Chapter 275

However, it was said that the space-time storm formed by the black robe man fighting Shi Wu was stunned by Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi’s joint efforts, and after preventing them from leaking out, the two of them also breathed a sigh of relief!


At this moment, a broken voice suddenly sounded!

Hearing this, the faces of Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi couldn’t help but change!

I saw the time and space storm restricted by them, unexpectedly slowly turning again!

“No! It must be Shi Wu and the others fighting, which normally strengthened this space-time storm. If this goes on, the space-time storm will become stronger and stronger, and we can’t resist it at all!” Seeing this, Shi Yi couldn’t help but yelled!

“But now there is no other way! We can only do our best, hoping to stop for a while!” Huo Ling’er said helplessly after hearing this!

“Oh! That’s the only way!”

Shi Yi sighed, then said!



Shi Wu hit the ground again!

In an instant, it smashed the earth into an invisible crack!

At this time, the black robe man was floating in the air, his face was always looking at Shi Wu below indifferently!

He is still the same as before, and he can’t see the slightest embarrassment! But there is indeed a hint of excitement in his eyes!

“How many years! Junior! You are the only one who can bring me a little interest!” said the black robe man looking at the embarrassed Shi Hao below!

At this moment, Shi Hao was covered with scars, and the blood stains had stained his body, and it was still spilling on the ground!

623 The blood seemed to have billions of power, and instantly smashed the earth out of huge pits one after another!

At this time, Shi Wu seemed very embarrassed, but the excitement on his face appeared more vigorous, and the fighting spirit on his body was even more intense, making the scalp numb!

I saw on him, those black mysterious texts suddenly flashed, and emitted a faint black light.These black lights were actually fast repairing the scars on his body. After a while, the scars on Shi Hao’s body were repaired. Mostly!

“Haha! We are fighting!

Shi Wu cried out excitedly again!

Hearing a bang, Shi Haoren had already rushed over to the man in the black robe!


Seeing this, the black-robed man couldn’t help showing a hint of surprise in his eyes!

He also didn’t expect that the weird breath could actually repair the injury! And the speed could be so fast, this is not, only a short time, he repaired more than half of all the injuries of this junior in front of him!

“Aha! Just let me see, how long can you last?” The black robe man said with a smile!

After speaking, he rushed up to Shi Wu!

In an instant, the two fought together again!

the other side!

Liu Shen is holding the token given by Qin Xuan, and is rushing to the ultimate ancient land!

(agai) While Liu Shen was moving fast in the Boundary Sea, he suddenly found that not far in front of him, there was also a person flying fast!

Seeing this, Liu Shen chased the man without saying a word!

Suddenly, that person also noticed God of Willow, so he stopped!

God Liu came not far from this person, and then looked at this person!

I discovered that it was an old man with long gray hair.

The old man was wearing an old black robe, but his dark eyes looked very domineering and aloof!

It seems that everything in the world is not in his eyes!

His power is very strong, standing there, the surrounding sea is turbulent, the sea is turbulent in the distance, and the sky is constantly slapped, and the power of darkness permeates the universe.

Suddenly, there was a tendency to dye Jiehai black.

“Who are you? How come you are here?”

The arrogant and overbearing old man looked at Liu Shen and asked two questions in a row!

“Liu Shen!”

Hearing that, Liu Shen simply replied!

Because she discovered that the old man not far in front was actually a strong quasi-immortal emperor just like herself!

However, if the two were to fight against each other, God Liu asked himself that he was absolutely invincible among the Immortal Emperor Quasi.

But for the basic respect for the strong, and for the problem of the old man, God Liu simply replied!

“Willow God?”

After hearing Liu Shen’s answer, he couldn’t help but meditated, and suddenly wanted to look for it in his memory to see if there was any information about Liu Shen!

“Not really! Shouldn’t it? Is it a newcomer?”

The old man muttered to himself a little puzzled!

The old man naturally knew that the woman in front of him was also at the same level as himself, but looking at his memory, there was no such thing as the quasi-immortal emperor Liu Shen in the past!

The old man hadn’t thought about it. The woman in front of him deceived himself, but he denied it in an instant.At their level, he didn’t bother to lie to this kind of thing!

“Who is wrong with you?”

This time it was Willow God’s turn to ask!

“Me? It’s been too long. I forgot my own name. I only knew that the world gave me a nickname called Old Man Mieshi.

The old man looked at Liu Shen and slowly said!

“Old Man Destroyer! The first emperor from all ages?”

Hearing this, Liu Shen couldn’t help flashing a hint of surprise on his face, because she also knew the name of the old man who destroyed the world!

“It’s really me!”

The old man did not deny either, but nodded and admitted!

Originally, after this old man was awakened by the aura, he found a place to recover his injuries, and after he recovered from his injuries, he went to investigate in the boundary sea to see who could give off such a strong pressure!

However, after hundreds of thousands of years of investigation, he never found out anything, but when he was disappointed, he suddenly felt that on the other side of the sea, there was a shock of battle!

The strength of the aftermath also shocked him!

He knows the other side of the sea, that is the ultimate ancient place in the forbidden area of ​​all things, and there is a terrifying existence sleeping in that place. Is there anyone else who can meet that person? Or it was the last time. The master of terrible coercion?

After some deep thought, the old man of Destroyed the world resolutely rushed to the ultimate ancient place to see if his own guess was correct!

But after a while, he suddenly felt that someone was chasing here by himself, so he stopped, and discovered that it was a woman named Liu Shen who came here, and the strength of this woman is even more unfathomable!

“You are strong!”

Said the Old Man Destroyer!

“Ah! You are not bad! And the name is very loud!” Liu Shen said with a light smile!

“It’s just a fake name! Are you going to the ultimate ancient place too?” Hearing this, the old man shook his head and asked!

“In order to see the master of that momentum?”

The Old Man Destroyer continued to ask!

“The master of that momentum?”

Hearing this, Liu Shen looked at Old Man Destroyed with some confusion, but still shook his head and said back: “No! I’m just helping people bring something over!”


Hearing that, the old man who killed the world couldn’t help squinting his eyes, it was not, but who could have allowed a quasi-immortal emperor’s peerless powerhouse to help bring things!

“So! It just so happens that I am also rushing to the ultimate place, not as good as my peers!”

Said the Old Man Destroyer!

Liu Shen nodded and turned back!

After speaking, the two did not continue talking, and rushed directly to the ultimate ancient land!

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