Chapter 392: Opening Up a Secret Realm! (1)

Sitting on the stone bench, Qin Xuan glared at the return of Lord Death and Hongmeng, and picked up the tea on the stone table and drank it!

At this time, I saw the streamer dragging a long trace, flying towards here quickly, and after a while, the two streamers came to Qin Xuan!

“Haha! Don fellow daoist, I’m sorry to keep you waiting for a long time!

Needless to say, these two streams of light must be Lord Death and Hongmeng. I saw Hongmeng appearing in shape, and then said to Qin Xuan with an apologetic look!

“I have seen Tang senior!”

After the Death Lord appeared, he respectfully rushed to Qin Xuan cupped fist!

“Aha! It’s okay!”

“Right! How did you test it, did you succeed?”

Qin Xuan waved his hand, then asked curiously!

“Yeah! It worked!

“Right! Don fellow daoist, I wonder if you still have…”

Hongmeng nodded, then asked Qin Xuan expectantly!

“Chaotic Stone?”


“I do still have a lot of chaotic stubborn stones, but this is not the only way to give you the mouth!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan smiled and said!

“Haha! Don’t worry, Don fellow daoist, behave. Death fellow daoist has already been very much like I told you just now! I can trade 327 for you with things!”

Seeing this, Hongmeng couldn’t help but laughed, and then said with a face that I knew what to do!

“Ah! Then there is no problem!”

Qin Xuan also nodded in satisfaction!

Although Qin Xuan doesn’t like the treasures of Hongmeng at all, it is useless to keep the Chaos Stone by itself.It is better to exchange it for the Hongmeng he knows!

“So! Thank you Tang fellow daoist!”

Seeing Qin Xuan nodded affirmatively, Hongmeng’s face was also very excited, and immediately thanked Qin Xuan!

After seeing Lord Death leave, Qin Xuan looked at Hongmeng and smiled and said, “Ah! What? Hongmeng fellow daoist, do you want to cultivate Chaos Body?”

“Haha! I can’t hide anything from Tang fellow daoist! I do have this plan!”

Hearing this, Hongmeng couldn’t help but laughed, and then replied!

I have seen that the chaos body dominated by Death can actually absorb the violent chaos aura in the chaos. This makes him, a guy in the Cultivation Base who has not had an Ascension for a long time, how can he not be moved!

“Then what are you going to change with me?”

Qin Xuan asked!


“I don’t know what Tang fellow daoist you like, these are all of my collection! You can take whatever you like!”

At this moment, Hongmeng said suddenly!

After speaking, he waved his hand, and suddenly, six things appeared in front of Qin Xuan’s eyes!

Such things are all at the level above Innate Lingbao, or Spiritual Roots!

However, for these things, Qin Xuan really doesn’t look good, so he said: “Forget it! Hongmeng fellow daoist, or else, if you promise me that I know the conditions, I will give you chaos and stubborn stones?”

Come to think of it, this Hongmeng fellow daoist should only know Closed Door Training cultivation all year round, and has never gone out to hunt for treasures.

“Uh! What conditions do you say! As long as I can handle it, I will definitely not refuse!”

Seeing this, Hongmeng knew what Qin Xuan meant. At the moment, he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, but when he thought of the power of the Chaos Body, he couldn’t help but promise!

Indeed, as Qin Xuan thought, this Hongmeng did not look for treasures. Of course, it was not that he didn’t want to find it, but he was thinking that the whole world was opened up by himself, and there are any treasures in it that can enter the eyes of the Ownership, so there is no Find in the world you have created!

As for the chaos, he had searched for it, but Mao didn’t find one. Instead, he was almost lost in it. If it weren’t for the Hongmeng Gold List, maybe he could come out now, or two!

“Well! I haven’t figured out the conditions yet. When I think about it, I’m telling you. Of course, I won’t embarrass you and propose conditions beyond your ability!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan groaned for a while, then looked at him and said!

“So! Thank you Tang fellow daoist over there!”

After listening to Qin Xuan’s words, at the moment, Hongmeng didn’t even think about it, so he nodded and turned back!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan did not hesitate, and directly handed him the space ring, and then said: “Hongmeng fellow daoist, the chaotic stubborn stone in it should be enough for you to cultivate into a chaotic body!”

After receiving the space ring from Qin Xuan, Hongmeng was also very excited. At the moment, he couldn’t wait to release his own Divine Sense and leaned into the ring!

I saw that there was a pile of gray stones in the ring. When these stones were piled up, they were as high as a small hill!

After looking at it for a while, Hongmeng took back Divine Sense, and then said with a grateful look: “Tang fellow daoist! Thank you! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have this chance!”

Hongmeng knew that with one condition, there would be no chance to cultivate into a chaotic body. In other words, this chaotic body was given away by Tang fellow daoist and own!

At the moment, the Hong family couldn’t help but secretly said: “When the time comes, no matter what conditions Tang fellow daoist proposes, I will work hard to help him complete it, even if it is to get rid of his own life, I will not hesitate!

“Haha! You don’t have to thank me, we are equivalent exchange, know?”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan waved his hand and said with a smile!

Seeing what Qin Xuan said, Hongmeng knew that Qin Xuan was giving himself a step down, and he was deeply moved at the moment!

If Qin Xuan knew what Hongmeng was thinking now, he would definitely say: “Child! You think too much!”

Indeed, Qin Xuan really doesn’t like that, the six things of Hongmeng, but, in Qin Xuan’s opinion, he still makes a profit for one of the conditions and favors of Hongmeng!

After all, can a dignified creator, his conditions and favors, be so easy to obtain?

You know, people at their level of Cultivation Base pay the most attention to face and heart!

If they owe others their promises and favors, they will do their best to pay them back.Otherwise, even if Heart’s Demon is not produced, Heart’s Demon can’t help them!

However, they always have a pimple in their hearts, which is also very detrimental to their Ascension of Cultivation Base!

the other side!

The Death Lord returned according to the original path, and returned to The Netherworld in a short while, then he flashed back and returned to his palace in the Nether Mountain!

“This deity! What’s wrong? Have you created a secret realm by yourself?”

After seeing the return of the own main body Death, the pretty girl asked quickly!

“not yet!

Lord Death shook his head and said!,

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