"Human luck?"

Suiren was stunned and quickly asked, "Teacher, what is human luck?"

Taoist Taixuan smiled, "There are three ways in the ancient world, namely the way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of humanity."

"These three paths are all paths for all living beings, and each path has its support."

"The way of heaven is for immortals, the way of earth is for spirits, and the way of humanity is for human beings."

"The luck of humanity is just like the luck of heaven, it is the great road of panic."

Only then did Suiren remember that his holy mother was a saint of heaven.

Zhen Yuanzi, Queen Houtu, and Ancestor Minghe are all true saints.

"Now there are nine saints in the heavenly realm, eight of whom have emerged; three saints in the earthly realm have emerged; but the human realm has not yet appeared."

"Do you think this kind of human luck can give birth to a saint?"

Hiss~~! !

Suiren's eyes widened with excitement.

If humanity, which is based on the human race, cannot give birth to a saint, it would be unreasonable!

"Teacher, are these three human emperors saints of humanity?"

Suiren quickly saluted Taoist Taixuan.

He remembered that Taixuan Taoist had just said that the human race would have three emperors to rule the world.

Taoist Taixuan's expression remained unchanged as he continued, "The three emperors of the human race are not saints of humanity, but they are saints of the human race."

Suiren was a little disappointed and a little confused.

"If the human race wants to become the protagonist of the world, it will not happen overnight."

Taixuan Taoist asked Suiren, "How do you think the human race is doing now?"

The Suiren clan thought for a while and said, "If the human race uses all its strength, not to mention surpassing the two lich races, it can also collide with one of them without damaging its roots."

"After experiencing the last catastrophe, the human race has begun to focus on improving its combat effectiveness."

After saying that, he looked at Taoist Taixuan, only to see Taoist Taixuan looking at him expressionlessly.

"Teacher, I don't know..."

Taoist Taixuan said quietly, "How many of the things that the human race owns now are their own?"

Suiren's expression changed, and his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

Taixuan Taoist said, "The methods practiced by your human race either come from Taiqing Saint or from me."

"The materials for the weapons are all taken from the ancient earth; the spiritual materials used for making elixirs are all from the four directions."

“The food you eat is taken from you, and the clothes you wear are from around you.”

"How many of these things really belong to your human race?"

"With all the fighting power, they only know how to plunder, but they don't know how to give back to the world."

"If the human race continues like this for a long time, it will be no different from the two Lich races. It will even be worse!"


Suiren's eyes were dazed and his head was dizzy.

As Taoist Taixuan spoke, his face became paler and paler.

"Teacher, please clarify!"

Taoist Taixuan is right.

Everything the human race has today comes from others, and very few truly belong to them.

This situation will be fine for a short period of time, but over time, they will become the puppets of other saints, or become a race that only knows how to plunder.

Even if you become the protagonist of heaven and earth, you won't last long.

However, Taoist Taixuan changed the subject, which made Suiren even more desperate.

"The birth of the three human emperors, do you really think those heavenly saints don't know about it? As early as the last calamity, after the birth of the human race, the three human emperors were divided up by the heavenly saints."

Suirenshi was horrified, "Teacher..."

Taoist Taixuan shook his head, "You don't have to panic."

"The three realms of heaven, earth and man, earth and humanity, were calculated and suppressed by that old boy."

"That's why this happened."

"But everything has its cause. Although the three emperors of the human race were divided up by the saints of heaven, these saints did not dare to go too far, otherwise they would not be able to bear the backlash of humanity."

"The Three Emperors will lay the foundation for the human race for eternity, and it can only be the human race."

Suiren breathed a sigh of relief, "Teacher, who are these three emperors? Can you find any traces of them?"

If traces of the Three Emperors can be found, the human race can prepare in advance.

Taoist Taixuan pointed his finger, and a stream of light disappeared into Suiren's mind.

Suiren browsed carefully and found that it was the information about the three emperors of the human race.


When he saw the name of Emperor Fuxi, Suiren's expression changed drastically.

The aura on his body also exploded.

Taoist Taixuan had already prepared and suppressed all directions with a single thought.

When Suiren came back to his senses, he looked at Taoist Taixuan with red eyes and asked, "Teacher, the Holy Mother has gone too far to deceive others!!"

"This Fuxi is Emperor Xi, one of the Four Emperors of the Monster Clan. The Monster Clan has killed countless humans and dares to divide the fate of our human race!!"

The more Suiren talked, the angrier he became.

Nuwa, the Holy Mother of Humanity's great catastrophe, did not appear, and the two did not help each other.

People teach the sage Taiqing to pretend not to know.

Although Fuxi did not kill anyone, as the emperor of the demon clan, he was naturally opposed to the human race.

Now he actually dares to reincarnate into the human race and divide the fate of the human race.

As the ancestor of the human race, how could the Suiren family agree!

"Why are you so restless?"

Taoist Taixuan said to Suiren with a straight face.

"Everything that is harmful is beneficial. If you want to live a long life in this world, you must learn to analyze the pros and cons."

"Fu Xi Sui is the Emperor, but he has lost all his legal body, leaving only a trace of his soul."

"After being reincarnated into the human race, it can only be the human race! If he lives in the human race and his heart is in the demon race, then even Nuwa will not be able to bear it."

The Suiren family looked unhappy, "If the demon clan suppresses my luck as a human race, in the end we will worship him. What will happen to the hundreds of millions of dead humans!"

"I will never agree to this!"

Taixuan Taoist felt helpless.

This prehistoric world is different from other prehistoric places.

Under the influence of the ontology, some things have deviated from the direction.

The human race is powerful, and their hatred for the demon race has reached a level that can be engraved in their blood.

Until now, when I see monsters, whether they are good or bad, I will directly attack them in groups, kill them, and then bring them back to the tribe to eat them.

In this kind of hatred, even if Taixuan Taoist doesn't say it now.

In the future, when Fuxi reincarnates and becomes the emperor of the human race, he will also be pulled down by the rebellious human race.

Gui Xuan also had plans for Fu Xi.

Otherwise, I wouldn't say this to Suiren here. Instead, it would be easier for someone else to be the emperor.

As for why Fuxi was made emperor, it was simply because of his luck as a demon.

If the human race wanted to achieve breeding, animal husbandry and other activities, it really had to be Fuxi.

The demon clan does not value animals that do not have intelligence, but this is only within a certain range.

These monsters that have not yet developed spiritual intelligence, or even those that have just developed spiritual intelligence, can be cultured in a small area.

If billions of human races were raised together, it would simply be digging up the foundation of the demon race!

These weak spirits are the endless source of their demon clan.

How could the demon race be willing to be raised and slaughtered by the human race?

Fuxi is the Xihuang of the Demon Clan. If he were to promote this matter, plus the saint Nuwa behind him.

Even if the demon clan has complaints, under the shock of the two of them and the cause and effect of the human race's catastrophe, they will not go to war.

Taoist Taixuan said, "Is this what you do, the ancestor of the human race?"

"What's the difference between just looking at the surface and not thinking deeply, and being a reckless person!"

However, Suiren still looked unhappy, and Taoist Taixuan looked helpless.

"Fuxi is Nuwa's brother. He reincarnated into the human race and needs to go through reincarnation to cleanse his memory."

"Only when he achieves the position of emperor will he awaken the memory of his past life; during this period, if he has other races in mind, he will not agree to the position of co-master of the human race, even if he wants to have the destiny of the human race."

"Furthermore, Nuwa entrusted her brother to the human race. If there is any disaster in the human race in the future, with Fuxi here, are you still worried that Nuwa will not take action?"

"Also, do you really think that I am a mascot and don't care about anything?"

Suirenshi lowered his head and frowned after hearing this.

"So it seems that this is not a bad thing?"

Although Fuxi is the emperor of the demon clan, he was reincarnated into the human race and was trapped by the fate of the human race. Even if he had other ideas, he could only make profits for the human race.

Otherwise, it will be a situation of no return.

The most important thing is to have your own teacher to tell you the truth. Not to mention Nuwa, even Fuxi can't change the world.

After thinking about it, a smile appeared on Suiren's face, "The teacher still thinks clearly."

"You idiot, you don't know how you became the ancestor of the human race!"

Taoist Taixuan shook his head.

"The three emperors of the human race will have three divisions. They all come from the saint's sect to earn merit. You can control this yourself. I won't say anything more."

Suirenshi nodded.

Regarding the Holy Religion, even as a human ancestor, he couldn't stop it.

But after thinking for a while, Suiren's eyes darkened, and he said, "In this case, after these three emperors are born, they can only suppress the destiny of the human race, and are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the human race at will!"

As a disciple of the Heavenly Saint, he is inextricably linked to the Heavenly Saint.

Who knows if they will be reborn in the future.

Taoist Taixuan said nothing about this. These are the internal affairs of the human race, and it is not easy for him to get involved too much now.

After the Suiren clan figured it out, Taoist Taixuan said, "The human race cannot fight alone. It needs to find some allies."

Then he looked at Suiren's eyes and said, "Take my instructions and let the Dragon Ancestor, Phoenix Clan, and Turtle Clan be born."

"The Dragon Clan is the totem of the human race. It blends with the fate of the human race. They both prosper and suffer."

"The Phoenix Clan and the Turtle Clan are auspicious to the human race, and they can help each other for the human race!"

Suiren's heart was shocked, and a series of things appeared in his heart.

This is information about human totems and auspiciousness.

After seeing it, Suirenshi was overjoyed and said, "Thank you very much, teacher!"

If there were two of the three ancient tribes, plus the teacher's own tribe, the other tribes would gain a foothold in the ancient world as quickly as possible!

It's just that he wanted to make the turtle tribe a totem of the human race, but he was rejected by Taixuan Taoist.

"The Dragon Clan is the same as the rest of the world. In the future, it will be beneficial to have a priesthood and become a totem of the human race."

Suirenshi nodded and said nothing more.

After asking a few more questions here, I left.

Soon, the Suiren clan of the human race, the Youchao clan of the human race, and the Zhenyi clan of the human race traveled across the wild land.

The Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and Turtle Clan are all allies of the Human Race, and the Human Race's luck has greatly increased!

The prehistoric times do not count the years.

A few yuan will pass in the blink of an eye.

Several voices appeared in the prehistoric void, resounding throughout the prehistoric land.

"I, the authentic saint Zhen Yuanzi, feel that the thirty-third heaven is not perfect. Today, I will build the earth tomorrow on the thirty-third heaven to complete the heaven!"

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