Establish your authority!

Holding the Heavenly Saint, Pangu Zhengzong, and the three major disciples of Xuanmen to establish their power!

In the primitive world, all the creatures in the primitive world who were paying attention to this battle were horrified.

Unexpectedly, the three saints of the earth had not been born for a long time, and when they were born, they were shocking and overwhelming the saints of the heaven.

In an instant, the thoughts of countless creatures were tumbling.

"It seems that the Three Holy Capitals have not accepted disciples yet..."



Haotian felt envious as he felt the battle in the chaos.

After the battle was over, the three earthly saints appeared in the heaven. Zhen Yuanzi looked at Haotian and said, "Junior brother, you have just assumed the role of the Lord of the heaven and are weak. The three of us will leave behind a clone each." In heaven."

"If something happens, you can go find us in the three days. These three clones will suppress the heaven for you!"

Haotian was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly thanked him, "Thank you so much, brother and sister!"

His heaven is empty and full of wastes waiting to be revitalized.

Although he had his own master as his backer, he was born as a boy after all, and was looked down upon by many prehistoric creatures.

Now that we have the Three Holy Saints suppressing Heaven, who dares to look down on us!

Haotian suddenly felt himself standing up.

In his excited eyes, Zhen Yuanzi, Hou Tu, and Ancestor Ming He each left a clone and disappeared into the heaven.

"Congratulations, senior brother and senior sister!"

Not long after, three figures appeared again in the void of heaven.

It was the three saints of Sanqing who were driven into the depths of chaos.

I happened to see Haotian bowing to the three authentic saints, and I suddenly felt unhappy.

He snorted coldly at Haotian and disappeared.

Haotian was stunned, and his face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Before I became the Lord of Heaven, I was looked down upon by you. Now that I am the Lord of Heaven, I am still looked down upon by you."

"Didn't I, the Lord of Heaven, do all my work in vain?"

Scenes of bad memories appeared in Haotian's mind. Those were the days when he was bullied and looked down upon in Zixiao Palace.

emerged again.

"Hmph! Saint of Heaven!"

With a cold snort, Haotian turned around and disappeared.

But as soon as he lifted his feet, a voice rang in his ears, "Little Taoist boy, why do you look unhappy?"

Haotian was startled when he heard the familiar voice, "Haotian has seen Guixuan Daozu!"

He is actually his master's rival, Gui Xuan Dao Ancestor.

Haotian felt uneasy for a moment.

Gui Xuan looked at Haotian in front of him, and the power of law flowed in his eyes, and he saw Haotian clearly in an instant.

"It's just the Chaos Stone and the feet, nothing unusual at all."

Gui Xuan was a little puzzled.

Then why does Haotian's appearance look the same as the cricket he transformed into when he was watching his life.

"Since it is a dream, everything should have a reason. It seems that there are many things in this dream that I don't know about."

After thinking about it, Gui Xuan said with a smile, "No need to be polite. I haven't seen you for a long time and I didn't expect you to be the Lord of Heaven. I'm really happy and congratulated."

Haotian lowered his head slightly, "They all rely on my master."

In front of Guixuan Daozu, Haotian did not dare to act casually.

The cause and effect between this Taoist ancestor and his master is unknown to everyone in the entire prehistoric world.

But why did this person come to heaven?

Haotian was a little puzzled.

While thinking about it, Haotian asked the heavenly maid to start entertaining.

In less than a while, various spiritual fruits and spiritual food were served.

Gui Xuan said quietly, "Isn't it difficult to be the Lord of Heaven?"

Haotian looked stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Gui Xuan Dao Ancestor must not laugh at children."

In front of Guixuan Daozu, he didn't need to hide anything.

After all, the other party is the same existence as his master.

"This heaven is in dire straits, and I have tried every means, but I can't find anyone."

"In ancient times, they were either disciples of saints or remnants of ancient times. They didn't look down upon me, a Taoist boy."

He knew in his heart that these great masters were arrogant, but no matter how arrogant they were, Haotian was still a member of Hongjun Taoist Ancestor.

The feeling of being looked down upon wherever you go is really chilling.

Guixuan smiled, Haotian's suffering will be known to future generations.

This also gave him an opportunity.

In the prehistoric world, the time when the old boy Hongjun appeared again was at the end of the Conferred Gods.

The leader of the Tongtian cult reenacted the time when earth, water, wind and fire shattered the prehistoric earth.

During this period, as long as the calamity continues and the general situation remains unchanged, this old boy will be bound by the dream instinct and the ancient way of heaven.

After all, if he wants to evolve the dream, he must abide by the rules of the dream.

This is also what Gui Xuan wants to understand in the prehistoric world No. 2.

After thinking about this matter, he was originally not prepared to participate in the two realms of Conferred Gods, but now he wants to participate.

Revive humanity in the midst of calamity!

And the Haotian in front of him is the key to his recovery of humanity.

No matter what the identity of the other party is, in this prehistoric dreamland, you must abide by the rules!

Otherwise, after waking up from the dream, the prehistoric world would be shattered, and he Hongjun would not want it.

The more Haotian talked, the more aggrieved he became, and he unconsciously began to complain about the Three Saints of Xuanmen.

"Daozu, you don't know how embarrassing my status as a boy is, even my own senior brother looks down on me."

"The three authentic saints all know how to think about me as a child, but my master's direct disciples only care about themselves."

"You don't take me seriously at all. It's hard for me as a child..."

As he spoke, the corners of his eyes began to sparkle, and there were faint tears.

Seeing this, Gui Xuan was speechless, "Hezhu, you learned this from your master, right?"

"Don't act like that." Gui Xuan said slowly, "I came here for this."

"Your Thirty-three Chongchuntian is empty and short of manpower; I will leave a clone here to sit in your Heavenly Court."

"With me here, no one of those prehistoric gods dares to say anything."

Haotian's eyes lit up when he heard it!

This is Daozu Guixuan, whose prestige in the prehistoric land is stronger than his own master.

If he can support himself, the position of the Lord of Heaven will not be stable!

Haotian was so excited that he quickly stood up and saluted, "Thank you Daozu Guixuan!"

Gui Xuan nodded, "I have a disciple who is in the realm of Daluo Jinxian perfection, one step away from Quasi-Saint. He happens to be free and can take up a position in Heavenly Court."

Haotian was even more excited.

"Daozu, be merciful! There are six positions of Yu in my Heavenly Court, and your disciple can take up one of them!"

Haotian really gave it his all and took out one of the six Yu directly.

Gui Xuan nodded, "Let him be the Eastern Qinghua Emperor, ruling all spirits."

Hao Tian heard this and immediately said that he had no objection.

The Eastern Qinghua Emperor ruled the Eastern world, and the Red Cloud Ancestor Buddha happened to be in the East China Sea.

It was only natural for Gui Xuan's disciples to take this position.

Hao Tian said, "I will ask Taibai Jinxing to draft an edict and announce it to the prehistoric world!"

"I don't know if Daozu Gui Xuan has any other instructions."

Gui Xuan smiled, "In that case, let Hong Yun directly allocate a million Buddha soldiers to your heaven for your dispatch."

"I have some friendship with the ancestor of the human race. If there are people in the human race who want to ascend to heaven, they can also serve in the heaven."

"Great Daozu Gui Xuan!!"

Hao Tian shouted loudly.

Sending charcoal in the snow!

Why didn't my master have this intention? If my master could think of these, I would have suppressed the prehistoric world long ago.

How could I bear the bird's temper of the Xuanmen saint.

Grateful tears!

Grateful tears!

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