling wrong?

Lin Lei frowned, then muttered softly!

I clearly feel that as long as the two main godheads are being refined, the own Cultivation Base will have a qualitative change.Although the eyebrow trimming has been improved a lot now, I always feel that something is wrong!

“Is it because I don’t have enough mystery or fusion mystery?

“Huh? Wait, fusion! Is it to merge the power of the four main gods?”

Thinking of this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but become excited, immediately closed his eyes, and then plunged his consciousness into his mind!

At this time, the sky outside changed, and the entire The Netherworld’s wind, fire, water, and the elemental power of the earth were crazily rushing in the Nether Mountain, and then rushing into the Nether Hotel!

“This, the power of these four main gods is too

In the past, the special combination of the four divine powers made Lin Lei realize that once the power of the four main divine powers merged, it would definitely be special. But this special degree completely surpassed Lin Lei’s imagination.


After the power of the four main gods is completely integrated, it instantly becomes a gray and peculiar power. This gray power crazily penetrates every part of Lin Lei’s body, including the bones, skin, Meridians, internal organs… and even the mind, soul, etc. .

Lin Lei’s muscles were trembling, and his whole body was twitching.


The most subtle parts such as muscles, muscles and bones are undergoing earth-shaking changes. Almost every second, Lin Lei’s body will strengthen thousands of times, continuously leap and strengthen. In front of the gray power formed by the fusion of the power of the four main gods, Lin Lei’s body only knows that it will continue to Ascension and strengthen

Outside the Nether Hotel!

When everyone saw this sudden change, they were also slightly taken aback. What Realm is the person inside? This movement is really shocking!

“It’s done!

Seeing this, the corner of Qin Xuan’s mouth curled slightly, and then murmured in a low voice!

Since Qin Xuan’s voice was too small, and everyone’s attention hit the Nether Hotel again, only the lady boss next to Qin Xuan could hear it!

After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, the lady boss suddenly smiled!

0………Look for flowers 0.

On the other side, Ov, the master of fate, saw this, his eyes jumped slightly, and his eyes were full of cold light.Only his lips moved slightly, but there was no sound!

And the Lord of Light behind him suddenly paused, the fierce light in his eyes suddenly skyrocketed, then raised his hand, and took a picture of the Netherworld Hotel!

The speed is so fast that the seven main gods of The Netherworld did not react at all!

“You dare!

The lady boss who had been guarding the rule of the light for a long time, slammed, and then the whole person disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in the sky above the Nether Hotel!

I saw that she hit the light master with a punch!


A loud noise spread throughout The Netherworld!

Because the wind formed by the collision instantly destroyed everything in the surrounding area of ​​100,000 miles, only the Nether Hotel behind her was still intact!

In this terrible aftermath, those with the main god Cultivation Base also retreated madly.Only the rulers of the various departments were present, and the rulers were on the court!

Even Guangming ruled under the proprietress’s self, and she retreated thousands of miles away in an instant!

And Hogg and others did not suffer any harm because of Qin Xuan!

“Augusta what do you mean?”

The boss lady’s eyes twitched slightly, and then she asked towards the ruler of light!

The other masters or master gods of the various departments are also looking at the light master for unknown reasons, and I don’t know why this light master suddenly shot!

What I want to shock everyone is that the woman in front of me is just a god clone of the Death Lord, who can actually knock the Light Lord back with a punch!

You must know that the ruler of light is the recognized first powerhouse ruled by all laws, and now it has been repelled by a god clone ruled by Death, how can this not shock everyone!

Don’t say that the other gods were shocked, even the light ruler was shocked. Others might not know, but he was clear. Although the punch just now said that he did not use his full strength, he still used eight layers of strength, but it was unexpected. Being repelled by a god clone, how can this not shock him!

On the other side, the Destiny Master didn’t say anything, but his eyes were staring at the boss’s wife, and a golden light flashed in his eyes from time to time!

“How is it possible! You are just a god clone, how can it be so strong!”

The Guangming Master looked at the boss’s wife with an ugly face, and then said in disbelief!

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