Chapter 366

Being hit by the peerless killer with a single knife, the golden python was instantly injured!

“In my name, blood washes the world!

I saw, the golden python roared crazy!

It is based on own flesh and blood, and supplemented by spiritual magic, and it has cast a blood heavenly forbidden curse. This is a very terrible magic. The horrible magic of cannibalism.

The bloody light raged across the sky, engulfing the dark clouds, and flooding the blue sky above the dark clouds. The hundreds of thousands of gods and demons behind the Peerless Killing God were wailing in fear, and the ear-piercing ghost howls. Sound shakes the world!

In the endless blood, the shadows of the hundreds of thousands of resentful souls were constantly blurred, and they were wiped out by half of Spirit Power.

The Peerless Killing God’s body was in the most central position of the blood light, and it shattered twice in a row, but in the end it was reorganized again. He screamed, and endless murderous aura came out. It was his killing intent to the sky, and it was a terrible Killing intent that gathered thousands of creatures to kill.

Hundreds of thousands of gods and demons are everywhere, the original weak and almost collapsed, but with the supply of the black endless Killing intent, all of them show up again, howling frantically.

Seeing this, Chen Nan’s eyes suddenly brightened.He knew that this was a rare opportunity to know, so he rushed towards the Peerless Killing God without saying a word!

Silently, I saw that Chen Nan had already come to the top of the Peerless Killing God!

I saw Chen Nan holding the first soldier Fang Tian’s painted halberd in both hands, head down and feet, swooping down from the sky, like a god and demon from outside the sky! Stabbed towards the peerless killing god!

There was a burst of blood and light, and the fierce soldier Fang Tian painted a sharp halberd blade straight into the body of the peerless killer. With a tragic howl, above the clouds, the hundreds of thousands of gods and demons followed in unison crying.

At this moment, the Peerless Killing God had a hideous face, and his eyes almost stared out.

And the fierce soldier Fang Tian painted a halberd. From his mind, Xueliang’s halberd blade was directly pierced from his lower body. Chen Nan’s attack from outside the sky directly penetrated him!

Peerless Killing God yelled frantically, and his black hair was dancing frantically, his pain was extremely painful.

However, Chen Nan was holding the halberd firmly, stirring wildly. Not only was he destroying the body of Peerless Killing God, but he was also doing his best to crush his soul.

Because he knew that just simply destroying the body of the Peerless Killing God, he would be able to recover after a while, so destroying his soul is the main thing!


The Peerless Killing God screamed loudly, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Fang Tian’s painted halberd, and then used force!


The sound of a lifetime’s fracture came from Fang Tian’s painted halberd body!


Chen Nan exclaimed in disbelief!

With his own power alone, he can break the murderous soldier Fang Tian’s halberd.How can this not shock Chen Nan?


Fang Tian’s painting halberd broke open all at once!

I saw the Peerless Killing God, suddenly dropped the broken Fang Tian painted halberd, and then slammed a fist at Chen Nan who was still holding half of the Fang Tian painted halberd!

A punch hit, Chen Nan spit out a mouthful of blood, and then took half of the Fang Tian painted halberd, and flew out suddenly!

After Chen Nan flew out, the Peerless Killing God suddenly let out a long howl, and then pulled out the other half of the Fang Tian painted halberd that had pierced into his body!

“Huh, huh, huh!”

After pulling out Fang Tian’s painted halberd, the Peerless Killing God also knelt to the ground, panting heavily!

It seems that Chen Nan’s attack just now caused him to be seriously injured!

This world is divided into six realms.

The first realm is the human realm, and it is the place where human beings live!

The second realm is the heaven, where the god-level figures are located!

The Three Realms is a place of exile, a place dedicated to sealing dangerous people!

The Underworld exists on the first to seventeenth floors in the fourth world, but it has been broken for unknown reasons before the year!

The Fifth Realm is where the Seven Kings live!

As for the sixth realm, it is extremely mysterious. No one has ever known what exactly exists in it, only that the Qijue Heavenly Maiden who once powerfully shocked the world was born in it!

The Peerless Killing God was originally called Heiqi, and he was one of the seven kings of the Fifth Realm. He killed 400,000 immortals in one day, and he was also the coldest-blooded one of the seven kings!

As for why people now call them the Big Six Demon Monarch, it is because one of them was the last time they fought Chen Nan, but was later stopped by Shi Wu and attacked Shi Hao, so he was destroyed by Shi Wu!

“Ah! That person is so amazing! You won’t die like this! Senior, who are they?

Seeing that Heiqi was pierced and never died, the girl couldn’t help but exclaimed, then looked at Shi Hao and asked!

“Ah! The one wearing black armor should be what you call the seventh largest, no, now it should be said to be the sixth largest, he is the black Demon Monarch of one of the six largest Demon Monarch!

“As for the golden python, it used to be a Fazu in the West, but due to a great battle, it only left a spirit behind. As for the resurrection now. But looking at him, it shouldn’t be a good thing. !”

As for the young man who pierced Heiqi with a halberd, well, he seems to be named Chen Nan, a resurrected person, his identity is very mysterious, I don’t know until now, but there should be many strong people behind him!

Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but raised his finger and counted, instantly changing the identity of Heiqi and the golden python, and then said!

But when Chen Nan was counted, only a trace could be counted, and the others were vague, as if everything about him was suddenly covered up!

“Heiqi? The culprit who destroyed my Du’s family?”

When Shi Wu mentioned that Heiqi is one of the six Demon Monarchs, the girl’s eyes were red, and her eyes were staring at Heiqi Demon Monarch, her hands curled up involuntarily!

As for Shi Wu’s words, she didn’t seem to listen to it at all, and even said that she didn’t care.Now the girl’s eyes are only the culprit who destroyed her family!

Seeing this, Shi Hao knew what the girl was thinking in her heart. He couldn’t help but shook her head and said: “You found Li’s) If it’s not his opponent, it’s just an extra life to go there!!

“Huh! senior, can I worship you as a teacher?”

The girl seemed to listen to Shi Hao’s words suddenly, exhaled immediately, and then looked at Shi Wu and asked expectantly!


Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but stunned, but many of them reacted, only to see him shook his head sharply and said: “I don’t accept apprentices! And, now I don’t have time to teach apprentices! But…

Seeing Shi Hao refused to pick him up without even thinking about it, the girl seemed extremely disappointed, and her face instantly dimmed a lot!

But at the end of the hearing, the girl’s eyes lit up, and a look of hope appeared in her mouth. She hurriedly asked: “Senior! But what?”

“But I know two people, and when I see them, I will introduce you to them!

Shi Wu explained!

Seeing the girl worshipped as a teacher, Shi Hao couldn’t help being speechless for a while!

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