Chapter 210: Cultivation Technique

However, Tang Mingyao returned to the original era with Xiaowudian, Xiaowudian was depressed because of not having a good cultivation Cultivation Technique.

Don’t look at the lofty ambitions at the time, but now I don’t have a bottom line at all.

You know, Shi Yi has brought this double pupil since he was born, and now he has a supreme bone, and there are cultivation resources provided by the Shi family behind him. With these things, and such a good cultivation environment and resources, how fast is it? It may be slow.

And myself, without the cultivation method, and without the cultivation resources, everything can only be found by myself, and the supreme bones on the body are taken away. Therefore, there is no bottom line in Xiaobu’s snack.

However, when he heard the Big Brother say that he would help himself, Xiao Bu’s dim sum also raised a glimmer of hope. Although he didn’t know how powerful this Big Brother was, but what he did just now was to travel through time and space. In the past, how could Cultivation Base be low!

“Small! What kind of Cultivation Technique do you want?” Tang Mingyao looked at Xiaodian and asked.

Although he plans to help him, he still has to choose his own way.

After listening to the Big Brother’s questioning, Xiao Dudian was also a little dumbfounded, because he didn’t know what Cultivation Technique he really wanted. Little did not cultivate any Cultivation Technique from childhood to 217. No, there should be cultivation. Tang Mingyao passed down the Cultivation Technique that laid the foundation for them, but the others were useless.

“Um! Big Brother! I don’t know what Cultivation Technique I want, otherwise, you can just give me a good set of Cultivation Technique!” The little bit scratched his head, and then said cautiously.

Hearing that, Tang Mingyao was also taken aback, then Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and he took a small look and asked again: “So sloppy? Okay! Then I ask you this way, when you fight, you like punching and punching. When it comes to meat, I still like to use weapons, or magical powers, but, no, it should be a treasure.”

After listening to Xiao Dui, his eyes lit up, and then he watched Tang Mingyao eagerly replied: “I like it, can I have it all?”

Hearing this, Tang Mingyao stroked his chin and started thinking. A picture appeared in his mind. A man with a height of one million feet, his whole body like steel muscles, fights people with fists to the flesh, and others hit him. It’s as if it’s not painful to tickle, and from time to time, it also offers weapons to give the enemy a shot, while at the same time being able to flexibly avoid the enemy’s attack, raising his hand and blasting a magical spell.

After a while, Tang Mingyao shook his head, took out the picture in his mind, then raised his head and said, “Hey! I see, then this set of Cultivation Technique is best for you!”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to Xiao Budian, only to see a ray of light from his hand, which fell into Xiao Budian’s mind.

After the ray of light fell into his mind, Xiao Zhizhi’s mind suddenly exploded, and countless information screens slowly emerged.

In the picture, I saw a group of brawny men fighting a giant war that looked like a relic of the ancient times. Each of these brawny men was as high as ten thousand meters or more, some one hundred thousand meters, and some even one million meters.

They not only have a strong physique, but they are also very flexible. Those giant beasts that look like ancient relics, attacking them, it is like tickling them.

At the same time, all of them held powerful weapons in their hands, and with one smash, or a stabbing or rubbing, those ancient relics would fall into a large area.

Moreover, they can also issue those powerful treasures at any time. Those treasures include fire, water, wind, and all kinds.

Seeing these pictures, Xiaodudian’s eyes are full of little stars. Isn’t this what he has always dreamed of?

The defense has a strong physique. It can not only fist to the flesh, but also flexibly avoid the enemy, and also has a powerful weapon in his hand. With every gesture, he can issue a powerful treasure, which is simply perfect.

After receiving the information in his mind, Xiao Dudian opened his eyes and looked at Tang Mingyao excitedly and said, “Thank you Big Brother! This Cultivation Technique is really suitable for me! I like it very much.

Hearing that, Tang Mingyao rolled his eyes, this Cultivation Technique is not only suitable for you, but suitable for everyone! Of course, except for some special physiques.

This Cultivation Technique is based on the Nine Cycles mystery cultivated by the Witch Clan in the primordial world, combining the cultivation method of the Monster Clan and the Cultivation Technique characteristics of some Innate gods, so can it not be strong?

“It’s good for you! Okay, let’s go to the cultivation first! If you don’t understand or lack anything, then tell me. With such a strong method of cultivation, if you can’t catch up with the individual Shi Yi, you can simply Self-defeating repaired! Tang Mingyao” Chong Xiaobudian waved his hand, and then said angrily.

“Hehe! Big Brother, don’t worry, I will work hard to cultivate and try to surpass him sooner!” Hearing this, Xiao Budian looked at Tang Mingyao with a serious face, and said solemnly.

“Hey! As long as you know.

Tang Mingyao nodded in approval.

Hee hee “! Big Brother, Big Sister sister, then I will go back to cultivation first!” Xiao Budian shook his hands from Tang Mingyao and Ye Qingxian, and then hurried out of the wooden house and ran towards the village.

“Tang Dage, what exactly did you give him Cultivation Technique? Actually make Xiao Budian so excited?” Looking at Xiao Budian’s disappearing back, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but asked curiously.

Hearing that, Tang Mingyao was also a little bit directly towards Ye Qingxian, and a ray of light fell into Ye Qingxian’s mind, and then said: “Look at it for yourself! This Cultivation Technique is also Insight Insight. It should be somewhat for you to fight with people in the future. Usefulness.”.. First release…

Hearing this, Ye Qingxian closed his eyes and began to sort out the information in his consciousness. After a while, Ye Qingxian opened his eyes, and then said silently: “This Cultivation Technique is not from the prehistoric, monsters and witches. Is it a fusion version? Oh, no, it should be an upgraded version!

“Aha! Almost!

Tang Mingyao nodded and replied with a smile.

“Um! Two fellows.”

At this moment, a voice came.

Hearing this, Tang Mingyao and Ye Qingxian glanced at each other. At the same time, the corners of their mouths were slightly tilted, and then said: “It seems that our fellow is recovering well! Let’s go and see.”

After speaking, he walked out of the wooden house and walked towards the old willow tree.

This voice is that the old willow tree that has been sleeping these days, judging from the tone of the old willow tree just now, she is obviously recovering well, otherwise, she won’t be able to wake up from the deep sleep so soon.

The two walked under the willow tree, and then Tang Mingyao said, “My fellow, how is the injury recovered? Can you come out?”

As soon as the words fell silent, I saw a woman slowly emerging from the old willow tree, her face was a bouquet of flowers, her figure was slender, her long hair was draped in a waistcoat, her hands were gently holding a white ribbon, and she was wearing a purple long dress. Against the shadow of the willow tree, she seemed to be even more radiant, and she felt that there seemed to be a light haze behind her.When she was not a person in the world, she could only see her Fang Dangshaoling, but she was only eighteen years old when she fully emerged. At age, the skin is better than snow, the beauty is unparalleled, and the complexion is superb. ,

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