Chapter 291 Master! Where Did That Man Come From?

“Come on! I don’t know how strong the Immortal Emperor Realm is! Or let’s try and let me see how strong your Immortal Emperor is!” Mobile terminal..

Qin Xuan first nodded to Liu Shen and the others, then looked at Shi Hao, and asked with a curious look!

Hearing this, Shi Hao’s expression couldn’t help but he said to Qin Xuan, “Uh! Master! No need for it!”

“But I really haven’t seen how powerful Immortal Emperor is!”

Qin Xuan put his chin on one hand and said with a thoughtful expression!

“Um! Master, the disciples have just fought a battle, and now I feel a little tired. If I have something to say tomorrow, I will go back and rest first!”

Seeing this, Shi Wu quickly declined!

After speaking, he turned and ran out!

Shi Wu really has the urge to cry now. He just wants to pretend to be forced. He didn’t expect to be caught by this unscrupulous master. What a thing!

Compete with the unscrupulous master?

Forget it! I still want to live for a few more years, which is lower than the Cultivation Base that I am currently at the immortal emperor level, but Shi Wu believes that he has no power to fight back under this unscrupulous master. what!

Seeing Shi Wu actually ran away like this, the old man next to the World Exterminator couldn’t help but stare wide, with an unbelievable look on his face!

“Okay! You just came back, so go back and rest! If you have anything to say tomorrow!”

Seeing that Shi Hao had already slipped away, Qin Xuan didn’t care, but said to Huo Ling’er and the others, and the stunned old man!

“Yes! Master Tang senior!

A few people replied respectfully!

As Shi Hao slipped away like this, the few people were already surprised, so after talking to Qin Xuan, they turned around and left!

“Tang senior! This token Shi Wu said that he doesn’t want it, so now let’s return the futility to the original owner!

Everyone was gone, so only Liu Shen and Qin Xuan were left at the scene.At this time, Liu Shen took out a token and said to Qin Xuan!

“Since he doesn’t want it, I will give it to you! It’s useless if I keep this thing!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan waved his hand at something and said!


Liu Shen hesitated!

“Since it’s given to you, you can take it, or throw it away if you don’t want it!”

Seeing Liu Shen hesitating, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but said angrily!

After speaking, he turned and left!

Seeing that even Qin Xuan was gone, Liu Shen had to gritted his teeth and put the token away, then turned and left!

the next day!

“Ahem! Shi Wu hasn’t seen each other for a few days, you actually want to change your appearance! Is there a second spring again?”

In the yard, Cao Yusheng’s Eight Trigrams sounded!


“Ah! Shi Wu! You bastard, why hit me?” After the earth shook for a while, I heard Cao Yusheng’s roar!

“Deserve it!

At this time, there was a Dao heart sound of disaster and misfortune!

“Dead dog! Do you want to fight?”

“Hit it! Do you think I’m afraid you won’t make it?”

As soon as the words fell silent, they came again, with a rushing sound!

“Ah! Dead dog! Why are you biting my ass again!” After a while, Cao Yusheng yelled again!

Hearing the sound coming from outside, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly, then opened the door and walked out!

“What’s the matter? What are you yelling about here early in the morning? Did you stop people from sleeping?”

Qin Xuan walked out and saw Cao Yusheng fighting with the black dog.

“Master Tang senior!”

Seeing Qin Xuan come out, Shi Hao and others screamed respectfully!

“Um! Tang senior, it’s none of my business! The main reason is that this dead dog always bites my butt, and I have to fight back!” At this moment, Cao Yusheng hurried forward, and then said to Qin Xuan with a face of injustice!

“Tang senior is not like this! It was this dead Fatty who moved first!” Seeing this, the black dog also let go of his mouth, and then jumped up to explain!

“Scared! It was your dead dog who did it first!”

“Dead, Fatty, you still don’t wanting face! You opened your eyes and said nonsense! Obviously it was your first hand!”

“Your hand first!”

“You first!

Seeing Cao Yusheng and Heigou who are defending, the eyes of the old man who sees Cao Yushengxiang are also full of admiration!

He has seen a lot of shameless not wanting face, but he has never seen it before, such a not wanting face like Cao Yusheng, can actually open his eyes and talk nonsense with so many people!

“Okay! You two stand aside first, and I’ll take care of your business later!”

Seeing one person and one dog arguing endlessly, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but snorted, and then said!

Following Qin Xuan’s move, Cao Yusheng and Heigou stopped the quarrel, and then stood aside honestly!

“Okay! Shi Wu, come first! As for the two of you, just stand there for me, no one is allowed to move. If anyone dares to move, don’t blame me for punishing him!” It was quiet, Qin Xuan said to Shi Hao and the others next to him, and finally he did not forget to give orders to one person and one dog!

After speaking, go to the toilet hall!

Seeing this, Shi Hao and others hurriedly followed, leaving only one person and one dog standing there alone!

After Qin Xuan entered the hall, he sat on the main seat, and then said to the people who came in: “You also find a place to sit down!”

After everyone sat down, Qin Xuan slowly said, “Shi Wu! What are you going to do next?”

“Of course I have been playing around! Over the years, I have been either cultivating or busy working, and I basically haven’t taken a good look at the world!”

“So! I finally took time off this time, I want to go out with Ling’er to have a look!”

Shi Hao answered without even thinking about it!

“Go for a walk! Okay!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan also nodded and said!

“Ah! By the way, master! Do you know where that person came from? What is that sky?” At this moment, Shi Hao suddenly remembered what Xu Ying said, so he couldn’t help but look at Qin Xuan. Asked!

“Of course you know! But if you want to know, just find it yourself! I can’t tell you!” Qin Xuan smiled after hearing this, and said playfully!


“That’s it again! Not even a hint!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help whispering!


Although Shi Hao’s voice was very small, how could it be possible to hide it from Qin Xuan, but Qin Xuan glanced at him without a trace!

Shocked, Shi Wu quickly sat up straight, with an expression that I didn’t say a moment ago!

“Ah! Don’t say you respect me, I am stingy, I will give you a little hint this time!”

Seeing the comparison, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smiled in satisfaction, and then said to Shi Hao!

Hearing that, not only Shi Hao, the eyes of all the people present couldn’t help but their eyes lit up, then they raised their ears and stared at Qin Xuan to see if they could hear any news from Qin Xuan!

“Ahem! The place where that person came is… that’s it! I have a sip of tea!”

Seeing everyone staring at him curiously, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but evoke a playful smile, then coughed twice and said!

After speaking, he slowly picked up the tea cup and drank slowly!

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help but become anxious!

“Master! Have you finished drinking?”

At this moment, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help asking!

“What is the urgency? Didn’t you see the master drink, want to drink a glass of wine?” Qin Xuan couldn’t help but glared at her and said!

“Master! Don’t entertain us anymore! Tell us quickly!!

Shi Wu couldn’t help asking too!

Although the others were so curious, they didn’t dare to ask!

“Late! I want to know where that person came from! Then you are going to the ultimate ancient place, there will definitely be the news you want!”

Qin Xuan wasn’t teasing them either, so he said directly!

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