Chapter 284 Man in White VS Mysterious Consciousness

Just as Shi Hao absorbed the dark matter in the corpse immortal emperor’s consciousness sea with all his strength, suddenly a majestic and indifferent voice came from the drop of blood!

“The ants! Stop your behavior quickly, otherwise the sky won’t let you go!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao and the man in white were also taken aback, but Shi Wu just sneered, and then continued to absorb the dark matter regardless!

Even now, this consciousness is still so hard, and he dares to threaten himself!

What is Shi Wu? The only thing that scares him is Master Own.

From a few years old, I went alone in the mountains full of ancient relics and fierce beasts, and searched for animal milk in it!

After that, the whole world is looking for the strong to challenge. Such a person who is not afraid of the world will be afraid of the threat of a conscious zone! If he is afraid, he will not have the achievements it is now!

“Don’t let me go? Then let that day come to me!” Shi Hao sneered, and then said disdainfully!

“An ant! How dare to be disrespectful to the sky! Be punish!” The majestic voice came out again, this time it was indeed full of anger!

I saw a phantom emerge from the drop of blood! At the moment that phantom came out, the entire consciousness sea of ​​the corpse fairy emperor boiled, and a breath of indifference filled the whole consciousness sea. !

Moreover, the dark matter that was originally absorbed by Shi Wu was actually rich again, and it was more rich than the original!

I saw that phantom’s face was blurred, and I couldn’t see what it looked like.It was just that those eyes full of indifferent and ruthlessness were staring at Shi Hao, as if to tear Shi Wu into pieces!

“This is the consciousness that has been fighting with him for so many years? It is he who made him become like this?”

The moment he saw that phantom, the man in white was also taken aback, and then stared at him like a fire!

“An ant! Danger!

After the phantom came out, he slapped Shi Wu without saying anything!

The huge palm print instantly enveloped Shi Wu, like an infinite ton of force, shattering the space, and suddenly came to Shi Hao!

Under this terrible power, the entire sea of ​​consciousness is violently rolling!


At this time, a roar spread throughout the sea of ​​consciousness, as if the world was roaring, and the whole sea of ​​consciousness shook instantly!

The man in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of Shi Hao, staring at the phantom with red eyes!

Facing the giant palm that slowly came with this boundless destructive power!

I saw, the man in white shouted!


Endless white light spread from the white-clothed man, instantly illuminating the entire sea of ​​consciousness!

“You bastard, die for me!”



Then he blasted out with a punch, instantly smashed the phantom’s palm print, and then continued to rush towards him!

Seeing this, the phantom stood still, and his dark eyes were still full of indifference.After that terrible power came to the front, he slowly stretched out a finger!

I saw the surrounding space was shaking, as if it was about to break apart, and that power disappeared without a trace in an instant!

“What! How could it be possible!”

Seeing this, the man in white couldn’t help but his eyes widened, and he shouted in disbelief!

To know that punch just now, he used an eighth level of strength. He didn’t expect to be blocked so easily, and it was still a finger. How did this make him accept it!


The white-clothed man took a deep breath, and then Shi Hao behind Jing said, “You continue to absorb, and that person will leave it to me!”

After speaking, people rushed up!

You know, Shi Hao can’t completely absorb these dark matter right now, but it’s about his life and death.He can’t let people disturb Shi Hao, otherwise Shi Wu can’t absorb the dark matter. Continue to fall asleep!

Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly.Although Shi Wu still continues to absorb the dark matter, he didn’t say that he could not fight!

But seeing the white-clothed man saying this, Shi Hao followed his will, because he also wanted to see how strong this white-clothed man and that phantom were!

“An ant! Although my consciousness can only display one billionth of the strength of the body, it is not something you can shake!” Seeing the man rushing towards him in white clothes, the ghost still said indifferently. !

“Ants? Haha! Sometimes ants will bite a piece of meat from the sky!

Hearing this, the man in white couldn’t help laughing, and then said disdainfully!

As he spoke, the man in white had already rushed to the shadow of the shadow, and then punched again!


The surrounding space, under this huge force, instantly shattered, and huge spatial cracks began to spread everywhere! Recommended reading…

Seeing that his punch was blocked again, the man in white was not discouraged, and then punched again!



Waves of fluctuations spread!

The white-clothed man and the phantom fought together in an instant, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness, under the battle between the two, became extremely unstable, as if it would shatter at any time!

Seeing that Shi Hao, who was absorbing dark matter, was also affected a bit, and the speed of absorbing it had also slowed down a lot!

“Pull him out and fight! If you fight here, it will affect the speed of absorbing dark matter!” Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but yelled at the white-clothed man!

Hearing this, the white-clothed man frowned involuntarily, but he quickly made a decision, and then saw him punch out, instantly repelling the phantom, and then a huge crack swallowed the two in an instant. After that, the two disappeared into the sea of ​​consciousness!

In the past, the white-clothed man didn’t want to transfer that drop of blood and that consciousness, but that once the consciousness went out, he had to follow it, otherwise, who else in this world could limit him!

But if he followed out, no one would suppress the dark matter, and he would inevitably erode his entire body, so he was also in a dilemma!

However, now that Shi Hao is here to absorb and suppress these dark substances, the white-clothed man does not have that much worry about selfishness!

Seeing that the man in white clothes and the phantom had gone out, Shi Hao was also relieved, then closed his eyes, and absorbed that (Wang Li so much dark matter!

Suddenly, the suction power on Shi Hao’s body skyrocketed, like a huge black hole, constantly swallowing everything around it!

And the Liu Shen and others outside, when Shi Hao’s consciousness entered the consciousness of the Emperor Corpse Immortal, they guarded Shi Hao’s body, looked around vigilantly, and stared at the body of the Emperor Corpse Immortal with their eyes!

In case Shi Wu was suddenly attacked by him!

But time slowly passed, and nothing they were worried about happened, and their hearts gradually let go!

Just as their hearts were relieved, the body of the Immortal Corpse Emperor suddenly shook violently, and they were all on alert in an instant!

But after a while, the vibration stopped, and after another, it shook again!

In this way, within a while, the body of the corpse immortal emperor will shake once, and it will shake more than a dozen times!

Liu Shen and the others couldn’t help but looked at each other, they all saw the doubt in the other’s eyes, and they didn’t know what happened inside!

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