Chapter 252 Fight!

Shi Wu waited outside for a while and saw Huo Ling’er walk out, followed by Cao Yusheng, who was full of grievances.

After Huo Ling’er came out, when he saw Shi Wu, he couldn’t help but snorted, then walked out of the stack and headed towards Tang Ming Yaozhuang!

Seeing this, Shi Hao also laughed helplessly, and then followed!

But at least letting Huo Ling’er live in the master’s manor is not too bad, at least I can explain it slowly in the future!

In the manor.

Tang Mingyao, who was basking in the sun, saw that everyone had returned, so he smiled and asked, “Hey! They are all back!”


Huo Ling’er yelled at Tang Mingyao, twistingly!

“Yeah! Little Nizi! You and Shi Hao’s stinky boy are already married. If you have anything to do, you can sit down and speak slowly to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings!” Tang Mingyao nodded towards Huo Ling’er , And then said earnestly!

“Master “Five Seven Seven”! Linger knows it!

Hearing that, Huo Ling’er nodded and turned back!

“Aha! Just understand! Then let Shi Hao take you there, take a look at the room, and live in the one you like. Anyway, there are many rooms in the manor, Master!” Tang Mingyao said with a smile, and gave Shi Wu winked, indicating that he can take someone down!

Looking at the people walking away, Tang Mingyao also shook his head helplessly, and then muttered to himself: “There is not much time left for you.”

The next day, Huo Ling’er went out alone. This time she didn’t even bring her maid, Xiao Hong, and no one knew where she had gone. In the afternoon, Huo Ling’er returned to the manor again.

It’s been a month since Shi Wu and Huo Ling’er had an awkward relationship. Although the two were naturally still in a cold war during this month, at least when they met, Huo Ling’er would not be cold!

In the emperor pass!

As more and more people gathered in the Imperial Pass, the atmosphere became more and more solemn.

At this time, everyone in the Imperial Pass knew that an alien attack was coming, and this alien attack was unprecedentedly large.

this day!

The sound of a drum shook the whole city.

Then, the horns continued to sky, and the true dragon horn was sounded, which showed that the battle was really about to happen.

The various powerhouses of the human race, as well as the human races gathered in the imperial gate, have come to the wall!

Shi Hao and the others were also standing on the city wall, looking at the densely packed alien races coming from across the border, they couldn’t help taking a breath!

It can be seen that the army is densely packed, with a majestic breath, coming from the end of the horizon, black and heavy, it is a black Wang Yang, and murderous!

“This day, it’s really here!”

The face of the older generation of strong men can’t help but become solemn!

“How come there are so many!

Those young people who came to the Imperial Pass for the first time and had never fought with foreign races said with an unbelievable expression!

Is this the end of the Yuan Dynasty coming, or is a new era about to begin? The people on the wall of the Imperial Pass are forgetful and uneasy.

“There is only one battle!”

Seeing this, the strong men of the older generation looked at each other one after another, and then all nodded, gathered the Spirit Power of the whole body, and shouted loudly!

The roar of thousands of human experts was so powerful that the sound spread to the entire Imperial Pass, and people heard the blood boiled. People’s previous ambitions, anxiety, and fear were washed away by this blood. , Only the sky full of fighting spirit is left!

“War! War! War!”

Seeing this, they also screamed, as if roaring out the blood in the cavity, staring at the alien race outside the city, and the shocking warfare also started from the body, gathered into a ball, and pressed against the alien race. past!

“Okay… it’s spectacular!”

Cao Yusheng, who had never seen this scene before, couldn’t help muttering to himself!

Hearing this, Shi Hao and others also nodded one after another!

“That is?

Suddenly, Shi Hao couldn’t help but his eyebrows constricted.


In the sky, there was an explosion, and there was a tiange, which cut through eternity, and wanted to split the sky, and the momentum was immense.

A chariot came slowly.

It carries various marks, all left by weapon attacks, such as axe marks, sword marks, and knife marks. The mottled surface describes the glory of one battle after another!

“It’s An Lan Chariot! I didn’t expect that he would also come this time!” an older generation of strong man shouted in disbelief!


Hearing that, those people like An Lan couldn’t help taking a breath!

An Lan, whose prestige moves the world, is hidden in the world, horizontally and horizontally forever, pushing all the opponents horizontally.

This is not just talking, it has a history of blood, it is a prestige cast by stepping on the corpses of countless powerful people, and it has swept the Nine Heavens ten places!

“The King of Immortal!

“The King of Immortal!”

“The King of Immortal!

When the chariot appeared, the alien army below couldn’t help raising the weapons in their hands and shouting frantically!

“Zongtian Fight! It’s today! No matter who it is, unless you can step on our corpse, you will never want to break into the imperial gate!”

An old strong man rose into the air, and then shouted!

After him, the strong human races on the wall also rose into the air, standing beside him, looking at the alien race in front of them without fear!

“It’s just a bunch of ants, if you kill it!”

Suddenly, a voice came from the chariot, and it spread throughout the entire Imperial Pass!

As soon as the words fell, only a hand was seen, slowly stretched out from the chariot, and suddenly took a picture of the emperor city!


The symbol of the immortal path fell, the chaos exploded, and the murderous aura broke out, as if to wipe out the entire imperial city!

Seeing this, a few old men flew out of the crowd just flying into the air. They looked at the terrifying power that was about to fall, and their eyes were filled with determination, and they shouted: “The city is here, the city is dead, the king of the dead is 0… .!”

I saw that they were all holding a ball of fire, which was the skeleton of Immortal creatures.

The bones burned, locked by the magic circle, releasing Immortal’s essence.

They are going to burn the jade and the stone!


The collision of the two forces cut out huge spatial cracks!

The dark clouds in the sky were also shaken away, forming a vacuum!

“Oh? It’s just that?”

The voice in the chariot sounded again! Anyone can hear it contemptuously in the voice!

And the few people who burned Blood Essence withered all at once, and there was no power to fight again!

“Ah! What? Are Tuntian and Mistle two tortoises themselves?” Suddenly, there was a chuckle in the chariot, and then asked playfully after 0.8!

As soon as these words came out, the aliens who came from across the border burst into laughter!

And the human race on the wall is the chariot that glared at!

In the imperial city, Tang Mingyao, who was watching the entire battle in the manor, couldn’t help frowning!

Swallowing the sky, misty? Isn’t that the title of Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen? If it weren’t for the experience of Shi Hao’s stinky boy, I would have slapped the foreign land a long time ago! Tang Mingyao thought uncomfortably!

But the person who spoke just now obviously didn’t know that he escaped a catastrophe because of Shi Hao!

“Haha! You don’t need the two Immortal Kings Tuntian and Mistle to take action, how about I be your opponent!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the distant sky, and a figure appeared in front of the crowd at some unknown time!

The self-respecting aura exuded from this figure’s body, as if even the sky could be restrained!

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