Chapter 402 Lin Lei: What!

But why doesn’t the pretty girl work here?

She feels like she was originally an independent person, except that she looks similar to the Death Lord, and is no different from ordinary people!

Precisely because of this, Lord Death is also a headache for her, but there is nothing to do with her!

In contrast, Qin Xuan was also surprised secretly.It is reasonable to say that after a person in this world becomes a god, if he becomes a god outside of his body, then any god must have the consciousness of the deity, but Death dominates this god clone is different!

She has no consciousness of the Death Lord at all, and is completely an independent personality, so sometimes, the Death Lord can’t dominate her!

“That’s right! Lin Lei! Your question should have been told to Lord Death! How, did she promise you?”

At this moment, Qin Xuan suddenly asked Lin Lei!

“Back to senior! Death Lord Lord has fulfilled her promise! It’s just…!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei also nodded and said!

“Hey? What’s the matter?

“It’s my mother…

“Aah! You really shouldn’t bother her about this! Because this is your business. If your mother can’t save it by 327, then you will be a son of man! Why? Don’t you even have this confidence? ?” Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan shook his head, then said with a smile!

“Huh! Senior don’t worry! I will definitely rescue my mother!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei exhaled at the moment, and then said with a certain expression!

“Hehe! I hope so!”

Qin Xuan replied with a smile!

the other side!

In the battlefield of face position!

Send out in one place!

Hearing a “hum” sound, the misty light lit up.

A vague figure appeared in the teleportation array, naturally exuding a terrifying aura.

“Who is this?”

The surrounding soldiers held their breaths under the pressure of this breath, and looked at the fuzzy figures in the teleportation array in horror.Just when the light of the teleportation array had just dissipated, the fuzzy figures suddenly rose to the sky and disappeared in a flash. The speed was so fast that it reached the soldiers of the realm of the upper god Realm next to it. I didn’t see it clearly.

“This is the main god! It must be the main god! Even we can’t see the speed clearly. Only the main god!”

Each soldier exclaimed.

At this moment, in the distant half (agaj) of the air, a figure suddenly appeared. The pretty girl with red hair covered in purple robe was looking northeast.

This figure is not the Death Lord, who else can it be!

Suddenly, Lord Death seemed to feel something, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and then smiled: “Vivia! Long time no see!”

“Big Sister! Millions of years! You haven’t come to see me! Don’t you recognize me as Little Sister?

As soon as the words of Death dominate, a gentle voice sounded!

I saw that an emerald green light appeared next to the pretty red-haired girl almost instantly. This was a beautiful woman shrouded in a green robe. Her eyebrows are like Xueyue, her eyes are like shining Star, and her smile is enough to make people intoxicated.

The weird thing is that she doesn’t exude a trace of soul at all. It is conceivable that the soul breath has completely converged to the extreme. High achievements in the soul.

This beautiful woman is not Vivia, the ruler of life, who else can there be!

The two met, and after chatting for a while, they flew towards the center of the face battlefield!

After learning that a master has entered the battlefield of the face position, other master gods, or the commander of the palace master, all came out to greet!

“I have seen Death ruler, life ruled two adults!”

After seeing the arrival of the Death Lord and the Life Lord, everyone present saluted!

“Yeah! Don’t be polite, just get up!

Seeing this, Lord Death and Lord Life turned towards the people below, nodded, and said!

Not long after, the black and white figures came to everyone. The two figures were a black gloomy man, looking at a white robe with white hair!

Needless to say, these two figures must be Ov, the master of fate, and Utreid, the master of destruction!

After seeing these two people, the rule of law present, and the main gods, as well as the leader of the palace, all bowed and saluted: “I have seen destiny dominate, destroy, dominate, and dominate the two adults!”

“Ah? You don’t have to be polite!”

Destiny Master Ov smiled and said to everyone’s foreheads!

And the Destruction Lord also nodded blankly!

“Okay! Let’s go in!”

At this time, Lord Death said to everyone!

After speaking, he walked towards a huge room!

Regarding the words of the Death ruler, everyone did not refute it. This seems to be a pretty girly Death ruler, but the age is as long as The Netherworld. after all. She is the first life of The Netherworld. This is also the reason why the master of life calls her Big Sister. I am afraid that among the rulers of the four rules, it is only the age of the ruler of destruction, which can be slightly compared with the ruler of death.

This is a huge hall!

After entering this hall, the four rulers sat on the first seat, while the others sat on both sides one by one. The palace masters who were not the main gods, commanders, stood in two rows!

After everyone sat down, Lord Death said directly: “Okay! Now that everyone is here, let’s start!

“Death dominates your lord! It seems that you still have a leader in the face of The Netherworld!”

At this moment, Augusta, Lord of Light, suddenly stood up, and then bowed to Lord Death and said!

“Oh! There is another leader who hasn’t arrived? Who is the leader who did not arrive?”

Hearing that, Death dominates looking at the light dominates Augusta with some playfulness!

“It seems to be called Lin Lei Baruch!”

The Lord of Light said directly without thinking about it!


Suddenly, the Death ruler had a look, then looked at the light ruler Augusta strangely, and then turned to look at the fate ruler Ov strangely!

Strange “! How can the soul of Augusta resemble Ove so much?”

At the moment, the Death Lord can’t help but think of it!

Lord Death was not hesitating at the moment. I saw a gray air current flashed past her eyes. Suddenly, Lord Death’s pupils turned to gray. However, it returned to normal in an instant. There was no one on the scene, and found that The Lord Death is strange! And Vivia, the Life Lord sitting next to the Death Lord, gave her Big Sister a weird look, because she just felt that Big Sister’s body seemed to flash with a chaotic force. Breath, although she was puzzled in her heart, she didn’t ask too much!

Regarding the Qi of Chaos, Vivia, the ruler of life, although it hasn’t been in contact for a long time, Vivia is more familiar with its aura!,

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