Chapter 386: Seeing Hongmeng Again!

At this moment, the seven main gods who were guarding the entire Nether Mountain suddenly heard a voice!

“You all come over to see me!”

After hearing this sudden sound, the seven were obviously shocked!

“Why is this voice so familiar? By the way, isn’t this the voice that dominates the lord?”

After a while, the seven people reacted.Isn’t this the voice of the Death Lord that he had heard before waiting for others?

After confirming that this was the voice of Lord Death, the seven of them couldn’t help but slapped wit, and then they did not dare to hesitate, following the direction given by Lord Death, and flew quickly!

Although I don’t understand why Lord Death wants to call himself and others, but this is the call of Lord Death, no matter what the reason, I and others must go and see you!

“I’ve seen Master Master!”

After a while, I was irritated and came to the front of Lord Death, and then bowed respectfully!

Hearing that, Lord Death also nodded at the seven of them!

“I don’t know if Master Master called me to wait, why?”

At this time, a main god suddenly asked!

“It’s like this…”

Seeing them ask, Lord Death began to explain to them!

So, I told them everything I discussed with Qin Xuan!

“Master, do you want to open up material aspects?”

After listening to Lord Death’s explanation, a Lord God couldn’t help asking!

They still have some understanding of the development of material planes.After all, for the main god, it is still possible to open up some material planes!

“No! I am planning to open up a secret realm! You will know it by then!

Hearing that, Lord Death shook his head involuntarily, and then said!

“Then I don’t know how to dominate, what do we need to do?” Another master god asked!

“During the time when I opened up the secret realm, you must guard the Nether Mountain so that no one can enter!” Death dominated the seven of them and said!

“Master Master! I’ll wait to know!”

Hearing that, the seven main gods hurriedly replied respectfully!

Seeing this, Lord Death nodded in satisfaction, then waved his hand at them, and said, “Okay! Go back!”

As soon as she finished speaking, the seven main gods flew away one after another!

After the seven main gods left one after another, a figure slowly appeared beside her, needless to say, who else could this person be if he wasn’t Qin Xuan!

“Where are you going to open up a secret realm?

After Qin Xuan appeared, he rushed to the Death Lord next to him and asked!

“I don’t know! I wonder if senior has any suggestions?

Asked by Qin Xuan, Lord Death shook his head involuntarily, and then asked Qin Xuan!

Qin Xuan pondered for a while, and then said: “Go! Come with me to meet someone, I believe he should have some experience in developing noodles!”

“See someone? Who is senior taking me to meet?” Upon hearing this, the Death master couldn’t help but ask with curiosity!

“Aah! You’ll know when you go! You have to get to know Xiao this person well! It may help you in the future!” Qin Xuan smiled and didn’t tell her who this person is, just said mysteriously!

After speaking, when Lord Death didn’t react, he waved his hand and saw that the two had disappeared!

In one place, there is endless chaotic energy everywhere, and in the center of this ground, there is a piece of land tens of meters in a circle. The short laurel, under the laurel is a stone table and a few stone benches.

And on one of the stone benches, there was a middle-aged man sitting, this middle-aged man, wearing a simple linen gown, with his long hair casually dangled, looked rough!

I saw the middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes, and then muttered to himself: “Tang Fellow Daoist’s understanding of the law is really unfathomable. He didn’t expect that he would just give himself a little pointer and let himself understand it for so long. There is no end to comprehension!

“However, if I can fully comprehend the laws taught by the Tang fellow daoist, I believe I will break through the current Realm and reach an unknown Realm!”

After the middle-aged man sighed, he suddenly laughed happily, and then said with a certain expression!

Haha “! Hongmeng fellow daoist, what’s so happy about it? How about sharing it also makes me happy and happy!”

Yes, this middle-aged man is Hongmeng, the creator of Panlong Universe!

Just when Hongmeng was happy, suddenly a voice came into his ears!

Hearing that, Hongmeng couldn’t help but follow the prestige, only to see that there were two people standing behind him, one man and one woman!

When Hongmeng saw the man, he couldn’t help but become more happy, and he didn’t laugh at the same time, and then said: “Haha! Tang fellow daoist, you are back!”

This male one is Qin Xuan and Death dominating the two!

Qin Xuan was also very happy after hearing what the chicken family said. Feng Jia Shenfang, who was not angry at the moment, walked over, and then sat down!

“Yes! There is something wrong this time, so I come back to find you!”

After Qin Xuan sat down, he nodded and said!

“Hehe! Tang fellow daoist! You came to me when something happened! When nothing happened, did you forget me!”

Hearing that, Hongmeng couldn’t help joking!

“You are not a beautiful woman, who will remember you as a child?”

Seeing Hongmeng joking with himself, Qin Xuan, who was in a good mood, also joked!


Hearing that, Hongmeng couldn’t help but a smile flashed in his eyes, then glanced at the Death Lord next to him, and asked with a playful look: “Tang fellow daoist! Could this be the harvest of your going out this time?

I don’t know how Death dominates Hongmeng. At that time (good) Death dominates when he first absorbed the Qi of Chaos, so he started to pay attention! After all, he is the pioneer of this world. Can he not pay attention to what happened in his world?

However, after I learned that the Death Lord was related to Qin Xuan, I stopped paying attention to it!

Unexpectedly, Qin Xuan came back this time and brought back the Death Lord. It seems that the guess has been correct! The relationship between the Death Lord and Tang fellow daoist is extraordinary!


After hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but froze, and then some Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry said: “Hongmeng fellow daoist, things are not what you think, forget it, Hongmeng fellow daoist, I will bring her here this time. , Mainly because she has something to ask you!”

After speaking, Qin Xuan turned his head and looked at the side with a curious look. He looked at the Death Lord around him, and immediately said to her, “If you have any questions, just ask him!”

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