Chapter 200【Time Taoist, Reincarnation Treasure)

Although Lu Heng is a quasi-sage perfection cultivation base, he followed the method of cutting the body of the third life, which is far more than tens of thousands of times stronger than the ordinary quasi-sage perfection.

The Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower in his hand has reached the extreme of Chaos Lingbao, and it is powerful enough to suppress the Chaos Void.

Don’t say it is a mark of Taiqing, even an attack from him can be resisted.


A chaotic wind blew away, blowing away the rich Taoist rhyme, and saw the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower still exuding a surging aura, the whole body was cast in gilt, without the slightest damage.

On the contrary, the two yin and yang dragons blasted out by Taiqing Xuying disappeared without a trace.

The three emperors and the five emperors were shocked by Lu Heng when they saw Taiqing Void’s attack.

You know, with the strength of all of them, it is impossible to block the attack of Taiqing Phantom. Lu Heng directly smashed the dragon to pieces with magic weapons.

This strength is really not what they can compare.

“Maybe the Lord can really rescue us.

Lu Heng saw the Great Fortune Tower of Hongmeng, and directly smashed Taiqing Void’s attack to pieces.

Although the mark left by the saint is contaminated with the breath of the saint, it is not a true saint.

As long as the bombardment continues, the formation can definitely be broken.


Lu Heng did not hesitate, and continued to urge the Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Tower to blast towards the Taiqing phantom in the void.

When Lu Heng stimulated the soul-sealing and sleepy spirit formation, the Taiqing Dao people far away in Shouyang Mountain felt that someone was attacking the formation.

“Well, the big formation that stayed in Huoyun Cave was triggered. Could it be that the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors couldn’t bear their temper and wanted to break out of the formation.

“No, this breath is Lu Heng!”

The Taiqing Taoist sitting at the head of the Eight Kings Palace suddenly opened his eyes, emitting two dazzling gloomy rays of sunshine, as if he was going to penetrate the heaven and the earth and flew towards the distance.

“It’s no wonder that he dared to trespass into the Huoyun Cave, the original cultivation base has been promoted to Quasi-Sage Consummation.

“Yao Ting can’t do anything to shake the tree.

In the eyes of the Taoist Taiqing, even if Lu Heng had the perfect cultivation base of the quasi-sage, he could not break the formation he had laid.

As the saying goes: there are ants under the saints, and the quasi-sages are just bigger ants.

Don’t face a saint, even a saint’s mark is an insurmountable gulf that a quasi-sage perfect monk can’t cross.

Taiqing Taoist muttered to himself and continued to close his eyes and eyes. In his opinion, even if Lu Heng has the greatest ability, he can’t break through the big array, so there is no need to pay more attention to it.

With a roar, the time and space around the Huoyun Cave shattered one after another, and the world seemed to border the chaotic void.

The violent chaotic air current formed a storm and shattered everything. Only the Huoyun Cave guarded by the formation and Lu Heng were safe.

I have to say that the seal of the saint is indeed strong, even if Lu Heng has the perfect cultivation base of the quasi-sage and the blessing of the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower, they can only fight against each other.


With a soft drink from Lu Heng, the 29-story tower of the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower suddenly opened, exuding all kinds of world power, condensing into countless colorful chains, and sending out the terrifying power that penetrates the heavens and the world.


At the moment when the chains of Hongmeng appeared, the chaotic void had already shattered into the surroundings like a spider web.

Countless Hongmeng chains block the world and evolve into the Hongmeng world, combining with the power of the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower, distorting the time and space of all things.”go with!”

Countless Hongmeng chains hovered and shook, forming a series of Hongmeng winds that shattered the world’s barriers, carrying the power that surpassed the perfection of the quasi-sage, and blasted towards the Taiqing phantom.

Taiqing Xuying has no intelligence, only knows instinctive defense and offense, he can’t feel the power of Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower at all, only blindly resist it.


The dragon head condensed from aura stubbornly swung to the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower. A pressure belonging to the saint imprisoned the world, time and space seemed to be forced, and the barriers of the world became extremely strong.


A roar of ruining the heavens and the earth rang out, and the Hongmeng Supreme Fortune Tower and the dragon head crutches slammed into each other, and the blazing light was more dazzling than the sun.

The horrible ripples stirred the chaos void, and various bursts of light fell on the sky and the earth, and the surrounding area of ​​the Huoyun Cave evolved into a sea of ​​fire.

The fragments of the power of various laws are scattered everywhere, and the world’s fetal membranes become a little bit of aura and dissipate into nothingness.

After all, the shadow of Taiqing is just a mark of a saint, both in terms of the strength of the law of comprehension, and the strength of spiritual intelligence and combat.

On the other hand, the Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Tower is as hard as the Chaos Spirit Treasure, and it spurs the power of the world in it, enough to break all attacks.

The mark of the saint could not withstand the bombardment of the Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Tower.


There was a crisp sound, and a slight crack appeared in the dragon head flat, and the crack spread along the magic weapon to the Taiqing phantom, and even covered the entire soul-sealing and trapped spirit formation.


With a roar, the large formation that had trapped the Three Emperors and Five Emperors for hundreds of thousands of years was finally blasted by Lu Heng with the tower of Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune.

Countless array fragments rushed towards the surroundings, and the chaotic air surged wildly, repairing the broken void.

The barriers bordering the chaotic world are constantly being repaired, the Huoyun Cave is gradually returning to the position of the prehistoric world, and the four extremes of earth, wind, water, fire and fire rush into the cave crazily.

The three emperors and five emperors and the three ancestors of the human race felt the aura of heaven and earth pouring into the fire cloud cave, and their expressions showed joy.

For tens of thousands of years, they have not been nourished by spiritual energy, and can only rely on a powerful cultivation base for hard support.

Now the aura is emerging again, they are all greedily absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.


Everyone frantically absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, and the surging aura that belonged to the quasi-sage perfection broke out again, and the aura of a dozen emperors swept across the heaven.

“Thank you, the Lord, for saving me from the sea of ​​suffering.

“You are all human emperors, you don’t have to pay this big gift.”

Although Lu Heng is the holy person of the human race, he is much more noble than the three emperors and five emperors, but he will not hold his own identity.

“I admire the deity’s noble justice, but the great formation laid by the Taiqing Saint is broken, I’m afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.”

“The prosperity of the human race is no longer a pawn that a saint can handle at will.

In addition, “The three realms will be jointly ordained to gods soon afterwards. Even if Master Taiqing wants to come to punish the poor, it depends on what he has to say.”

The Human Race has established the Great Shang Dynasty, reaching an unprecedented prosperous age. Even if the Three Emperors and Five Emperors continue to be trapped in the Huoyun Cave, they will not be able to change the status quo.

After all, Human Race’s right to speak has gradually transferred to Lu Heng’s hands.

Even if Taiqing is the leader of the Human Cult, from the Human Race’s point of view, the cultivation base is stronger, and it will not help them in the slightest.

Therefore, whether the three emperors and five emperors escape from the Huoyun Cave has little influence on the Taiqing Taoist’s control of the human race’s voice, and it does not care too much at all.

In addition, the three emperors and five emperors sat in Huoyun Cave to suppress the luck of the human race.

With the current prosperity of the human race, there is no need to suppress it, even if the Taoist Taiqing came to Huoyun Cave, he could not face the questions of everyone.

Not to mention, Taiqing trapped the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in the Huoyun Cave, trying to kill their cultivation.

With this alone, Lu Heng has reason to go to Shouyang Mountain to question Taiqing.

But for unnecessary trouble, Lu Heng can only press this matter temporarily.

Lu Heng was right. The Taoist Taiqing who was far away in the Bajing Palace felt gloomy and scary at the moment when he felt the formation was broken, but he couldn’t go to Huoyun Cave.

Firstly, there is no good reason to prevent the Three Emperors and Five Emperors from leaving Huoyun Cave. Secondly, he did something wrong in this matter.

“Tongtian has accepted a good disciple, and has repeatedly bad old ways and good deeds.

“Well, the secret of the human race has changed. It is not very useful to trap the three emperors and five emperors, so let them go.”

The Taoist Taiqing sighed slightly, shook his head and closed his eyes and plunged into cultivation.

The three emperors and five emperors got out of the predicament, and Nuwa in the Wa Palace, which was far away in the chaos, also felt the same way.

Nuwa felt Fuxi’s breath and reappeared in the wilderness, her eyes closed for hundreds of thousands of years suddenly opened.

“This is the breath of my brother, did he come out of the Huoyun Cave.”


The Great God Nuwa waved, and a bright light curtain appeared in front of him, showing the scene around Huoyun Cave.

I saw the three emperors and five emperors, and the three ancestors of the human race, all discussing matters with Lu Heng.

Looking at the familiar face in the light curtain, Nu Wa’s heart, which had been calm for hundreds of thousands of years, trembled again.

“It’s him, brother really left Huoyun Cave, no longer subject to Taiqing’s constraints.

“Lu Heng, this palace owes you another favor.

Nuwa has never participated in battles, what she wanted to do most was to rescue Fuxi from the fire cloud cave.

However, due to Taiqing’s majesty and strength, she did not dare to intervene in human affairs.

After all, Nuwa is a demon race, and can’t participate in human affairs.

But Lu Heng is different. He is a human sage. Even if the three emperors and five emperors are rescued, the Taiqing Taoists dare not say anything.

Nuwa sighed slightly, and said in her heart that she thought she was a saint, and she needed a junior, Lu Heng, to rescue Fuxi.

0……Look for flowers,

The name of this saint does not seem to be a noble identity, but rather a kind of bondage.

Fuxi had already escaped from the control of Huoyundong, and Nuwa closed her eyes and focused, and fell into practice again. This kindness can only be repaid later.

In front of the Huoyun Cave in the Primordial Continent, everyone saw that the Taoist Taiqing hadn’t appeared, and their hearts suddenly sighed.

“Holy Lord, you said that it is important to come to us for help.”

“Soon after the Three Realms Conferred Gods and Calamity Calamity is approaching, Human Race needs to have the magic weapon to canonize the Human Realm God of War, and Pang Dao special comes to ask you for a drop of blood.

Everyone suddenly had some doubts, what is the relationship between the magic weapon canonizing the war gods of the human world and their blood, the two are simply unreasonable.

Although they couldn’t figure out the connection, they still donated a drop of blood.


Everyone slashed their index fingers and forced out a drop of golden blood, dozens of surging coercion belonging to the quasi-sage perfection, rushing towards the surroundings.

Even the Huoyun Cave was under terrifying pressure, and it was shaking like it was about to collapse.The Three Emperors and Five Emperors and the Three Ancestors of the Human Race are all quasi-sage perfect monks. A drop of their essence and blood contains majestic energy, is more imperial, and is also contaminated with a breath of heaven and earth.

The magic weapon forged with their essence and blood may have the effect of canonizing the god of war in the human world.

However, the blood of many people is still somewhat insufficient, and a special item is needed.

As far as the ability of canonization is concerned, there is another magic weapon Human Race can achieve, and that is Kongtong Seal.


The Kongtong seal is the treasure of the human race, which can abolish the Emperor Liren. Only its source, coupled with the blood of everyone as the material, can truly forge the magic weapon to enshrine the god of war in the human world.

Ever since the Kongtong Seal was retaken, it has been in the hands of the Taoists of Time.

The Taoist of Time is Lu Heng’s present body, and the two of them have their minds and thoughts synchronized, and only need one thought to summon the Kongtong seal.


As Lu Heng’s mind moved slightly, there was a breaking sound in the void, and only a bright brilliance fell in front of him.

The splendid luster illuminates the world. Among them is a large seal with a black cyan color. There are countless complicated innate patterns engraving the portraits of the three emperors and five emperors, and a strong imperial spirit radiates from it.

“hold head high!”

A dragon chant sounded, and the immeasurable emperor’s gas condensed into countless five-clawed emperor dragons, which kept circling around Lu Heng.

Kongtong Yin is the best innate spiritual treasure. After tens of thousands of years of refining and refining by Taoists, the two breaths have become inseparable, as if they are one.

So Lu Heng can be used handily without any restrictions.

“Jiao’s cap mark!”

The crowd couldn’t help exclaiming when they saw the cigarette seal.

Only Dayu knew about Lu Heng’s recapture of Kongtong Seal from Taiqing, and others still thought Taiqing was in charge.

That’s why it showed an incredible look at the moment when the seal appeared.

“The method of the saint is really extraordinary, and he can retake the treasure of the human race from the hands of the saint of Taiqing.”

“Kongdong seal is a human thing, it must be in my hands, how can outsiders hold it.”

Lu Heng pressed his thoughts and immediately prepared to use the source of the Kongtong seal to forge a magic weapon with the blood of everyone.


Lu Heng waved his big hand, and his body spewed out the vast laws of good fortune, condensing into a giant hand for good fortune, extracting a ray of origin from the seal of empty dong.


The Kongtong seal trembles crazily, spitting out a ray of imperial aura, exuding a thick breath.

Lu Heng said silently in his heart: “System, forging the essence of everyone’s blood and Kongtong seal.

“We are forging the source of essence and blood and Kongtong seal, please wait…

The familiar reminder sound of the system sounded, Lu Heng’s hands emerged with hot colorful lights, directly enveloping everyone’s essence and blood and the origin of Kongtong seal.

Lu Heng was able to control the vision of the forging explosion. In the eyes of everyone, he could only see him refining magic weapons out of thin air, and would never know that it was the help of the system.

The vast colorful energy is continuously poured into the essence and blood and a strand of origin, bursting out fierce and violent aura.

A surging suction exploded, and the surrounding spiritual energy surging wildly gathered into a spirit dragon, drilling towards the colorful light group in Lu Heng’s hand.

Under the water of the majestic energy of the system and the vast spiritual energy, the golden essence and blood combined with the origin of the Kongtong seal, condensed into a group of red golden gold juice, which is constantly tumbling.

The surging emperor’s aura manifested into strands of gold, spreading towards the surroundings, as if to condense into a list. Second.

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