The ancient world.

The moment Gui Xuan returned to the primitive world, the originally static time and space began to change.

The confinement of time and space disappears.

Billions of living creatures looked at the void in confusion.

Where is Hongjun Daozu? Why is there only one Guixuan Taoist left?

Several saints were also confused.

As if in the blink of an eye, Taoist Hongjun disappeared suddenly and left without even saying hello.

"I'll wait...what should I do next?"

The leader of Shangqing Tongtian asked aloud.

Saint Taiqing pondered for a while and said, "Go to Zixiao Palace and ask the teacher what to do next."

They are different from Zhen Yuanzi and others.

The Taoist ancestor of Xuanmen appears again. As his disciple, if you go to Beihai for everything like before, then the nature of the matter will change.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded in agreement. He always adhered to etiquette and thought there was nothing wrong with this.

While they were talking, Gui Xuan looked at the prehistoric world and shrank his eyes.

"I fought with Hongjun in the chaos for a Yuan Hui, and the prehistoric world passed in less than an instant."

"This ability is simply terrifying!"

He felt something was wrong when he fought before.

Logically speaking, that special aura cannot last as long as a Yuanhui.

Now it seems that his perception was blocked by Hongjun.

But he soon understood that this was Hongjun's warning to him.

Being able to control the time and space of the entire prehistoric world at will, this method has surpassed the way of heaven.

"Is the prehistoric trend really so important?"

Gui Xuan was puzzled.

What is the intention of saying that small trends can be changed, but big trends are irreversible?

"Let's take it one step at a time. All we can do now is collect that special aura as much as possible. Otherwise, we may not be able to defeat Hongjun next time."

Gui Xuan sighed secretly in his heart.

It also felt totally fucked up at the same time.

After finally killing a man who had been scheming all day long, another more sinister one appeared.

“It’s really tiring to be here in the wilderness...”

Sighing secretly, Gui Xuan disappeared in the eyes of hundreds of millions of creatures in the ancient world.

It makes hundreds of millions of creatures in the prehistoric world even more strange, and they always feel that something is wrong today.


The prehistoric heavenly space.

Hongjun has already appeared here.

Looking at the heavenly space where the power of laws intertwined, a smile appeared on Hongjun's face.

"As expected, the world that I spent countless hours nurturing is much better than mine."

"It's just that the world is terrible at running the world, tsk tsk tsk..."


There was a sound of turning the pages of a book.

Hongjun stretched his hand into the void and took out a broken book.

If Gui Xuan were here, he would definitely recognize him immediately.

This book was exactly the one he had in his hand when he killed Hongjun before.

Now it appears again.

"Mine has been taken away, so let's use yours first."

"Just let me occupy this world and become my qualifications."

Opening the book and reading it carefully, Hongjun breathed a sigh of relief.

"He is a smart guy. He has not really undermined the general trend of the world. Otherwise, I would have really killed him."

What he is most worried about is that Gui Xuan has destroyed the general trend of the ancient times. Although there are some differences now, fortunately the overall general trend has not changed.

This also reassured Hongjun a lot.


A black shadow appeared here and roared at Hongjun.

Hongjun glanced at the black shadow with disdain, "What a waste. He was sitting in such a good world and was beaten to death."

"I really don't know what you do for food! Where is the jade plate of creation?!"

"What? No? You are such a waste!"

Hongjun's face turned cold, and with a wave of his hand, something flew out from the black figure and landed in his palm. It was a broken jade dish of creation.

"You can't even find anything, you deserve to be beaten to death!"

"You'd better go somewhere else to give birth again!"

As he spoke, with a flick of his finger, a black vortex appeared next to the shadow, pulling the shadow and disappearing.

After finishing all this, Hongjun put away the broken books in his hands, looked at the world of Tiandao space again, and then left.


North Sea.

Four saints, Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun, Houtu, and Ancestor Minghe, appeared in front of Gui Xuan.

Hongyun said thoughtfully, "Daozu, I feel something is wrong. Before..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gui Xuan, "It's unspeakable and unimaginable."

Hongyun was shocked.

Gui Xuan continued, "The past has passed. As saints, you should benefit the prehistoric world."

"Everything else is nonsense."

Guixuan knew what Hongyun wanted to say.

It's nothing more than about that old boy.

But that old boy was very strange. Before he found a way to completely solve this old boy, Gui Xuan was not going to provoke that old boy again.

"After the Conferred God Measuring Tribulation, the prehistoric world was shattered; this old boy never appeared again, and the Journey to the West Measuring Tribulation..."

Gui Xuan's thoughts were rolling in his heart.

Looking at the prehistoric world, it is a process of prosperity and decline.

After the conferring of gods and calamities, this prehistoric world could no longer accommodate the existence of saints.

Until the end of Journey to the West, no saint has reappeared in the entire prehistoric world.

This might be his chance.

"Waiting for the end of the prehistoric times, I'd like to see what you want to do."

At this time, Hou Tu said, "Daozu, when I was refining the stone to repair the sky, I found that one of the stones actually gave birth to consciousness."

She spread her palm and a colorful stone appeared in her palm.


The colorful stone appeared, and Gui Xuan's heart moved.

This stone actually has an inexplicable connection with him.

Taking the stone into his hand, Gui Xuan looked at it carefully, and then pinched his fingertips to quickly deduce.

"What a good fortune!"

After a deduction, a smile appeared on Gui Xuan's face.

Then he looked at Hou Tu and said, "This stone is destined to be with me. There is a destiny on this stone."

Looking at the puzzled eyes of several saints, Gui Xuan continued.

"Before the three tribes fought, I was in seclusion on Mount Buzhou, and my blood accidentally dripped on this stone, giving birth to spiritual consciousness."

"After being refined by the Qiankun Ding, it became an innate spirit."

So that's it.

The four saints nodded.

Gui Xuan looked to the east, and the law flowed in his eyes.

Soon, he saw an inconspicuous location near the East China Sea, "It's right here."

An inconspicuous fairy stone stood on a mountain.

This location is the ancestral vein of the Ten Continents and Three Islands, and is connected to the Qi veins of Penglai, Yingzhou Fairy Island and the Ten Continents.

The height of the fairy stone is based on the twenty-four Qi, and the holes on it correspond to the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams.

It is the stone monkey in the later Journey to the West.

"You are too lonely..."

With a sigh, Gui Xuan threw the stone in his hand, and the stone in his hand fell beside the fairy stone.

The golden light flowed and drilled into the two stones.

The four saints looked at Gui Xuan's actions, puzzled.

Gui Xuan said, "This stone is related to the fortune of Buddhism, Hongyun, you take good care of it."

Hongyun's eyes were happy, "Hongyun understands!"

He has understood the reason, which is related to the elimination of demons in the West.

It is related to Buddhism, and he can't take it seriously.

Zhen Yuanzi on the side suddenly asked, "Daozu, the witches and demons have withdrawn from the prehistoric world, and this calamity is about to end. What should we do next?"

In this calamity, 129,600 Hui Yuan have passed 120,000 Hui Yuan, and it is about to come to an end.

After the war between the witches and demons ended, the world began to become clear.

As a saint, especially a saint of the earth who is equal to the heavenly way, although suppressed by the heavenly way, he can also calculate some things.

Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi asked.

After all, the next calamity is about to begin. If they, as saints, do not prepare in advance, this prehistoric luck will be lost if they are not careful.

Gui Xuan thought for a moment and said, "The next calamity will bring prosperity to the human race. The disputes in the Xuanmen are between the Xuanmen and have nothing to do with you."

"You just need to do a good job of educating sentient beings and do your best to support the human race within the controllable range."

"The earth is the way of sentient beings, representing rules and will."

"Although most of the billions of creatures in this prehistoric world practice the way of heaven, they are all in the earth."

"You just need to remember that everything will decline after reaching its peak; don't just look at the surface of some things."

The four saints' eyes flickered, and they had some guesses about Gui Xuan's words.

Since the next calamity is the matter of the Xuanmen, it has nothing to do with them, the earth saints.

They just need to sit back and watch the situation and wait for the decline of the Xuanmen; when the next calamity comes, they can be prepared.

After another discussion, the four saints gradually left.

Only Gui Xuan was left sitting here.

"Since you want me to change the situation of the prehistoric world so much, I will do as you wish for the time being."

"Who said that I can only change the situation of the prehistoric world here..."

Gui Xuan showed an inexplicable smile on his face, and an illusory rule power flowed through his fingertips.

"Mind, Di Jun, you really gave me a surprise, and it is worth it for me to save the lives of your ten children."

He has been preaching in the prehistoric world for countless years. In addition to Dong Wanggong providing him with the law of faith, this is the second time that a living being has provided him with the law again.

It is still the most bizarre law of the mind.

The millions of prehistoric creatures that surrounded Kunlun Mountain before were subtly controlled by Di Jun, so they had the courage to block the gate regardless of the face of the saint.

"What did Di Jun see that could make a quasi-saint emperor go crazy..."

Looking at the fingertips carefully, Gui Xuan was curious.

After the war between the witches and the lich, he also used the law of time and space to simulate the scene at that time, but no weird sound appeared again.

He even called out Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin, but they still couldn't figure it out.

"Is it a coincidence, or something else..."

"Let me take a look."

A huge power of the Yuanshen appeared, wrapping the power of the mind.

Just like when he was looking for Dong Wanggong, Gui Xuan began to look for Di Jun with the law of the mind as a guide.

"Ten suns are in the sky, and living beings are in trouble!"

"Kill my witch clan, the demon clan, die!!"

A vast voice appeared in Gui Xuan's ears.

Then came the overwhelming hot power, the sun's true fire fell from the sky, burning the prehistoric land.

"Where is this? Prehistoric?!"

Gui Xuan looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

The great witch holding a bow and arrow in one hand below was shooting arrows at the ten suns in the sky.

One by one, the golden crows kept falling from the sky, making mournful sounds.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, only one of the ten golden crows was left, fleeing in panic, trying to fly into the nine heavens.

Before the great wizard below shot the last arrow, an inexplicable force appeared, abducted him, and disappeared into the void.

Above the nine heavens, the sound of rage resounded through the prehistoric world.

"Witch clan, die!!"

The sky collapsed and the earth split!

The demon king appeared!

"Is this another prehistoric world?"

Gui Xuan was surprised, "Did the space-time laws of Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin undergo some kind of change during the battle, allowing Di Jun to come here?"

"I saw another prehistoric world!"


Gui Xuan took a breath of cold air.

If this is true, it proves that his previous guess is correct. Hongjun is evolving the prehistoric world and seeking the truth through dreams!

"I have been in Hongjun's dream for so long!"

"No wonder... No wonder..."

"If this is true, then when the prehistoric world ends, will it be the time for Hongjun to wake up from his dream?"

"At that time, I..."

Gui Xuan was shocked, and a great fear quickly spread in his heart.

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