Chapter 269 [universal history and a glorious war chaos)

Even people fighting position, between chaos and primitive, prehistoric world suffer still make an impact.

Prehistoric world of endless glorious mountain Yuefeng and universal, are under attack terrorist Vaillant, have erupted roaring destruction of heaven and earth.

Prehistoric mighty are many horror huge breath, broken eyes look empty, exudes incredible look.

As strong as the Yuanshi Tianzun now being forced soldiers blew solution to get rid of the disaster, it is hard to imagine Lu Heng actually have such great strength.

Yuanshi Tianzun blew, void drift shower of blood again, the entire prehistoric world in washing the blood, become very sad.

At first prehistoric born five day Saints, is now fighting a three saints fall, a saint panic and flee.

If not personally seen, all the monks prehistoric scene absolutely do not believe this will happen.

Four three deaths a saint fled, Lu Heng et al victory, it was twelve products lotus merit, his heart is very happy.

The only pity, is Zhu Xian Jian Zhen was broken, Zhu Xian sword and kill Legend of falling into the hands of Taiqing Taoist.

Although Zhu Xian Jian Zhen was broken, but Emperor Gods is not over, too pure and Taoist Yuanshi Tianzun, who will certainly find a way to prevent the Shang army crusade Xiqi.

They also need to prepare in order to resist the Saints of calculation.

With the end of the war a large crowd 070, immeasurable chaos of the gas to repair the broken empty, barriers to the world again, blocking node chaotic world and prehistoric world.

Lu Heng, Babel, Nu Wa and soil behind, once again return to prehistoric void.

“Master, overwhelmed by too pure to be off the dough, certainly will try to retrieve the cause and effect, we need to make early plans.”

Babel has faded Three Pure Ones name, Lu Heng naturally would not call too pure for the uncles.

Coupled with Lu Heng has been preaching Hun Yuan Luo Jin Sin, qualified and sage on an equal footing, is already a mutual relationship Friends commendable.

But whatever the outcome of his preaching Babel grace, Lu Heng natural or call for the Master.

“Sermon there has, up by a teacher, you have proven to us as to the future path BI fellow proportionate.”

“This time a fight my heart to have realized the need to retreat for some time, many matters being cut by teaching you arrange it.”

Babel origin supernatant recovered last clear air, to complement its own deficiencies, and there are a lot of sentiment, something natural to retreat.

Maybe waiting for him after the exit, again to enhance the repair of a small state.

As against Taiqing and others, believe that Lu Heng Hun Yuan Luo Jin Sin successful repair, fully capable of rolling crowd.

Lu Heng at the office coupled with methodical, will cut teach many matters to him, hundreds of millions of Babel mind at ease.

Babel Carter, turned into a golden direction toward Jin Ao Island fly.

Lu Heng hands it toward the sky, his eyes fell upon the soil behind and Nu Wa.

“This time the war, cut taught to win, thanks to two to help.”

“Lu Heng Road, Friends of the powerful, but I was a little humble mention the hanging tooth.

When the “only hope Shang victory, and I still fellow alliance, the heart will be grateful.

Nu Wa in the crowd weakest, but is stopped by quasi-mentioned, the credit is not large.

Plus she is to repay this favor, naturally not occupy the credit.

Voice faded Goddess has been turned into gold, flew toward the Wa Palace, look there are endless joy.

To know Lu Heng rolling saints, cultivation only under Taoist, and he can Nu Wa ally, is considered a blessing.

The queen always remembered why Lu Heng knew how to arrange the Twelve Capitals of the Gods, and even couldn’t help but want to ask.

But after thinking about it, she pressed the restlessness in her heart again.

Everyone has their own secrets and opportunities, if Lu Heng is willing to tell them, he will definitely say.

If you ask forcibly, the relationship between the two will decline.

“The matter here is over, I will go back to the underworld first.”

Houtu’s tone of dislike or sadness made Lu Heng aware of something strange.

He knew that it must be because of the twelve capital Tianshen’s great formation that made Hou Tu cared about it.

But this is his biggest secret, (ajbb) can’t tell others, can only wait for later to explain the details with Houtu.

Lu Heng pressed his thoughts, but found that Hou Tu had flown back to the underground palace.

Lu Heng III was a united proving Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian perfection, but as the emperor of Yin and Shang, Di Xin had already merged with him.

If Lu Heng did not take the Yin Shang dynasty, then the Great Shang Dynasty would fall apart, so he could only go to Chaoge City first to command all the monks.

At the same time, he wants to devour the origin of the twelfth-rank merit golden lotus, enhance the heels and potentials, and let the chaotic green lotus become great.


Lu Heng immediately turned into a golden light and flew towards Chaoge City.

The generals of the Great Shang Dynasty were strong in cultivation, and Sanwan, Chang’e, Zhao Gongming and others assisted. Many disciples were taught to organize affairs, and Lu Heng did not need to worry too much.

There were Sanguans and Chang’e and others who arranged Yin and Shang matters, and Lu Heng had time to devour the origin of the 12-Rank Merit Golden Lotus.

In the imperial palace, a magnificent palace, Lu Heng sits cross-legged on a bed of clouds and circulates the Shangqingxian Art, exuding a strong Shangqingxian Qi.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded, the twelfth-rank merit golden lotus hovering in the void, the complicated Dao patterns on it were a little dim, and the light of merit loomed as if it had been traumatized.

The Twelfth-Rank Merit Golden Lotus is just the best innate spirit treasure. If you want to resist the power of the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower, you will naturally be damaged.

If it hadn’t been for Lu Heng to suppress some of the powers, I’m afraid that with a single blow, the twelfth-rank merit golden lotus would have been completely shattered.

Although the Twelfth-Rank Merit Golden Lotus was traumatized, Lu Heng has three-light divine water that can repair it.

As long as the origin of the golden lotus of merit is not damaged, it can still supplement the origin of Lu Heng.


A tri-color divine light flew by, and the glazed jade bottle containing the tri-light divine water fell in the void, exuding infinite halo and rich Taoist rhyme.

Sanguang Shenshui is the first holy medicine for healing, only one drop is enough to restore the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus.


A large piece of Sanguang Divine Water is sprinkled on the twelfth-rank merit gold lotus, emitting a bright glow, and endless rhyme and mysterious energy continue to repair the damage in it.

In no time, the twelfth-rank golden lotus was restored to its original appearance, and each innate Dao pattern was full of crystal clear glaze.

The strong light of merit illuminates the entire hall, and a coercion that resides in the best congenital spirit treasure is surging around.


After the twelfth-rank merit golden lotus was repaired, it made a light buzzing trembling sound, and it revolved around Lu Heng extremely fast.

You must know that Lu Heng has a chaotic green lotus body, and the blooming breath makes the twelfth-grade meritorious golden lotus feel very close, and only then will he show a light trembling abnormality.

Lu Heng did not hesitate immediately, stimulating the chaotic green lotus body, wanting to swallow the origin of the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus.

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