Chapter 345 Vivia: The power to destroy the rules is at hand!

Seeing Utrede, the master of destruction, slowly fell into the trap of own, Vivia stimulated him again!

“Hu! How could I be afraid of the old man Ove? Okay, what should you and I do now?” Sure enough, the Destruction Lord Utreid screamed in dissatisfaction when he heard it!

He originally regarded Destiny to dominate Off, as his strongest opponent, and defeated Off as his own goal!

Now that Vivia is like this, how can he stand it!

Seeing this, Vivia’s thoughts that had been raised instantly came down again!

Therefore, he said: “Actually, you only need to challenge Off before the face-to-face war, so that he will not be able to give the supreme artifact!”

“It’s that simple?”

Destroy Lord Utreid asked suspiciously!

“Yeah! It’s that simple!”

Vivia also nodded for sure!

“That’s right! Utreide, I heard you recently studied a trick?” Suddenly, Vivia seemed to think of something, so she continued to ask!

“Hey! How do you know?”

Hearing this, the Destroyer Lord nodded, and then asked suspiciously!

“Listen to people!

Vivia smiled!

But in my heart, I was thinking, as a stupid big man, you only think about how to defeat Ove or how to increase your strength in your life. What else can you do without studying powerful tricks!


Hearing that, Destruction Lord Utreid just nodded, and didn’t care too much!

Because I studied powerful tricks, I was originally to defeat Ove, even if it is known now, it is nothing.After all, this matter can’t be kept for long.

Utreide “! Recently I was also working on a powerful trick. I wanted to tell you, but because of the lack of something, I have not been able to study it, so I postponed it until now!”

At this time, Vivia pretended to be a casual way!


Hearing this, the Destruction Lord Utreid couldn’t help but look at her, and then asked: “A powerful trick? Tell me? Why?”

“Because I want you to defeat Ove! Then my Big Sister won’t have to have so much trouble!”

“What are you missing?”

Hearing that, the Destruction Lord Utreid couldn’t help but believe it, so he asked!

“This trick was thought of for a long time before I came up with it. I am going to combine the power of the two rules and transform it into a stronger force!”

“That’s right! Utreide, if you give me a power to destroy the rules, I will go back and try to see if I can succeed!”

Vivia looked at him expectantly, then said!

“The power of the two rules merge? Then why didn’t you ask for your Big Sister in the first place?”

Hearing this, Destroy Domination’s eyebrows constricted involuntarily, and then asked inexplicably!

“Big Sister cultivation is the rule of death, and what I cultivate is the rule of life! Don’t you know that the two rules of death and life are more prone to conflict and more difficult to merge?”

Seeing the ruin master Utrede looked puzzled, Vivia hurriedly explained!

After all, he came to the Destroyer Lord because of the power of his rules of destruction.If he refuses to give it to himself, then he will soon be in vain!

La! Also!”

Hearing this, Destruction Lord Utreid couldn’t help but suddenly realized, and then said: “It is not impossible to give you the power to destroy the rules, but you have to promise me to know the conditions!”

“What conditions?”

“That is, after you study this trick, you must tell me as soon as possible!” Destruction Lord Utreid looked at Weiwei, and said with a serious expression!

“Ah! Don’t worry! I will tell you the first time after the research is completed!”

Vivia also smiled and promised!

I couldn’t help but secretly said: “The power to destroy the rules is in hand!”

At the same time as Vivia’s heart is high, Destruction Lord Utreid is also very happy in her heart!

When Vivia just proposed to merge the power of the two rules, he was obviously moved, but he is still studying another trick, so he can only wait for it later!

However, she didn’t expect that Vivia actually wanted to study, and she wanted the power of destroying the rules with him, in order to prepare to merge with the power of her life rules. Doesn’t it hit his heart, so, hurry up Make a promise with Vivia!

After receiving Vivia’s promise, Destruction Lord Utreid directly separated a rule-destroying power and gave it to Vivia!

Vivia took over the power to destroy the rules, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes!

I saw her say: “Utreide, then I will go back and study first to see if this idea is feasible! By the way, don’t forget what I just said!”

“Yeah! I see! You also forget the promise you just made, if you research it out, you must remember to tell me!”

Destroy Domination Utreid a little bit!

“Relax! Research it out, I will tell you!

Hearing that, Vivia couldn’t help but roll her eyes, but she still came back!

But I kept muttering in my heart: “If I could merge, I would have merged long ago, how can I wait until now!”

In fact, Vivia has already tried combining the power of the two rules, but it is impossible to succeed at all!

Because, once the power of the two rules merge, the power of the two rules will instantly fight together, until one party has won!

“I don’t know how powerful that Chaos Power is in Big Sister, and it makes the power of multiple rules merge!” Thinking of this, Vivia couldn’t help but secretly said!

After that, Vivia no longer continued to control the destruction master Utreid, and directly broke through the space and left the prison!

“It seems something is wrong 0…”

Seeing Vivia’s departure, Destruction Lord Utrede also had some doubts in his eyes, and he couldn’t help scratching his head, said!

Forget it “! I’ll go back and continue to study my tricks!”

In the end, the Destruction Lord Utrede couldn’t think of something wrong, so he shook his head!

After that, he disappeared in a flash!

On the other side, after Vivia left the highest position in the forest!

“Should I return to the highest position of life first or go to Big Sister?”

“Let’s go to Big Sister first! Give her the power to destroy the rules, and take a look at the senior mentioned by Big Sister, what is it like!”

Vivia floated on the edge of the highest plane of life, and then kept muttering!

After a while, Vivia seemed to have made some decision.When she waved her hand, a spatial crack appeared in front of her, and then 0.9 walked in!

After saying goodbye to Utrede, the master of destruction, Vivia left the highest position of the prison. Originally, she wanted to return to the highest position of life, and then notified Big Sister to ask Big Sister to find the owner, but finally thought about it. , And then headed in the direction of The Netherworld!

On the other side, after Lord Death left the world, he also went to The Netherworld!

Back to The Netherworld, Lord Death thought for a while, then gritted his teeth, and said: “Forget it! I’ll go to senior first to see if he can do anything to help Vivia cultivate the Qi of Chaos!”

“It’s just that it’s not so good to always trouble seniors? But if you don’t go, how can Vivia explain it?” But after a while, Lord Death’s face couldn’t help but become tangled!

“Oh! Let’s go and meet senior first! Let’s see the situation then!”

Finally, Lord Death sighed involuntarily, and said!

After that, head to the direction of the Netherworld Hotel!

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