Chapter 341 My Mother Is Still Alive?

Seeing Qin Xuan say this, Babe suddenly had nothing to say!

After all, Qin Xuan has said that the main artifact can’t enter his eyes, if they don’t have one, they can not give it!

“Babe! I haven’t thanked senior yet!”

Lin Lei said to Bei Bei!

Although Lin Lei felt that the senior in front of him was suspected of bragging, it was not easy to refute it.After all, they did have the strength to brag!

“Bebe thanked senior for his understanding!

Although Beibei was still reluctant, seeing her boss Lin Lei had said so, she had to come to Qin Xuan and thank you!

“It’s okay! It’s okay, I shouldn’t be so careful! You don’t need to care too much, just now it was just a joke of you!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan smiled, then waved to Beibei and said!

“Senior! Can you do it for me? Of course, I will pay you!”

At this time, Lin Lei looked at Qin Zhan and said hesitantly!

“Your mother?”

Seeing Lin Lei’s twitching, Qin Xuan knew what he wanted to ask, so he asked!

“Ah! Senior! The supernatural powers are really great 06, you can see it all at once!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei also slapped up flattery, then looked at Qin Xuan expectantly and said!

“Don’t slap me up!”

Qin Xuan waved his hand at him, and then continued: “It’s not impossible to do it for you, but…”

“But what?”

Lin Lei asked anxiously!

“But you promised me to know the conditions!”

“Yes! As long as the senior helps me figure out what is going on with my mother, don’t talk about one condition, that is, ten or a hundred conditions are all right! Even if it is going up to the sword and down to the fire, I will help the senior to do it!”

Without even thinking about it, Lin Lei replied directly!

“Not so exaggerated!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan smiled at Lin Lei and said!

After finishing speaking, he pretended to move again!

“Hey! Your mother is still alive, but under the control of some people, but for the time being, there will be no danger!”

After a while, Qin Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and then said to Lin Lei who looked expectant!

When Qin Xuan said that his mother was still alive, Lin Lei couldn’t help showing joy, but after hearing that his mother was being controlled, Lin Lei’s expression instantly became gloomy!

Lin Lei remembered that his mother was a very kind person.

In the image, I seemed to be four years old that year, and at that time, my mother seemed to be pregnant with own Little Brother Wharton Baruch.

I remember once, Own’s parents went out a long way, and only Own’s father came back. At that time, he was covered in blood and he was holding Own Little Brother Wharton in his arms! When his father returned home, he passed out!

If it weren’t for the servants of my own family, I’m afraid it would be difficult for my father to survive at the time. Later, my father was so injured, so I asked my mother where he went more than once and why didn’t he go home with him!

But every time I asked my mother, my father always had a gloomy face, and then he who sat there blankly didn’t answer his own words!

But now, when Lin Lei heard that Own’s mother was still alive, Lin Lei was indifferently excited, but Own’s mother was actually controlled by someone, which made him not angry!

“Senior! Where is my mother now? Who controls it again?”

Lin Lei’s face was gloomy, his eyes flashed with cold light from time to time, then he looked at Qin Xuan and asked!

Controlling “Your mother’s person is still too strong for you now, and telling you will not help! On the contrary, it will only increase your troubles!”

Qin Xuan looked at Lin Lei and said!

“Senior, please let me know anyway!” But at this time, where could Lin Lei listen to Qin Xuan’s words, he asked directly!

“The light governs!

Hearing that, Qin Xuan is not hiding it, and directly speaks a name!

The light “dominates?”

Lin Lei frowned.

Lin Fu, the ruler of light, of course has heard of it, but it is one of the strongest existences of the element ruler, not to mention that he does not have the Cultivation Base of the main god, even if he has broken through the main god, I don’t know that I can beat him!

What’s more, I am just a small upper god now. Although I am worthy of the Dzogchen upper god, I can escape if I can’t beat it, but I am still too far away from the master now!

Moreover, I remember that Baganzi of his own family can’t be related to Guangming Master, why did he arrest own mother and control her?

“Does it have something to do with the The Four Divine Beasts family of The Underworld?”

Suddenly, Lin Lei seemed to remember that Beirut once said that the decline of The Four Divine Beasts family of The Underworld face seems to be the hand of the Lord of Light!

But it doesn’t seem to have much to do with my mother! Is there any hidden facts that I don’t know?

“Senior! Do you know why the Lord of Light wanted to take away the mother underneath?

Lin Lei asked puzzledly!

“Hey! It’s not that he took your mother! It was the Holy See of Guangming that saw your mother’s soul is pure, so he caught it and dedicated it to the Lord of Light!”

Qin Xuan explained!

“It’s the Holy See again!

After hearing Qin Xuan’s explanation, Lin Lei couldn’t help but screamed!

“Boss! Don’t be too sad. When our Cultivation Base is enough, we will rescue your mother from the Lord of Light! Don’t do stupid things now!

Seeing Lin Lei was looking up to the sky and shouting angrily to vent the anger and unwillingness in her heart, Beibei had to pat his shoulder to comfort him!

Beibei has been with Lin Lei for so many years, naturally knowing the boss of own, and always inquiring about his mother’s news, now knowing that although her mother is still alive, she is controlled by others, and the person who controls her mother is so. Strong, how can this make him reconciled!

Therefore, now Beibei is afraid of her boss, and can’t help the anger in her heart, and ran to find the light ruler. When the time comes, let alone rescue the boss’s mother, I am afraid that the boss owns it!

“Huh! Beibei, I’m fine! I’m not that stupid yet! The most important thing now is to see Lord Death and see if she can resurrect her father. However, the Lord of Light will one day, I will definitely look for it. his!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei took a sigh of relief, and then gave Beibei a reassuring look in his eyes.At the end of the talk, a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Although Lin Lei is now so angry, he hasn’t lost his mind yet, so he naturally knows that he is going to find the Lord of Light now, it is just sending him to death!

“Hehe! Boss, I thought you were going to find that light master just now!”

Hearing this, Bei Bei couldn’t help but smirked, and at the same time he was relieved, and then said to Lin Lei!

“Aha! You are very good! I actually know that I am going to find the Lord of Light now to die! As long as people have not died, there will always be a chance, and I believe that this day will not be too long!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan beside him couldn’t help but smiled, and then said approvingly!

“Then borrow senior auspicious words!”

Lin Lei Chong Qin Xuan hugged the cupped fist, and then replied respectfully!

“Since you want to see Lord Death, you might as well wait here! Entering Nether Mountain, you won’t see her at all!”

At this moment, Qin Xuan said suddenly!

“Senior! Is it possible that Lord Death will come here?”

Hearing this, Lin Lei asked incomprehensibly!

“Well! She will definitely come here, and it won’t be long!”

Qin Xuan nodded, then said affirmatively!,

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