Chapter 226

After Tang Mingyao left, Xiao Budian couldn’t help but yelled. After all, this is about the animal milk he loves most, and it is still the animal milk that can never be eaten.

“No! I must break through to the fairy king Realm earlier, um, what kind of Realm is this fairy king? How far am I from this Realm?” Little scratched his head and said to himself.

“Should I go back and ask Big Brother?” Xiaobu thought in a snack, but after a while, he shook his head and said, “No, I just came out. If I go back now, I won’t be laughed at by Da Zhuang and Er Zhuang. .

“I’ll go for the experience first, and wait until I become more powerful before going back! Well, that’s it!

After finishing speaking, Xiao Shi turned around and dashed forward.

Time slowly passed, and it has been more than ten years since I was little to go out and practice.

The imperial capital of the stone country.

A young man raised his head, looked at the huge imperial city in front, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then resolutely walked in.

He was followed by a woman who was about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a full and white forehead, a melon-seeded face, curving eyebrows, and her big eyes shining like crystals, with a kind of spiritual brilliance. She has snow-white skin and a tall figure, following the teenager, with a lotus step model, and a soft waist swinging like a snake, with a very graceful curve. Her figure is extremely good, her legs are slender and straight. She swayed like this, with undulating curves and gracefulness, which made many women feel inferior.

“Smelly stone! Is this the place where you grew up in life?” The girl followed, looked around curiously, and then asked the boy next to her. Asked.

Hearing this, the boy nodded, shook his head, and then continued to walk forward.

“Hey! Stinky Stone, what do you mean by nodding and shaking your head!” the girl yelled when she saw the boy ignore her, she was dissatisfied.


The boy glanced at her, and then said.

“What? You dare to call me an idiot! Ah Shiwu, you are dead! See if I won’t kill you!” Hearing this, the boy widened his eyes, and then rushed towards the boy in a desperate manner.

It’s true that this young man is a little bit when he grows up. In the past ten years or so, he has hardly been fighting with people, or with ancient relics or fierce beasts.

In the past ten years of battle, with the improved version of Nine Cycles mystery, and the spirit fruit fairy grass sent by Tang Mingyao, now there is finally an array-level Cultivation Base, and it will still break through the Venerable state at any time. The array of powerhouses.

Moreover, he believes that even if he is still an array-level Cultivation Base, he definitely has Venerable-level combat power, and he is still the strongest group of people in Venerable.

Over the years, he found that the supreme bone that was dug up when he was a child had grown slowly. Although he believed that he could stabilize the peak even without the supreme bone, it is not bad to have the supreme bone now.

However, that beautiful girl was Huo Ling’er, the princess of Fire Country. The two met in Baiduan Mountain, and after experiencing several adventures, Ling’er Huo followed Shi Wu.

Therefore, Shi Hao did not refuse. Although Huo Ling’er was still very self-willed at times, his xinxing was still very kind, and Shi Hao liked this feeling very much.


Seeing that Huo Ling’er was about to rush to own, Shi Wu stretched out his hand to block in front of him, and then said something.

“This is it!”


Huo Ling’er listened and asked incomprehensibly.

Following Shi Wu’s gaze, I saw a huge mansion, and the plaque on the door read the two characters Shi Mansion.

“Shi Mansion? You are surnamed Shi again, is this your home?” Huo Ling’er asked curiously.

“Home? Ah!

Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but sneered.

Looking at the mansion in front of him, Shi Hao’s eyes were also full of complicated expressions.He was also here back then. After a period of happiness and no troubles, although that happened later, he was dug out of supreme bones, but this was also born by him. Place, so Shi Hao’s heart is quite complicated!

“What’s the matter? Am I wrong?” Seeing Shi Wu sneer, Huo Ling’er asked incomprehensibly.

Shi Wu took a deep breath, ignored Huo Ling’er next to him, and shouted directly at Shi Mansion: “Shi Yi, there is no poisonous woman, you two get out of me.”

Shi Wu’s voice spread throughout the entire imperial capital.

“Is this? The sound seems to be coming from near Shifu.”

“Who is so bold? How dare to challenge Shifu in the imperial city? You know how the Shifu is also the royal family!”

“Shi Yi? Isn’t that the peerless arrogant of our stone country.”

After hearing this voice, everyone in the imperial city also started talking.

And Huo Ling’er, who was standing next to Shi Hao, couldn’t help but widened his eyes and the boss with a long mouth looked at Shi Wu in an incredible appearance.

She didn’t expect that Shi Hao, a stinky boy, was so bold. She thought that Shi Wu was a member of the Shi Mansion, but she didn’t expect that he was here to seek revenge, and he still came to the emperor of Shi Kingdom to seek revenge. What’s the difference.

0……Look for flowers.……

Although she is also the princess of Fire Country, she has not had the guts to come to the imperial city of Stone Country to make trouble.

“Stone smelly! What are you doing?” Huo Linger stammered, pointing at Shi Hao.

“Didn’t you see it? I am here for revenge!” Shi Wu shrugged indifferently and said.

“Vengeance? Are you really here to seek revenge? Are you not afraid of death? Go, let’s go quickly so that no one will be discovered!” Huo Ling’er strongly hugged Shi Hao’s hand, trying to hug him here. Said anxiously.

But no matter how Huo Ling’er searches, he just can’t search Shi Hao. Seeing this, Huo Ling’er is about to cry.

“Ah! Alright! It’s okay! I didn’t tell you, I am very strong!” Seeing Huo Ling’er about to cry in a hurry, Shi Hao couldn’t help touching her head, then smiled and comforted.

“Who are you! You dare to come to Shi Mansion and yell!” At this time, the door of Shi Mansion opened, and two people walked out of it. It seemed that it should be the children of Shi Mansion. Wu and Huo Ling’er questioned loudly.

“Um! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, my friend didn’t mean it! Let’s leave now! I’m really embarrassed.” Huo Linger stood in front of Shi Hao, and then explained.

After speaking, he wanted to take Shi Wu away again.

Seeing this, Shi Hao also shook his head helplessly. It seems that this little Nizi obviously didn’t worry about own words! But he didn’t speak either, just wanted to see how this little Nizi would deal with it.

“Isn’t it something you can understand by yelling in Shifu?” the person who had just spoken continued.

However, when he saw Huo Ling’er, his eyes suddenly brightened, and then his eyes stared at Huo Ling’er. After all, he didn’t know how many women he had played with since he was a child, and he had never seen such a beautiful woman.

“Then what do you want?” Seeing these two Shifu children staring at him squintingly, Huo Linger’s heart also aroused anger, but after all, this is not in Huo Nation, and there is Shi Hao next to him, so, She had to suppress the anger in her heart and asked.

“We don’t want to be so much! But if you are willing to be the two of us, this matter will pass.” Another Shifu kid said.

He stared at Huo Ling’er with squinting eyes, and he kept swallowing saliva in his mouth. Eight,

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