Chapter 193

“If you don’t dare to go, just wait quietly for me!” Seeing Pengyi and Langteng like that, White Snake looked at them silently, and then said angrily.

After hearing what White Snake said, Pengyi and Langteng shrugged their faces and dared not continue talking!

The periphery of the mountain range was also affected by the Spiritual Qi riots, causing the low-level archaic relics and fierce beasts to fled madly.

A million miles away from Shicun.

This is a fertile land, with open plains, beautiful mountains and rivers.

On the horizon, there is an endless stretch of buildings. This is a large tribe with a population of several million, which has always been prosperous on this land.

The strong men of this clan are like forests, inherited from ancient times to the present, and there will be several wizards in each generation of the clan, ensuring their strength and prosperity.

Between these buildings, there was a large golden tent. A Daoist shadow walked in from the outside, and shouted to the old man inside, saying: “Patriarch! Spiritual Qi riots appeared in the mountains in the south, which caused the nearby Primordial Relics and Relics. The fierce beasts are all fleeing! According to the reported news, it is suspected that a treasure was born!”

“Hey! Spiritual Qi riot? And the birth of treasures?” The old man glanced at the figure, tapping his five fingers on the table non-stop, and then asked 06!

“Yes! Patriarch.” The figure nodded and replied.

“That said! The ununearthed treasure has already aroused the situation of the ten directions.” Seeing the figure, it is certain that the old man’s eyes have wisps of golden lightning, which is extremely terrifying.

“Patriarch! Do we want to go there? Although our population does not reach tens of millions, but the strength is by no means weaker than others.” At this time, several people walked into the golden tent, and one of them looked at the old man and said. Starting

“Well, don’t take a risk, take a few little guys on a trip, to meet the world, you can’t do it without my order!” The old man pondered for a while, and then warned, the golden light in his eyes was extremely frightening.


Several people nodded in response!

Far away, another piece of land.

A huge lake, blue like the sea, beautiful scenery, one after another, dotted with islands.

The water waves were surging, several children riding on a flood, leaped out of the water, the clouds rolled and the scales were shining, and they rushed into the sky.

On the island, in front of the magnificent palace, a group of adults watched them dotingly.

“Don’t make trouble, I’ll take you on a long journey in a while to meet the wonders of the outside world.”

“Che, they are all mediocre geniuses. Last time they said he was an extraordinary genius. He hadn’t been defeated by us. If he hadn’t escaped into the flames on Huoqi, he would have to be caught back.” A teenager retorted.

Another mountain and river is also very far away.

This is a princely territory with no borders and a population of tens of millions. There are huge cities one after another, traffic and people coming and going, and it is extremely prosperous.

The huge royal capital is magnificent and majestic. The walls are made of Vajra rock. It is extremely majestic, like a black mountain that stretches across the horizon, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The palace is magnificent, like a heavenly palace descending on the earth, tall and majestic, and the interior is magnificent, with carved beams and picturesque buildings, with endless luxury and wealth.

This time, “Treasures are born, you take those little guys to see them. But without my order, no one will be able to do it, otherwise you will be killed!” In the majestic silver palace, on the supreme throne, one A calm and majestic voice came.


The following two white-haired old men respectfully responded.

In the distance, there are mountains and rivers. The mountains here are very majestic and towering into the clouds. The tops of the mountains are covered in silver, covered with thick white snow, and the temperature is very low.

However, there is a huge city built here, located on a huge mountain in the center, overlooking the wasteland.

The population here is not very large, it is an ancient hidden family, but its inheritance is terrible and amazing. In the ancient times, it once ruled this land.

“It’s incredible that a holy thing appeared in that barren barren forest.” An old man in a white robe said.

“The world is so big, there are no wonders!” Another old man in a gray robe also sighed.

“Grandpa, second grandpa! We are going to see what the treasure is! Will you take us there, okay?” A few beautiful little girls walked in the snow, one by one beautiful like elf, with smart and pretty eyes With bright white faces and bright black hair flying, a few little girls came to the two old men and said coquettishly.

“Haha! I won’t go! Grandpa, I want to guard the clan. Ask your second grandpa to take you there! It’s okay to see and see!” Hearing this, the old man in the white robe couldn’t help but laughed, and then Looked at the little girls and said.

“Second grandfather! You take us there!” The little girls hurriedly came to the side of the old man in the gray robe, and then took his hand and swayed and said coquettishly.

“Ah! Good, good! You little guys, don’t shake it! The second grandfather promised you, can’t you?” The old man in the gray robe also looked helpless when he heard the words, and then smiled bitterly.

Stone village.

“Mr. Tang! Lord Ji Ling has absorbed Spiritual Qi. Isn’t it true that there will be no problems with Spiritual Qi for such a long time?” Seeing that the old willow tree is still absorbing Spiritual Qi, the old village head became worried again in his heart, and then asked Qin Xuan next to him asked.

“Haha! Old village chief, don’t worry! The old willow tree is very powerful, just that Spiritual Qi is not enough for her to stuff her teeth!” Qin Xuan replied with a smile.

“That’s good!

Seeing what Qin Xuan said, although the old village chief was still a little worried, his hanging heart still fell. 840

“She wants to use this Spiritual Qi to heal her injuries, and she doesn’t know when she will recover. Forget it! I’ll help you!” As the old willow tree continues to absorb the Spiritual Qi around, the Spiritual Qi gradually Seeing this, Qin Xuan frowned, and then muttered to himself.

As soon as Qin Xuan stretched out his hand, a fruit that looked like a baby appeared in his hand. This fruit looked like a baby. Needless to say, it was a ginseng fruit planted by Qin Xuan.

Then, Qin Xuan injected the ginseng fruit into the body of the old willow tree. In this ginseng fruit, there is a large amount of yimu Qi, which can not only be used for the Ascension Cultivation Base, but also heal, especially for the old willow tree. The effect of practicing creatures is even more doubled.

As the ginseng fruit was punched into the body of the old willow tree by Qin Xuan, I saw that the old willow tree was emitting a dazzling blue light. Shoots.

The body of the entire old willow tree also began to grow taller, and eventually the old willow tree grew to a size of a thousand meters before it stopped growing.

Those branches also kept spreading outwards, and didn’t stop until they shrouded 10,000 meters in her shadow.

“Shen Liu is so tall!” Seeing this, the group of little guys couldn’t help but opened their mouths, and cried out inconceivably.

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