Chapter 388 Death Lord

After looking at the gold list, Qin Xuan curled his lips in disdain!

The Death master also stared at the gold list curiously, wanting to see what the gold list does!

At this time, the gold list slowly opened, and the Death master quickly looked towards the gold list, only to see the gold list, the first line only has the word Hong. To be precise, the entire gold list only has the word in the left corner, and the rest are blank!

At the moment, she couldn’t help but feel a little strange, what exactly is this gold list used for, why except for the word “Hong”, everything else is blank!

“How is it possible! How could Hongmeng Jinbang not have your name?”

At this time, he suddenly shouted in horror: “How is it possible! How can you not have your name on the Hongmeng Gold List?”

Just as Lord Death was staring at the gold list curiously, he suddenly heard the cry of Hongmeng!

Turning around and looking, I saw Hongmeng now, staring at the gold list with a shocked look, as if he had seen something incredible!

“Hongmeng fellow daoist! Has something happened?”

At the moment, Lord Death couldn’t help but ask curiously!

“No, nothing!”

Hongmeng replied!

However, when Death dominates, Hongmeng’s heart is extremely shocked!

“What the hell is going on? Hongmeng Gold List does not include the name of Death fellow daoist! Isn’t he already detached from this world? Why isn’t his name included in the Hongmeng Gold List?”

Hongmeng frowned, thinking in puzzlement!

You should know that after you get the Hongmeng Gold List, you know some of the Hongmeng of the Gold List. Its first function is to include things that exceed the load of this world, or creatures!

But now, what is going on with this Death fellow daoist? Isn’t she detached from this world?

But it’s not right. Although her current Cultivation Base is indeed not as high as her own, she can still feel that she is indeed detached from this world!

In fact, what Hongmeng doesn’t know is that the Hongmeng Gold List is a supreme treasure evolved from this chaotic world (similar to the good fortune jade disc in the prehistoric world). Can’t show its power!

And according to the Hongmeng Gold List, the Death Lord did not detach from this world. As for, why did Qin Xuan and Hongmeng say that she was detached from this world?

That’s because the main cultivation path in this world is the rule and the law. And Death Lord, in a sense, can no longer be regarded as a traditional cultivator of this party.She is now regarded as a flesh-cultivator, so her name is not included in the gold list!

Because the gold list can only include the traditional cultivator of this world, and the Death ruler is now regarded as an alternative enlightenment, so the gold list can not be included!

“Huh! What the hell is going on?”

Hongmeng lowered his head, very puzzled in his heart!

“Uh! Hongmeng fellow daoist, I know a little bit about this, but it’s just a guess!”

Seeing Hongmeng alone was lost there, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but said!

“Late Tang fellow daoist know the reason?

Hearing this, Hongmeng couldn’t help looking at Qin Xuan, and then asked curiously!

Qin Xuan nodded, and then said his own guess!

“The body of chaos?

After listening to Qin Xuan’s explanation, a strange color flashed in Hongmeng’s eyes. Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately continued to ask Qin Xuan: “That said, Death fellow daoist has cultivated into a chaotic body, then Isn’t it possible to absorb the Qi of Chaos at will?

After speaking, his eyes couldn’t help looking at Lord Death!

Of course “! Absorbing the Qi of Chaos is the basic ability of the Body of Chaos. If you can’t absorb the Qi of Chaos, then what right do you have to call it a Body of Chaos!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but gave Hongmeng a glance, which seemed to be saying, why do you ask such an idiot question, and then said!

Really “can absorb the air of chaos?”

Seeing Qin Xuan’s face affirmed, Hongmeng’s eyes lit up, and then he said to the Death Lord next to him: “Death fellow daoist, you come into a place with me!”

After speaking, he rushed out!

Seeing this, although Lord Death was puzzled, he still followed!

Of course, Qin Xuan knew that Hongmeng was going to take the Death Lord, so he couldn’t help but shook his head, and then sat down, ready to wait for them here!

But he said, Lord Death rushed out of the land tens of meters in radius and chased Hongmeng all the way!

Darkness, everything is darkness! There is nothing, there is no color, there is endless darkness with knowledge!

0.……Look for flowers…

Lord Death quickly caught up with Hongmeng. At the moment, Lord Death asked, “Hongmeng fellow daoist, where are you taking me?”

“Into the chaos!”

Hongmeng said without looking back!

“In the chaos?

Hearing that, Lord Death couldn’t help but brighten her eyes, because she suddenly thought that the chaotic stubborn stones she used for her cultivation were obtained by Tang Senior from the chaos!

“Hongmeng fellow daoist! Is there a chaotic stone in the chaos?” Thinking of this, Lord Death couldn’t help looking at Hongmeng expectantly, and then asked! First time…

“Chaotic Stone? What is that?

Hearing that, Hongmeng is also looking at Death Lord with a confused look!


“Eh? It’s a kind of stone, with chaos in it, it can provide people with cultivation!”

Seeing this, Lord Death explained without thinking about it!

However, it was strange in his heart. Didn’t Tang senior say that there are chaos stubborn stones in the chaos? How could the Hongmeng fellow daoist not know? Did Tang senior lie to himself?

In fact, it was the Death Lord who misunderstood Qin Xuan’s words!

Qin Xuan said that there is a chaos stone in the chaos, but it is true, but what Qin Xuan said in the chaos is not the chaos of this world, but the chaos of the wild world!

And what is the chaotic stone? It was formed when the three thousand chaotic demon gods in the chaos were cultivating when the 3,000 chaotic demon gods in the chaos were discharged from their own body, and then after many years of pregnancy, the chaos was born. Angry!

And this world does not have three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and it is impossible to give birth to a Chaos Demon God, so how can there be a Chaos Demon God!

“Eh? Why do you want to absorb the chaotic gas in the chaotic stone? Isn’t it better to absorb it directly?”

After listening to Lord Death’s explanation, Hongmeng was also puzzled, and immediately asked a little puzzled!

There is so much Chaos Qi in the Chaos, why not directly absorb it, but from a stone, this is not to lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds?

If it were not for the inability to directly absorb the Qi of Chaos, I would not be so stupid, leaving so much of the Qi of Chaos in the Chaos to not absorb it, but instead of absorbing the Qi of Chaos from a small stone! Nine!

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