Chapter 228 Warning (Kong Xuan, Go to Xiqi)

Lu Heng warned Kong Xuan and arranged for the third world to turn into a golden light and flew in the direction of Xiqi.

He will not forget that Zhao Gongming is still in crisis, and the third camp and Chang’e are resisting the Xiqi army.

When the Conferred God battle entered a tense moment, he must be there to guard everyone to avoid other accidents.


Lu Heng leaped forward and turned into a bright light, and in a blink of an eye he came to the Yin Shang Daying.

Xiqi raised the card of exemption from the battle, and the Yin and Shang army could only temporarily cultivate and rejuvenate, and at the same time brought Zhao Gongming a ray of life.

In a military tent in Yin Shang Daying, Chang’e and San Xiao both showed anxious expressions, staring closely at Zhao Gongming, who was lying on the cloud bed.

Zhao Gongming is still in the dream territory of proving Dao in his dream, but his blooming coercion has returned to the level of the late Da Luo Jinxian, but the aura he exudes is a bit ups and downs, as if breaking through the realm.

It is a good thing to break through the realm, but Zhao Gongming’s face is very pale, as if he is facing great pain.

This is the root cause of Chang’e and Sanwan’s concerns.

“Sister Chang’e, the eldest brother must be suffering from unimaginable torture with his hideous complexion. Is there any way you can help him relieve the pain.”

In the dream, “the way of proving the Tao is very strange, and it will change according to the mood of the dreamer.

“I don’t even know what the eldest brother is going through, how can I help him relieve his pain.”

As soon as Chang’e said this, San Xiao’s face suddenly became low, and his heart became more worried.

If even Chang’e can’t help it, who else can save the elder brother, it would be nice if the husband was there.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Lu Heng, wearing a black Taoist robe, appeared directly in the military account.

“Husband, hurry and save your eldest brother. He was introduced into the dream state by the Western method of proving the Tao in the dream, and he was in a very dangerous situation.”

Seeing Lu Heng’s arrival, Yun Xiao suddenly had the backbone, and the flustered mood in her heart was calmed down in an instant.

“Yun Ximo must be anxious, I will not let the eldest brother have trouble,

Before he finished speaking, Lu Heng was already observing Zhao Gongming’s situation.

Lu Heng glanced at him, and he knew that Zhao Gongming was undergoing the test of Dao Xin. As long as he stabilized his Xinxing, he could break through smoothly.

But if the Dao Heart is unstable, it is possible to suffer backlash, ranging from a retreat of cultivation base, to death and death.

Lu Heng frowned slightly, and Western Buddhism is indeed mysterious. It not only allows people to prove the truth in dreams, but also kills them in dreams.

Now that he has appeared, Zhao Gongming will definitely not fall in his body or his cultivation base.

Good fortune “Purify the world, expel evil spirits and break delusions, gather!”

Lu Heng waved his big hand, and the law of purification of the whole body spewed out, condensed into a twelfth-rank pure white lotus, suspended above Zhao Gongming’s head.

The rich purifying celestial light under the twelfth-rank Jingshi white lotus wine blended into Zhao Gongming’s body one after another, stabilizing his Dao Xin and dispelling all illusory delusions for him.

Lu Heng integrates the power of the pure white lotus, and can control the ability to purify all filth and evil spirits, not to mention the dream of the Taoist method in the dream, even the devilish energy can be saved by corroding the Taoxin.

As the infinite light of the pure world merged into Zhao Gongming’s body, his pale complexion became ruddy, and the ups and downs of his body gradually stabilized.

An abyss is like a majestic ocean, surging around, and the pressure on the body gradually rises steadily, as if it is about to break through the Great Luo Jinxian Consummation.

Seeing Zhao Gongming’s breath become more vast, San Xiao suddenly smiled with joy.

Sure enough, the husband can resolve all crises once he makes a move.

You must know that Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming became brothers and sisters since the birth of the transformation, and their relationship is extremely deep.

If Zhao Gongming really had an accident, I’m afraid they will be distraught.

Fortunately, Lu Heng arrived in time, otherwise Zhao Gongming would definitely be on the list.

In the previous life, Zhao Gongming was injured by Lu Ya’s nail-headed seven arrows, and the soul was on the list of the gods.

Unexpectedly, in this life, he was still introduced into the crisis by the method of the Western teachings. It seems that he should have such a disaster.

Even if it is a disaster with Lu Heng, it can be turned into an opportunity.

After the vast Jingshixian light was integrated into the body, Zhao Gongming borrowed the method of proving Dao in the dream to increase his cultivation level rapidly, and his whole body aura had reached the critical point of Daluo Jinxian’s consummation.

A muffled sound came from Zhao Gongming’s body, and the vast aura between the heavens and the earth was drawn by invisible forces, turning into billions of spirit dragons hovering and flying, and finally got into his body.

In an instant, the three flowers on top of Zhao Gongming’s head bloomed for ten grades, and the big Luo Tao fruit condensed by the law of wind swallowed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth like a whale swallowing a cow.

A coercion that belonged to Daluo Jinxian Consummation rushed to the surroundings, and the entire Yin Shang Daying soldiers were suppressed on the ground, with a look of horror on their faces.

With the help of Lu Heng’s Jingshi Xuanguang, he stabilized Zhao Gongming’s Dao heart, and borrowed the method of proving Dao in the Western dream, his cultivation finally broke through the realm of Da Luo Jinxian.

The surging coercion that raged in the void instantly gathered into Zhao Gongming’s body, and his ethereal temperament was full of immeasurable aura.


Zhao Gongming opened his eyes slightly, two brilliant golden lights shattered the void, and the vast Tao Yun enveloped the entire military tent.

With the breakthrough of Zhao Gongming’s cultivation base, he has got rid of the limitations of the method of proving Tao in his dream and woke up unscathed.

“Brother-in-law, thanks to your help this time, I was able to get rid of the danger and let the cultivation base go further.

Although Zhao Gongming was in a dream, he could still feel the breath of everyone and his concern for him.

“We are all in the same family, so why bother.”

Zhao Gongming is Lu Heng’s eldest brother anyway, so he should be saved.

After this catastrophe, Zhao Gongming’s xinxing became more mature, and he was no longer the old brother who didn’t think about cultivation.

Zhao Gongming survived the catastrophe, and everyone was very happy.

But they will not forget who almost killed Zhao Gongming.

“Report! The Xiqi army called out outside the camp and indicated that four fairies would fight.”

(Is it?) San Xiao and Chang’e heard the report from the soldier, and a trace of anger flashed in their eyes.

Since Zhao Gongming fell into a dream, they wanted to avenge his brother, but Xiqi had been holding the card to avoid the battle and had to forbear it temporarily.

Now the Xiqi army has taken the initiative to call the battle, just to repay the cause and effect of the brother’s murder.

“Brother, you have just broken through your cultivation base, temporarily consolidating your realm in the camp, and sisters will recover the old cause and effect for you.”

“Sisters, go!”

As soon as the voice fell, Sanxiao and Chang’e turned into Xuanguang and rushed out of the camp.

Lu Heng felt a little strange in his heart. With Xiqi’s strength, only the remaining ten golden immortals of Randeng and Chenjiao, who dared to come to the Yinshang camp to win the battle.

It must be that Shen Gongbao has invited some great power to help Xiqi, so that they are confident and not afraid of the four quasi-sages joining forces.

Lu Heng was suddenly curious about what kind of person Xiqi could help to withstand the joint efforts of the four quasi-sages.

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