Chapter 354

But he said that Borrei got the Nether Fruit, so he saw Lord Death, and proposed that he wanted to be a messenger!

And when Lord Death learned that he had a talent for foreboding danger, he also moved to accept him as a messenger!

“Do you want to be a messenger?

Lord Death looked at Borrelay and asked!

Bollery nodded excitedly without even thinking about it!

After all, I have come to Nether Mountain so many times to find Nether Fruit and become a messenger, and now, I am going to be a messenger, and also the messenger of Death Lord, how can this not make him excited?

“Good! From now on, you will be my fourth messenger!”

At this time, Lord Death also smiled and said to Bollery!

“The fourth messenger Borrei, meet your master!”

Hearing this, Bollery hurriedly knelt down and shouted!

“Hey! Get up!”

Lord Death nodded at him to signal him to get up! Then after Borrelay stood up, he continued to ask: “Borrelay, what type of main artifact do you want?”

This is her rule. After someone becomes an own messenger, she will give them a master artifact. Of course, they have to choose what type of master artifact!

“It will dominate your lord, I want, the main artifact of the soul defense type!

Hearing this, Burleri replied respectfully!

When the Death Lord heard it, he nodded involuntarily!

Sure enough, someone who has a talent for foreseeing danger, the first thing that comes to mind is to protect his own soul!

You know, although the powerful physical attack moves are very powerful, this is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is the invisible and invisible soul attack. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

After all, no matter how powerful a physical attack is, it can be seen and touched, while a soul attack is invisible and cannot be touched. Even, sometimes you don’t know how you got it! By the time you react, it’s already time. It’s too late!

Seeing his Death Lord stretched out his hand and waved, a master artifact similar to a bronze mirror appeared in front of Bollery out of thin air!

“This main artifact is given to you. As long as it is not from the Cultivation Base, it will be difficult to break its defenses for a while!” Seeing a person excited by Borrelay, Lord Death explained with a smile!

“Boleley, thank you Lord Master!”

Bollery hurriedly thanked him, and then reached out his hand to take the mirror in front of him!

Looking at the bronze mirror in his hand, Burleri was very excited. Why did he enter the dangerous Nether Mountain so many times, and not to become the envoy of the Lord God?

But now, not only has he become a messenger, but he has also become the first strongest in The Netherworld, the master messenger of the Death ruler, and he has also obtained the main artifact of soul defense.How can this not make him excited!

“Okay! Now that there is nothing wrong, you should go down first! By the way, Borrelay, go to the Green Leaf Castle and find the three fort masters, they will naturally arrange for you!”

Seeing that everything had been resolved, Lord Death waved to the one person and two snakes below, and said!

“Yes! Subordinates retire!”

Hearing that, one person and two snakes respectfully saluted, and then walked outside the palace!

“Congratulations, Lord Burreley!”

After walking out of the palace, the two big snakes of gold and silver hurriedly said to Bollery of joy!

“Ah! Don’t be angry, we will be our own people in the future! If I find something that I don’t understand, I won’t be able to reject the two by then!”

Hearing this, Burreley also smiled and replied!

Although these two big snakes are not messengers, they have always guarded the Nether Mountain, and they can be regarded as the closest person to dominate the lord, so it is always right to have a good relationship with these two big snakes!

“Haha! Lord Bollery, as long as you have anything to do, just come to us, as long as we can do it, we will definitely not refuse!”

Hearing this, the golden snake couldn’t help but laughed, and then said!

“Yeah! Those two, I will leave first. After all, Lord Master ordered me to go to Green Leaf Castle and meet the three fort lord! Borrelet” nodded, and said!

“Okay! Since it’s Master Master’s order, then we don’t dare to bother too much! Master Borrelay, go slowly!”

Hearing that, the two big snakes also hurriedly said!

Seeing this, Burleri soared into the air, and then flew towards the outside of Nether Mountain, and his figure quickly disappeared into the sky!

In the palace!

After the two big snakes, Bollery and Jinyin, left, Weiwei looked at Lord Death and said with a smile: “Big Sister, although your messenger Cultivation Base is not very good, but his talent for premonition of danger is quite good. of!

0……Look for flowers………

“Aah! It’s his talent that I made him my messenger, otherwise you think that his mere upper god Cultivation Base can enter my Dharma Eye?”

Hearing that, the Death ruler couldn’t help but smile, and then explained!

Indeed, as she said, except for the Dzogchen high-ranking god who can enter some of her Dharma eyes, other high-ranking gods, she usually doesn’t even care!

If it weren’t for Borreley to get the Nether Fruit, and she didn’t want to break the rules she set, she would meet Borreley, otherwise, she would have sent Borreley away!

“Okay Big Sister! We won’t mention your messenger anymore. By the way, Big Sister, do you need to pay attention to the cultivation of Chaos Qi?” Hearing that, Wei Wei Ya doesn’t pay attention to Borreley, after all, although his talent is Not bad, but it’s that way, so the Death Lord asked!


After all, cultivating the Qi of Chaos is the most important thing. If there is any mistake that causes one to cultivate the Qi of Chaos, then I don’t know where to cry!

Moreover, I heard Big Sister said that the cultivation of chaos is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will be in danger of falling, so Vivia has to treat it with caution!

Hearing that, Lord Death also knows that the cultivation of Chaos Qi is extremely dangerous, so her face can’t help being dignified.After all, the first time she cultivated Chaos Qi, she almost fell!

Therefore, Lord Death told Vivia about the first time he cultivated the feeling of chaos!

the other side!

After leaving the Nether Mountain, Bollery flew towards the Nether Hotel at the foot of the mountain!

Bollery entered the Nether Hotel, and then walked directly to the own room!

When he came to the door of the room, Borrelay raised his hand and knocked on the door!


After a while, a cautious voice came from the room!

“Haha! Bronn, it’s me!

Hearing this, Burreley also responded with a smile!


As soon as I finished speaking in Borrelay, we opened up all of a sudden!

I saw, standing behind the door knowing the brawny man. When the brawny man saw Burreley, his face couldn’t help but show a happy smile, and then said: “Brother! You are back! Come in quickly!”

After speaking, Bron stepped aside and motioned for Bolley to come in!

After Bollery entered, Bron shut the door of the room! Nine.

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