Chapter 343 Off: What!

Are you willing to change the supreme artifact? But you said, Death ruler Bridget came to the heavens, ready to go to the fate ruler Ov, to have the power of the rules of fate he cultivated!

But when Ove asked her what she wanted to do with the power of the rules of fate, she told Ove that this matter was a secret to Own, and she couldn’t tell him!

“Aha! Bridget, since you don’t want to tell me, then you go back! I can’t give you the power of the rules of fate!”

Seeing Lord Death refused to tell himself, how could Ove give it to her! So, he made a gesture of giving away to Lord Death!

“Okay! Off, I won’t play imaginary with you either! Let’s talk! How can you give me the power of the rules of fate?”

Seeing this, Death ruler Bridget’s face changed slightly, but he seemed to have thought of something, and temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart, so he looked at Ove and asked!

“Aah! Bridget, as long as you tell me what you do with the power of the rules of fate, I will consider it and see if I can give it to you!”

Hearing that, Ove smiled, and then said indifferently!

After all, it is the Death Lord now begging for himself, and this Death Lord seems to have a certain heart for the power of the rules of fate, so he doesn’t worry about anything!

Even if Lord Death leaves, he hasn’t lost much, it’s only a big deal that he has wicked her 200! It’s not a big deal!

As for whether the Death Lord will snatch it, Ov will not worry about it. He is very confident about own Cultivation Base, so even if the Death Lord will snatch it, he is not afraid!

In addition to “this! Others are fine, for example, I use the power of my Death rule to exchange for you, or the main artifact, the main godhead is also fine!”

Hearing that, Death Lord Bridget couldn’t help clenching her fists, but after a while they let go, she looked at Fate Lord Off and asked again!

Haha “! The main artifact? The main godhead? Do I need those things? As for the power of the Death rule, then I don’t need it!”

When Ove heard it, he couldn’t help laughing, and then a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes!

When it comes to his Realm, the main artifact is of no use to him.As for the main godhead, although he doesn’t need it, he can train own people!

“Okay! Off! How do you give me the power of the rules of fate?”

Seeing this, Lord Death knew that if he didn’t produce a little blood, Ofe would not let go!

Bridget “Special! Why do you want the power of my destiny so much?”

Seeing that Lord Death still persisted in this way, Ove couldn’t help but become more curious (aga), so he asked!

“You don’t need to know this! Or hurry up and state your request!”

But the Death master directly refused to take the road!

“Bridget, I’ll give you a chance. It’s not impossible to want the power of my destiny rules, but you can exchange it with your supreme artifact!” Hearing this, Off did not care too much, suddenly his eyes After a turn, he said to Lord Death!

Because he knew that even if he kept asking, Lord Death would not be able to tell him, so he didn’t continue to ask questions!

“Ove! Are you deceiving too much? The power of a rule of fate is completely dispensable to you, and you want me to exchange it for you with the supreme artifact?”

As soon as Ove’s words were over, the Death ruler could not help but change drastically, and she looked at Ove angrily and said!

Although on the surface, the Death ruler was angry, but she was not angry at all, because before she came, she had planned well, and the power of the rules of fate of Ou, even if it was exchanged with the own supreme artifact!

Of course, she pretended to be angry on the surface, but she wanted Ove to increase the bargaining chip!

“Aah! Bridget! You don’t need to be too angry. Although the power of rules is not necessary for us rule masters, it depends on the time. Now you need it in a hurry, so it just Worth the price!”

Hearing that, although Ove had a thick-skinned face, he was inevitably a little embarrassed after hearing Lord Death’s words. After all, he knew that Lord Death was telling the truth! So he quickly explained!

Moreover, he asked Death Lord to exchange the supreme artifact with himself. This is just to say, he didn’t take it seriously, unless this person is a fool, he will use the supreme artifact to exchange the power of the rules!

But is the Death ruler a fool? The one who becomes the ruler will be a fool? If she is a fool, then all the people in the world are probably not as fools! So, even Ove himself doesn’t believe this!

“Of! You should know that I am eager to use the power of the rules of fate! So, I will tell you the truth, I want my supreme artifact to be destroyed in all directions, but your bargaining chips are obviously not enough!” At this time, she was also a little impatient, so she looked at Ove and said!

“Let me just say it! Why are you so stupid to use the Supreme Artifact with me? What, are you willing to use the Supreme Artifact to change it with me? Are you sure you are not kidding?”

Hearing that, Ove didn’t react at once, and saw him nodding and saying, but halfway through, he was suddenly stunned, and then looked at Lord Death with an incredulous expression and asked again!

“Change! Why not change? As long as you have enough chips! I will use the supreme artifact to trade with you!”

Lord Death nodded, then said with a certain face!

After all, the supreme divine tool Shifang Jumei is now useless for me, because I have a better supreme divine tool, this supreme divine tool is still made by myself, that is the moon wheel!

Thinking of the moon wheel in his body, Lord Death couldn’t help but smiled, the moon wheel was an existence with stronger attack power than the ten directions!

“Bridget! Are you sure you are not kidding me?” Off looked at her suspiciously, and then asked again uncertainly!

That is the supreme artifact, unlike the main artifact, it can be refined as long as the material is sufficient!

The way to get the supreme artifact is to complete the task of the supreme god, and the supreme god will give it to you. In addition to this, there are other ways:

“Are you deaf! Hear it clearly, I don’t want to wait and repeat it a third time! As long as you have enough chips, I can use the Supreme Artifact to trade with you! Hear you clearly?”

Hearing that, Lord Death couldn’t help but roll his eyes, then glared at Ove, saying word by word!

“Huh! What do you want?”

Seeing this, Ove wasn’t too long-winded, and asked directly!

“The power of the rules of destiny is indispensable, as for the others, you can replace them with the power of some laws! Of course Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are indispensable!”

Hearing that, Lord Death thought for a while, and then said!

“For the power of rules, I only have the rules of fate now. As for the power of the rules of life, if you want to use the relationship between you and the ruler of life, you should not be troubled! As for the destruction of the rules, I can’t help it!”

“Nonsense! Having said so much, you only have the power of the rules of fate?


Hearing this, Ove coughed awkwardly, then pretended not to hear her words, and continued: “For the power of law, I have a good relationship with the Lord of Light. I can help you ask him for a Light Lord. Power! As for Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, I still have some in my warehouse. When you enter the warehouse, you can pick whatever you like!”

“That’s it?

Lord Death looked at Ove with a slightly ugly expression, and then asked!,

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