Chapter 398 Lin Lei, Beibei sees Lord Death again!

“Huh! So Lin Lei would like to thank Master Domination!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief at the moment, and then quickly thanked Death Lord!

“Don’t thank me, this is an agreement between me and you! Okay, tell me the name of the person you want to remember! As long as this person is still in The Netherworld, I can find him!

Lord Death waved his hand at him, then said indifferently!


“Master! I think the first person to restore his memory is my brother, named Yale Dawson!”

Hearing that, Lin Lei told his father’s name to tell Lord Death!

The Death ruler nodded slightly: “Wait a moment, my deity is searching through the heart of The Netherworld.”

If in the past, Lord Death had to pass through the heart of The Netherworld, it was possible to find someone with a name, but now, her Cultivation Base is unknown to many times higher than before. With just one idea, you can find someone!

“I found it.

Lord Death nodded and continued: “Well? Strange, it turned out to be the blood ghost family.”

“Blood ghost?”

Lei has something to ask.

“Yes, there are many races among the undead. Most mortals form blood ghosts after death. Most of them have very big resentment and killing intent to form blood ghosts. Naturally, this blood ghost is also a relatively powerful race among the undead.”

Lord Death glanced at Lin Lei, and then continued: “Good luck, he is still alive, and he is an undead in the sanctuary. Next.

Lin Lei took a deep breath, and then said, “My second brother, George.”


After Lin Lei finished speaking, the idea of ​​the Death ruler was detected, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Your second brother George, he is also alive. And he is already the next god. I don’t need me to restore his memory.


Lei couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised.

Yes, both George and Dixie died in the sanctuary. The formation of undead will reach the sanctuary, and it is indeed possible to become a god.

“The third.

Regardless of Lin Lei’s surprise, Lord Death said indifferently.

Chapter 396 Lin Lei: Can people who have lost their souls be resurrected? My father, Cui Ge!”

Seeing that the people in front were found by the Death Lord, Lin Lei was more confident at the moment, and he just spoke directly without thinking about it.

The Death ruler searched for a moment, nodded and said, “The four people you were looking for are all very good. Two become gods, and two are sanctuary. Your father is now the sanctuary undead. No wonder your father is still alive.

“Haha! I didn’t expect my father to be there!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but jump for joy!

Lin Lei was still very scared at first, but the result was so wonderful. The four people he was looking for were still alive.

In fact, the four of them are also related to Hogg. The stronger the strength, the higher the probability of survival. Both are the undead in the sanctuary, and the probability of survival is naturally much higher. Yale was so angry that he became a blood ghost. In addition, his strength was also very strong during his lifetime. Hogg, the soul is also very strong.


Just when Lin Lei was happy, suddenly Beibei’s voice came in his ear!

At this moment, he also thought of Beibei’s parents, and couldn’t help but say again: “That’s right! There are two more. They are my brother Beibei’s parents.”

“Yes. My father and mother. But I don’t know their names.

At this moment, Bei Bei also nodded quickly in agreement!

“You don’t need a name. But, wait a little longer.” Lord Death glanced at Beibei, and then replied!

Lin Lei looked at Beibei encouragingly and said through a voice transmission: “Don’t worry, Beibei. Your father was both a ninth-level Magical Beasts. His strength was strong enough during his lifetime, and he was also from the Beirut clan, and his soul should also be very powerful. The hope of living is great. high!”

Beibei took a deep breath and nodded.

Lin Lei could perceive that Beibei was very nervous at the moment. After all, Beibei had never seen his parents, and was waiting for a moment…

“Seriously, you two are really lucky.”

Lord Death looked at Lin Lei and Bei Bei with a little surprise and then continued: “Your parents are both sanctuary undead, and they are relatively powerful sanctuary undead.”

“Very good!”

Hearing this, Beibei clenched a fist suddenly and flushed with excitement.

Lin Lei is also happy for Beibei. Since her soul was upgraded, her luck seems to have improved a lot. All the relatives and friends who were looking for this time were still alive.

At this moment, Lin Lei suddenly remembered what Qin Xuan had said, own mother is still in the Light God Realm and is being controlled by others, or else take this opportunity to mention it to Lord Death to see if she can bring her mother’s light from the God Realm. return!

“Anything else?”

The Death Lord looked down at the thoughtful and excited Beibei, and couldn’t help but ask!

0….seeking flowers…

“Master! Can you bring people back from other faces?”

Lin Lei raised his head as soon as Death’s dominion’s words were over, and asked expectantly!

“The two brought them back from another face?”

Hearing this, Lord Death couldn’t help but startled, but she soon recovered. She couldn’t help but look at Lin Lei and said amusedly: “It doesn’t seem to be in our agreement, right?”

“Master! As long as you can bring my mother back from the Bright God Realm, I can give up all my merits!”

Seeing the smile of Lord Death, Lin Lei also said hurriedly!

“Your mother?”

After hearing Lin Lei’s words, Lord Death understood everything that happened, and couldn’t help but directly said: “No! I would rather give you some master artifacts, or Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, than help you casually, from other sides. Bring someone back!”


Lin Lei asked puzzledly!

This kind of thing is not very simple for Lord Death, is it? Why would she rather give her own master artifact, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, rather than bring her own mother from the Light God Realm?

“I understand a little bit about your mother. If I take your mother from the Lord of Light, it will be equivalent to owing him a favor, and your merits are not worth the price I paid!”

Seeing Lin Lei’s puzzled look, Lord Death couldn’t help but explain with a smile!

Although, she hasn’t said that the light governs To put in one’s eyes, but for a Lin Lei who has only met twice, he can’t offend a governor!

Even if this Lin Lei is very extraordinary in Tang senior’s words, he still has no right to let himself do this!

After listening to Lord Death’s explanation, Lin Lei couldn’t help showing disappointment!

“That’s right! I’m telling you the news, that is, all souls that fall into the hands of the Lord of Light. It is absolutely impossible to be free again. I tell you… the angels of the God Realm of Light. That is completely loyal to the light. Lord Gods, there can be no two minds at all. Even if you find the angel your mother has turned into, it is impossible to let her return.

At this time, Lord Death said again!

Lin Lei also heard Qin Xuan mention this, and naturally knew that the Death Lord didn’t lie to himself, but he didn’t know what to do now!

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