Chapter 262 (Finalizing the Third World Body, Chaos Thunder Tribulation)

Lu Heng fused the three-life body while urging the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower into the Heaven-opening Artifact.

He has a lot of magic weapons in his hands, but the most suitable ones are undoubtedly the life and death book, the Kongtong seal and the Hongmeng Merit Ruler.

The Book of Life and Death is in charge of the lives and deaths of the prehistoric and wild races. The Yandong Seal is the treasure of humanity.


With bursts of breaking through the air, the Life and Death Book and Qianqiu Reincarnation Pen fell beside him, exuding a strong atmosphere of life and death, as well as the surging law of cause and effect.

The empty seal reveals countless five-clawed emperor dragons circling around Lu Heng.

The magnificent cosmic pattern of good fortune on the measuring ruler of Hongmeng Merit, exudes a brilliant brilliance, and emits a strong power of merit and aura of Hongmeng.

The three magic weapons kept rising and falling around Lu Heng, as if they were going to be integrated into the pagoda.

The 29-story Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower, exuding brilliant brilliance, floats above Lu Heng’s head, absorbing the vast chaos.


Lu Heng waved his big hand, the Life and Death Book, Kongtong Seal, and Hongmeng Merit to measure the sky ruler, while floating above the Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Tower.

“Ka!” 09

With a roar, the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower burst into sea suction, and the three magic weapons were integrated into the pagoda as heaven-opening artifacts at the same time, exuding dazzling brilliance.

The endless chaotic air around, being pulled by invisible forces, turned into countless chaotic golden dragons, circling and violently poured into the tower of Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune.

The chaotic energy is more concentrated than the innate aura. Under the continuous absorption of the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower, the power of various laws condenses into a three-tiered tower body.

The body of the three-story pagoda is engraved with countless innate Dao patterns, condensing the patterns of life and death into a book, Qianqiu reincarnation pen, biting seal, and Hongmeng Merit Ruler.

In the inner world of the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower, there are endless sources of energy that are constantly gushing out, which are provided to many Heaven-opening artifacts to absorb and balance each other’s grades.

In a blink of an eye, the twenty-ninth-story pagoda turned into a thirty-two-story pagoda, generally belonging to the coercion of the most chaotic treasure, rushing towards the surroundings.

The entire chaotic world is turbulent, and various energies are absorbed by the Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Tower, constantly improving the level of the Heaven-opening Artifact.

You know that Lu Heng only incorporates three magic weapons, and can only open up three more towers to raise the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower to thirty-two floors, possessing the power of Chaos Supreme Treasure.

But there is still a layer of tower body left to be completely consummated.

It’s not that Lu Heng doesn’t have a powerful magic weapon. He still has the Seven Treasure Tree in his hands, but he does not intend to integrate it into the pagoda.

You must know that Lu Heng also has an innate treasure chaos clock, in the hands of Tongtian, it is his top magic weapon.

Incorporating the power of the Chaos Clock into the Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Tower is enough to increase to the strongest power.

As for the level of Kaitian artifacts, I believe that there is a vast amount of Chaos Qi as energy, which can raise all magic weapons to the highest level.


The power of the Chaos Supreme Treasure from the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower made Taiqing, Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhunti, and Tongtian all feel shocked and glanced at Lu Heng’s state.

When Tongtian saw that the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower lacked a top of the tower, there was a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart.

“go with!!

Tongtian clapped the chaotic clock with his big hands, and burst out a roar that shook the chaotic world.

Under the power of the saint’s palm, the chaotic clock pierced through time and space and fell directly on the top of the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower, blending into it as a heaven-opening artifact.


The surging chaotic air of the entire chaotic world, along with the chaotic clock as a heaven-opening artifact, merged into the pagoda to open up the last level of the top of the tower, and the bright luster illuminates the endless world.

As the innate treasure, the Chaos Clock has become the top of the last layer of the Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Pagoda, raising the power of the pagoda to the extreme.

An extreme coercion of Chaos Supreme Treasure rushed towards the entire Chaos World, and even the saints who were fighting stopped one after another, with extremely shocked expressions in their eyes.

Before the color of horror in their eyes disappeared, Lu Heng’s past body, present body, and future body were already integrated with him.

The power that generally belongs to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian’s consummation fills the entire chaotic world, and the vast energy of heaven and earth turns into a rolling vortex, spinning around Lu Heng extremely fast.

Lu Heng’s eyes closed tightly, three flowers blooming on top of his head for twelve grades. The Da Luo Dao fruit formed by three lotus stands was engraved with countless innate Dao patterns, and finally he was promoted to Hunyuan Da Luo Dao fruit.

The most intuitive manifestation of becoming Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is to condense Hunyuan Daluo Dao fruit.

As long as Hunyuan Daluo Dao Guo does not disperse, even if the world is broken, it can still be immortal.

Lu Heng used the method of three worlds to prove the Tao, the method of proving the Tao with the formation, the method of opening the sky with the force, and the three methods finally broke through the cultivation base to the perfect state of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Only one step away can reach the level of Heavenly Dao, also known as Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal.

Breaking through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will escape the control of the long river of fate, and heaven will drop the Chaos Thunder Tribulation to test the strength of the monks.

Once through the Chaos Thunder Tribulation, you will be able to completely escape from the sky without being controlled by the way of heaven.

If you can’t survive the Chaos Thunder Tribulation, you will die, and even Hunyuan Daluo Dao Guo will be shattered, without any chance of reincarnation.

In other words, through the Chaos Thunder Tribulation, you can be at ease without being bound by anyone, but crossing is nothing but annihilation and dissipating completely.

Lu Heng exuded Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian’s complete coercion, sweeping the entire Chaos Temple, and Taiqing and others were shocked by his terrifying breath of 067.

However, even more terrible pressure appeared on the Vault of Chaos.


A burst of thunder sounded, and I saw the chaotic heavenly palace condensed boundless chaotic thunderclouds, a mighty power that crushed the heavens and everything, above all beings.

Even the monks who prove to be holy, such as Taiqing Taoists and Tongtian, feel the moment of surging coercion, and they have a feeling of surrender.

You must know that the Chaos Thunder Tribulation is the most powerful Thunder Tribulation under the Heavenly Dao, even if Tai Qing and other saints have never seen it before, let alone crossing the Tribulation.

Taiqing, Nuwa and others were sanctified by virtue of merit. They owe the cause and effect of heaven, so they don’t need to cross the calamity.

Hou Tu proves Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian because he is incarnate in six reincarnations, and has unparalleled contribution to the perfection of heaven, so he will not bring down the chaos and thunder catastrophe.

However, Lu Heng used his own cultivation base to break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he was on the opposite side of Tiandao. Naturally, he will be tested by the Chaos Thunder Tribulation.

Although everyone is in the chaotic void, they are still in the wild world, it’s just that the world’s barriers are smashed and wrapped by the chaos.

So everyone seems to be in the Chaos World, but in fact they are still in the Primordial World.

Lu Heng proves that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is complete in the prehistoric world. As long as he can survive the chaos and thunder, he will be recognized by the heaven and his status is equal to the existence of a saint.

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