Chapter 278【The Supreme Treasure of Chaos Suppresses the Famine】

You must know that the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower in Lu Heng’s hands is the treasure of chaos, not to mention the stability of the prehistoric world, even the chaotic world can be suppressed.

The important task of stabilizing the prehistoric world naturally falls on Lu Heng’s shoulders. Tongtian can only sacrifice two holy swords to interrupt Taiqing and others’ thoughts of breaking the world.

Lu Heng and Tongtian had a clear division of labor, and they shot at the same time in an instant.


The tower of Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune opened its thirty-three-story tower body, spewing out infinite aura of great fortune, combined with the power of the world to form countless chains.

Countless Hongmeng chains are like the supreme order between the heaven and the earth, rushing towards the whole world and nine heavens and ten places.

The fragmented prehistoric continent is connected by countless Hongmeng chains, and the vast Hongmeng Qi repairs the broken ground veins.

The endless lava spewing and galloping was suppressed by the chains of Hongmeng and returned to the abyss. The huge waves of the sea were gradually calmed under the power of the treasure of chaos.

Even the endless holes in the nine heavens are blocked by countless Hongmeng chains.


A mighty and chaotic bell rang, and the rich five colors shone light on the heavens, and the sage of Hongmeng shocked Haoyu.

In an instant, the riots were calmed down, and the collapsed mountains and peaks stopped everywhere.

The chaotic laws of heaven and earth, under the radiant light of the Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Tower, circulate in an orderly manner.

The world’s fetal membranes, heaven and earth barriers are gradually restored, even the strong chaotic air has been absorbed, and the entire prehistoric world has returned to a peaceful and peaceful state.

Although the power of the four saints to destroy the world is powerful, Lu Heng’s strength is even more extraordinary, and the peerless power of the Chaos Treasure is enough to stabilize the prehistoric world.

Lu Heng shot very quickly, but there are still many creatures who have been hit by the re-enactment of the great famine, and they have died.


With bursts of breaking through the air, Tongtian urged the Sinking Immortal Sword and Juexian Sword to kill Taiqing and others.

Two giant swords that looked like a ditch, proceeded to destroy all vitality of the sword intent to open the sky, and blasted and killed Yuan Shi and the others in a blink of an eye.

Yuanshi Tianzun and others just want to reenact the prehistoric times, how can they think that Tongtian will kill them directly, without even leaving the slightest affection.

By the time they reacted, it was too late.


There was a loud roar, Yuanshi Tianzun and others were directly bombarded by the two holy swords, covered with sword marks that overlapped vertically and horizontally, and golden blood scattered like a fountain.

Taiqing Taoists, Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhunti and Jiuying had already been severely injured, and were hit by two killing swords again, and their injuries became more serious.

In this game, Tai Qing and others were completely defeated, and they were interrupted by Lu Heng and Tongtian even if they wanted to repeat the prehistoric times.

At this moment, a mighty and powerful voice came from the void.

“Nine layers of clouds lying high, the futon is Daozhen.”

Heaven and Earth “Outside the Xuanhuang, I shall be the master teacher.”

“Pangu produces Taiji, the two rituals and the four elephants follow.

“Through the three friends together, the two teachers explain the division.”

“The leader of the Xuanmen Capital, once turned into Hongjun.”

The vast Taoist sound pierced the sky, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth was puffy, and the purple energy came from the east to cover the sky for hundreds of thousands of miles.

The endless awe-inspiring color is condensed into a dragon, a phoenix, and a unicorn soaring in the nine heavens. Numerous golden lotuses spring up on the earth, half-open and half-closed with endless glow, and the golden lotus on the light turns into a golden lotus avenue, linking the ancient galaxy.

Immeasurable condensed into clouds shaped, covering the entire prehistoric world.

There basket Sahua fairy on clouds, dancing between heaven and earth filling Avenue, bursts of sweet tone resounded Nine West Road, spirit-stirring people.

Tai Chi gossip dressed in robes of Hongjun, looking no joy without sorrow lotus marching slowly emerge, whole body distribution of holy terror Viagra belongs to Heaven.

An override masterpiece on coercion beings, let prehistoric world are trembling, countless lives on the ground did not move.

One pair of eyes implies stars of all things, the distribution of the supreme God of Heaven Mountain.

“I’ve seen such as Master (Taoist)!”

Lu Heng is the Hun Yuan Luo Jin Sin successful repair, only one step and can Hongjun same level, has no need to call Shizu.

If taken the crucial step, even commendable mutual friends and Taoist.

The key is, Lu Heng Hongjun and sooner or later will stand opposite.

Hongjun distributed bright shiny eyes, swept a crowd, and finally fell Yuanshi Tianzun and other people.

“Yuanshi (too pure, quasi mention, then, you have four prehistoric intent to destroy, heinous.

“If it were not Lu Heng, who in time to stop, I’m afraid to ruin countless lives in your hands.

“By now, Haier known fault.

Lu Heng Hong Meng with repair and supreme good fortune tower, may fear Hongjun.

But in the eyes of others too pure, Hongjun is an insurmountable natural moat, only obediently admit.

“I knew the greatest of sinners, etc., please also Master of punishment.”

But knowing that like punishment, too pure, who had brought the penalty.

“This time because the war is not your brother and that has caused immeasurable causal karma, O sinful that this severe punishment, but read in accidental lighter punishment.”

“| Five immortality, you eat it!”

Carter, Hongjun out five of immortality exudes power of Heaven.

I saw that immortality engraved on the three thousand Tyndale Seminary lines, distributed rich power of Heaven, red golden sheen in which the flow.

Whenever ordinary people to see, to know that this immortality is very simple, not to mention everyone is a saint.

Unfortunately, even the immortality of the Road has always been proficient Taiqing Taoist, do not know in front of immortality, what is backing.

Other saints do not know what Hongjun out of immortality, but Lu Heng was known clearly.

St. meteorite Dan Yi Bao is Heaven demon, devil chaos by the fall of three thousand essence, gas, God, Heaven binding force breeds born, can hurt sage soul.

Once the dose meteorite Dan St., just change their minds, primitive rebellion again, will immediately meteorite body.

Even saints soul sustenance Heaven, still want to poison death, can be described as extremely overbearing husband.

(Zhao Zhao) Past Gods amount of robbery, the sky is blocked after a repeat of the prehistoric world, Hongjun come meteorite Dan St. control the Three Pure Ones, let them continue against each other.

Past, the Hongjun only come up with three meteorite St. Dan, let Three Pure Ones take.

Lu Heng thought that only three, but now it seems completely not the same thing, the less there are five meteorite Dan St., apparently want to Hongjun Three Pure Ones and quasi mention escorts are under control.

Although the dose will not fall from the sky the holy Dan attack immediately, but it remained in the body, who knows when it will suddenly erupt.

Anyhow, there are pointing to Babel own preacher of grace, not let him sleepwalk swallow fall from the sky the holy Dan.

Taiqing Taoist, Yuanshi Tianzun et al., Do not see the depth of history Yinsheng Dan, and everyone has really made a mistake, but to adapt Hongjun mean, each picked up an immortality immediately swallow.

St. meteorite Dan lower abdomen and instantly turned into three thousand runes, and in all limbs shuttle, even the soul are influx of warmth.

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