Chapter 375 Isn’t there something wrong with this black head?

At this time, Fazuro Kell was in a dilemma. If he did not let the black rise out, he was afraid of offending the three unpredictable people in Cultivation Base!

If you let it go, I don’t know if they can stop Heiqi.If you let Heiqi start, then so much effort by yourself and Chen Nan is not in vain?

“Aah! Okay, let’s stop forcing him, or else. Brother Shi Hao, don’t you know Chen Nan? It’s a big deal, we wait for him to come back and talk about it, anyway, it won’t take a few days!

At this time, Ye Fan also knew that he and others were embarrassing others. After all, they didn’t know you. Why did they work so hard to trap the black rise? Because of your few words, the black rise was released!

No one wants to change it, isn’t it?

“Huh? Know Chen Nan? Shi Wu Junior Brother? Wait! Shi Hao will not save him as Chen Nan just mentioned, and will kill Songtsen Debu, who is also one of the seven kings with Heiqi. The senior who died?”

At this time, Fazuluoker suddenly heard the name Shi Wu, 06 instantly thought that the senior mentioned in Chen Nan’s mouth, so he stared at Shi Hao with uncertainty!

“Uh? What are you doing looking at me like this?”

Seeing Fazuro Kaier looking at him with strange eyes, Shi Hao was also puzzled at the moment, so he asked in a puzzled way!

“This senior, your name is Shi Wu?”

Hearing that, although he didn’t understand why he asked, Shi Hao still nodded!

“Senior once saved Chennan? And killed Songtsen Debu?”

“Well! I saved Chennan, but who is Songtsan Deb? I don’t know at all!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao disappeared and nodded, then asked with some doubts!

“Uh! That’s the person who fought against Chennan at that time, he is Songtsen Debu!”

“Late! You mean, the guy who sneaked from behind? I didn’t even think about killing him at the time, but who let him sneak attack on me from behind! If you said him, then I was indeed stupid! ”

After hearing Fazurokai’s explanation, Shi Hao suddenly realized it, and then said!

Hearing this, Fazuluoker was also a little stunned.Although he had heard Chen Nan mention this, he didn’t know what happened. He didn’t expect that the course of the matter was actually like this. Then Songtsen Debu was not dead. Too wrong?

If he had not attacked the senior behind his back at the time, he would not have been killed!

At the same time, Fazulokal’s heart was completely relieved, because he knew that the few people in front of him could not be the people of the fifth realm. One of Songtsen Deb, and killed him!

Indeed, as Fazuro Kaier thought, Shi Hao was only on Chen Nan at the time, and he felt the aura of loneliness and defeat, so he went to ask.

Seeing if he knows where the lonely defeat is, he never thought of killing Songtsen Debu. So, Songtsen Debu died too unjustly. If he suddenly attacked Shi Hao from behind, Shi Hao would not. Will kill him!

“Senior! Since you killed Songtsen Debu, I think it should not be the enemy, now I will release the black rise!

At this moment, Fazuro Kyle said suddenly!

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Shi Hao and others to react, they rushed towards the big formation!


Seeing this, Shi Hao and the others couldn’t help but stunned. Just now, they waited for someone to say something bad, and I didn’t see him being so active. Why did you ask Shi Hao a few words, it became so active!

Ye Fan, Immortal Emperor Corpse and Du Yuxin couldn’t help looking at Shi Hao, and then Ye Fan asked: “Junior Brother Shi Wu, what’s going on?”

“I do not know either?”

And Shi Wu also shook his head blankly!

“Ah! Master, Ye Fan senior, I know!”

At this time, Du Yuxin suddenly exclaimed!


Then the three of them looked at her!

“It should be Chen Nan who saved him by Shi Hao senior and told Fazu Luo Kaier. Therefore, Luo Kaier only became so active after hearing the name of Shi Wu senior!” Looking at herself, Du Yuxin smiled and explained!

“So, it’s no wonder he has become so active!”

Hearing this, the three of them suddenly realized it!

Here, Fazuluo Kaier has come to the big formation, and then began to raise the magic arts!

As early as when Chennan and Demeng entered the Fifth Realm, just in case, they had already handed over the tactics for the operation of the two large formations to Fazulokal. Therefore, Fazulokal naturally knew that, How to control these two large array methods!

After a while, the running speed of the large array suddenly slowed down!

And in the big formation, Heiqi kept attacking this big formation.At this time, he naturally felt that the speed of the big formation seemed to suddenly slow down, and he was also overjoyed at the moment, thinking that something happened outside. The speed of the big array will slow down! Mobile phone.

However, I would never think that the speed of the big formation suddenly slowed down. It is not that something happened outside, but Fazuro Kell is ready to release him. Therefore, the speed of the big formation will slow down, because Three big bosses came outside!

If Hei Qi knew the reason, he would rather stay in the formation longer than think about going out!

After a while, the big formation finally stopped, and the seven beams of light slowly shrank until 280 disappeared!

And the thirteen flags also rose into the air, turning into streams of light, flying around!

“Haha! Chennan, Demeng, Fazu, I finally came out, this time I don’t want to kill you chickens and dogs! I want to occupy the entire heaven!”

With the big array cracking, the black laughter finally came out!

At this time, Fazuluoker had returned to Shi Hao and the others, and after hearing Heiqi’s words, he looked at him with a sympathetic look!

But I was thinking: “This should still be hopeless! Before I figured out the situation, I dared to make such a rhetoric!

At this time, I said that the most excited person was Du Yuxin. The reason why she wanted to go black just now was mainly because she wanted to kill Heiqi for revenge!

After all, I now have the Immortal Emperor Corpse as a teacher.

So, why is she the happiest person present!

“Roquet! You die for me!”

At this time, Hei Qi also noticed the existence of Ye Fan and others.

Seeing this scene, the three of Shi Hao were also taken aback, then glanced at each other, and they all found speechlessness in each other’s eyes!

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