Chapter 212

By the way, when Ye Qingxian mentioned the name of God Liu, Xiaodu couldn’t help but feel very familiar, but for a while, Xiaodu couldn’t remember where he had heard it.

Seeing that he had already reminded him like this, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but feel speechless.

“Old Willow Tree! I should remember it now!” Ye Qingxian rolled his eyes and said.

“Old Willow Tree? Sacrifice Spirit? Big Sister, do you mean she is the sacrifice spirit of Shicun?” After hearing this, Xiao Budian could not help but widen his eyes and asked in shock.

Not bad “! This Big sis is the sacrificial spirit of our stone village! How about? Are you surprised?” Ye Qingxian asked jokingly.


Xiaobudian nodded frantically, then bowed to God Liu, and then solemnly said: “Xiaobudian has seen Lord Ji Ling!”

For the sacrificial spirit of the old willow tree, the small thing can be said to be extremely respectful. If Shicun had not been protected by the “two, three, three” sacrificial spirits of the old willow tree, it might have been in the mountains, those ancient relics and beasts. Lunch is on the plate.

“Aha! Don’t be polite! Get up!” Liu Shen waved to Xiao Budian, and then said with a smile.

“Thank you Lord Ji Ling!

Little said.

“Woo woo woo! Little, it’s not like you!” Seeing this, Ye Qingxian next to him couldn’t help but said playfully.

“Hey! You guys can’t eat anymore! If you don’t eat, I’ll eat it myself!”

Just when Xiaodian wanted to say something, Tang Mingyao’s voice came over.

“Aha! Alright, let’s go over to eat, don’t let Tang Dage wait for a long time!” Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxian smiled and said to Liu Shen and Xiao Budian.

After speaking, they took the lead and walked forward. Seeing this, Liu Shen and Xiao Budian also hurriedly followed.

That night.

The moonlight is dim, and the scenery under the moon seems to be surrounded by the moon shadow, becoming a lot dim and misty.

In the mountains, the sound of cicadas sounded from time to time.

The stone village at night seemed extremely quiet, except for the sound of dogs barking.

A group of people gathered together dozens of miles away from Shicun.

“Patriarch! There are still dozens of miles away from that village!”

At this time, a voice rang.

“Yeah! Are all other forces here?” The patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe asked, looking at the people who reported to him below.

“The Hui chieftain, um, are all here! The Zishan people are in the east of the village, while the people from Luofu Daze are in the west.” The person who was asked hurriedly replied.

“Did they say, when do you want to do it?” the patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe asked again.

“A quarter of an hour later!”

The person below replied respectfully.

“Hey! You tell me to go down and let the people below get ready. Once you get in, you can grab all the resources for me! You know!”

“The Hui patriarch! The subordinates have known it!” the figure replied.

After speaking, he stood up and left.

On a hill in Shicun, Tang Mingyao, Ye Qingxian and Liushen stood on it, looking into the distance.

For those enemies who came, how could they hide the three of them, but now they don’t want to do it, or those people will not survive now.

“Qingxian and I won’t take action. Let Tieshan’s kid and Xiaobudian’s gang see blood! If necessary, you can also take action!” Tang Mingyao glanced at the willow god, and said.

“Yeah! Yes! I won’t let them be in danger!” Upon hearing this, Liu Shen nodded and said.

On the outskirts of Shicun, a group of people stood looking at the quiet village inside. They couldn’t help being shocked when they saw the old willow tree that was as large as a thousand meters. Starting.

This “willow tree is the sacrificial spirit you call it?” Suddenly a strong voice sounded.

I saw a figure that was very vague, only a pair of eyes were very bright, like two lights, penetrating the clouds and mist, reflecting out, and it was breathtaking. This voice came from his mouth. He is also the patriarch of the Thunder Clan.

A tall and mighty old man stood on the high ground and looked at Shicun. He also followed: “If this willow tree is the spirit sacrifice of this village, then the goal this time will not be so easy to achieve!”

Next to it is a golden wolf, not very tall, only 1.5 meters in length, but it has a terrifying aura released, its fur is gleaming with golden light, even its eyes are golden, rune is looming, extremely terrifying.

This old man is the patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe, and the golden wolf next to the old man is the sacrifice spirit of their tribe.

It seems that the Golden Wolf tribe wants to obtain greater resources from Shicun this time. Otherwise, it would not even bring out the tribe’s sacrificial patron saint.

“Back to the two adults! This willow tree is indeed the spirit sacrifice of this village! I heard that the riot of Spiritual Qi in the rugged mountain range is also caused by it!” At this moment, a person walked out and said.

Hearing this, the two of them couldn’t help squinting their eyes, and looking at the old willow tree, they were constantly shining with fierce light and greed 0…

“The two forces of the Zishan tribe, Luofu Daze, haven’t they arrived yet?” asked the person next to the old man from the Golden Wolf tribe.


Hearing this, the people below shook their heads, and then continued: “However, when the news comes, there is almost one hour left before their people have arrived!”

The old man responded, and then turned to look at the old willow tree in Shicun.

Deep in the wild mountains.

“Sister Bai! Sure enough, your guess is correct. Those of you have come to the outskirts of Shicun, and now they seem to wait until the time is up to attack!” Langteng said while looking at Bai Ling, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

“As expected!

Bai Ling’s face did not change at all, as if some were only what she expected.

“Haha! I don’t know how many people from those tribes or forces will go back this time!” The duck wing beside him couldn’t help but laughed, and then said with misfortune.

“Haha! Stupid bird, do you still think those people can go back? If it was possible a few days ago, but this Spiritual Qi riot may be caused by the old willow tree healing, maybe its injury is good It’s almost done!” Langteng looked at Peng Yi like a fool, and then said with a sneer.

“Dead dog! I don’t need you to say that, I know! And what is your look? Do you want to fight?” Suddenly noticed Lang Teng’s eyes, Peng Yi suddenly became angry, and then waited for the wolf. Teng scolded with a glance.

“Stupid bird! Just hit and hit, thinking I’m afraid you won’t make 0.8?” Lang Teng was also worthwhile, so he just tolerated it and went back.

“Shut up! If you want to fight, go outside and fight. If the image is in my plan, let’s see how I can clean up you!” Bai Ling who was sitting there was also a bit unbearable, so he squinted and watched. The two said word by word.


Hearing this, the two looked at each other, snorted, and then both turned their heads, and saw that the wolf was flattering, and said to Bai Ling: “Sister Bai, don’t worry, I am not like this stupid bird. , So don’t know how to measure!”

“you you!”

When Peng Yi heard it, he was also furious, and he couldn’t say a word when he pointed at the wolf.

“Well, you two give me peace!” Bai Ling said again, but this time Pengyi and Langteng felt a hint of danger, so they closed their mouths one after another.

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