Chapter 316 Killing Obstructs Returning To The Underworld)

The sound of horror was accompanied by a thunderbolt, and the sound popped.

Lu Heng sighed, it turned out that the alien demons in front were just cannon fodder in the lead.

The real master has only appeared now.

The world is divided into two colors.

Half is black and half is white.

The diversion of these two colors is centered on Lu Heng.

Standing in the middle of the two colors, Lu Heng is more like an arbiter at the moment, in control of everything in the world.

“This is..

Lu Heng looked at the people in the sky inexplicably, faintly and somewhat familiar.

There are memories of this person in my mind, but for a while, I can’t remember it again.

Yin and Yang Demon God!

The Yin-Yang Demon God, one of the Ten Great Demon Gods, actually came personally.

It seems that Luo Hou has really lost his blood!

“Yin and Yang Demon God, are you here to die?”

Lu Heng took the lead, directly volleying one hundred and one, ascending into the sky.

The confrontation in pairs further showed the demeanor of a master!

“Haha, Lu Heng, I rushed into the wilderness, enlightened and entered the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!”

Coupled with the unique technique, the blood sacrifice of thousands of people, it is not difficult to temporarily resist Lu Heng!

The yin and yang devil raised his eyes, and a monstrous black mist was released from his hands.

Cover the sky!

Within a hundred miles, everyone was surrounded by this black mist.

All creatures contaminated with black mist fell to the ground in less than a moment!

With gestures, the mountains and rivers change color!

Lu Heng feels a little inexplicably, and there is another one to die!

Lu Heng casually moved, and a beautiful brilliance appeared, driving out the black mist.


Seeing Lu Heng’s random attack was to disperse his large black demon formation, the face of Yin and Yang Demon God was surprised.

“Sorry, you are still rubbish!

Lu Heng didn’t say much, but quickly drew out a flying sword in his hand.

“Stab it–”

Feijian’s speed is so fast, especially now that his strength has reached Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Consummation.

The sword aura contains the aura that must kill.

The Yin and Yang Demon God could not move, and the space around him was directly locked!

After issuing a mortal sword, Lu Heng walked towards the place where Lu Heng was without looking back.

He has absolute self-confidence, under this sword of his own, the Demon God of Yin and Yang will undoubtedly die!

This is the self-confidence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian’s late powerhouse!

Lu Heng was about to return to the underworld, and he did feel a chill in his back!

Suddenly a bad feeling came to my mind.

Lu Heng quickly avoided by relying on his dexterity.

The Yin and Yang Demon God is a little different from himself.

If you slow down a little bit, you might die!

The demon god of Yin and Yang dominates Yin and Yang, and has a method of bringing back the dead.

One yin and one yang, embrace the mutilated and defend the insufficiency!

What Lu Heng just cut off was just the power of Yin and Yang of the Demon God!

Slowly shook his head, I was really too impatient!

However, if you can kill the Yin and Yang Demon God once, you can kill it a second time!

The God Killer was decisively sacrificed, and it pierced the back of the Yin and Yang Demon God fiercely!


The yin and yang demon god who was close at hand suddenly heard a crackling noise.

This is the sound of broken bones!


What followed was the painful cry of the Demon God of Yin and Yang!

The yin and yang devil vomited black turbidity in his mouth.

The cultivation of Yin and Yang Demon God is mainly based on Yin Qi.

However, the Yin Qi was broken by Lu Heng.

Yin and Yang are incompatible, and each other regenerates and restrains each other.

Naturally, the situation like this will appear now.

Subsequently, Lu Heng faced several waves of obstacles.

But none of these can cause harm to Lu Heng.

When it was dark, Lu Heng resolved all the obstacles and returned to the underworld!


The first time he returned to the underground palace, Lu Heng came to Tongtian.

Tongtian narrated the catastrophes in the prehistoric world, very tragic.

I have dispatched Duobao and Yuan Hong to Xiniu Hezhou to suppress Mo Dao.

Time Demon Space and Demon God teamed up to modify the time node space and location.

Therefore, when Lu Heng returned to the prehistoric world, it was already ten days later.

In the past ten days, too many things have happened in the prehistoric world.

A large number of demons have appeared, and the four continents of the human race have been miserable.

The damage caused by Journey to the West was much more severe than expected.

Journey to the West is almost the last crisis in the prehistoric period.

At the same time, it was also the most powerful calamity of the demons.

In this time of calamity, there will be a qualitative change in the prehistoric world.

Of course, Tongtian doesn’t know all this!

Lu Heng sighed slightly, and also narrated things in the prehistoric times.

“Hey, the prehistoric world is perilous!”

The sky sighed and said 0……….

The era that belongs to oneself has passed, and the prehistoric times are constantly changing.

The years change, with good times and bad times!

“Yuan Hong two people must not be able to stop the entire demon way.”

“I came back this time to prevent Luo Hou from harming the entire prehistoric land again.”

Lu Heng’s eyes were venomous, and his bright eyes looked towards the west.

“What, Luo Lian is not dead yet!

Hearing this, Tongtian’s eyes became extremely solemn.

In the magic way, Luo Hu can rival Hongjun’s existence.

Luo Mou is not dead, which means that there will be two Heavenly Dao powerhouses in the prehistoric world!

In addition, Lu Heng can be comparable to the evil spirits of the powerhouse of heaven.

Once the three of them fight, it is absolutely impossible for the prehistoric world to bear it!

Lu Heng also saw the worry in Tongtian’s heart.

The war of the three is inevitable.

The decline of the prehistoric world is also inevitable.

However, the ship went straight to the bridge head.

Lu Heng didn’t want to see the prehistoric world fall, but for now, he still can’t prevent this from happening.

Can only wait for this miracle to happen in the follow-up.

For now, I can only wait with peace of mind!

“Huh, there seems to be something strange in your body?”

Tongtian’s eyes were venomous, and he quickly noticed that Lu Heng’s body was shining.

That is the function of Chaos Qinglian.

Since the successful forging, Chaos Qinglian has only used it once, and has absorbed a lot of power in the Chaos.

Now, Chaos Qinglian seems to have undergone a different change 1.1.

Seeing this, it seems that it is about to be promoted!

Lu Heng was overjoyed, Chaos Qinglian is the treasure of Chaos.

At present, Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Tower has reached the level of Chaos Supreme Treasure.

Enough to match Pangu’s Heaven-opening Artifact.

And Chaos Qinglian, even though it is also the treasure of Chaos, has not fully recovered yet.

The mighty and terrifying power of Chaos Treasure has not yet been shown.

This time promotion is very important for Lu Heng!

“Master, I will go to retreat first, and on the day of leaving the customs, I will go to Xiniu Hezhou together!”

Lu Heng salutes, Xuan even chooses a secret room and retreats!

Spitting out a suffocating breath, Lu Heng took out the Chaos Qinglian.

There was a purple qi in his eyes.

Chaos Qinglian received a trace of induction, and the lotus blossomed and hovered in the air.

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