Chapter 198 The Body of the Future, Layout of the Wild]

In the previous life, it was because Emperor Xin was confounded and humiliated by the sage of Nuwa, which led to the emperor’s robbery.

Nuwa attracted the Three Demon of Xuanyuan, and the instinct to confuse Emperor Xin caused Yin and Shang turbulence and even shaken the foundation.

Only then did the Yin and Shang Dynasties be destroyed, and the disciples of Jijiao suffered a devastating blow.

Although there are some changes in this life, in order to prevent Di Xin from undergoing other changes, Lu Heng decided to put the cut out future body into the six reincarnations and reincarnated as Human Di Xin.

Reincarnated as Emperor Xin from his future body is enough to sit in the Great Shang Dynasty, even if there are other changes, he can cope with it.

It is necessary to know that Lu Heng was able to cut out his future body only under the blessing of the human race, the subordinate government, and the interception of the three.

The cultivation level of the future body is comparable to that of Lu Heng, even a saint may not be able to confuse his Dao Xin.

With the perfect cultivation base of the future body quasi-sage, coupled with the blessing of the emperor’s air after reincarnation, it must be difficult for the saint to grasp.

“The Human Race is about to face civil strife and disputes. I want to seal your cultivation base and send it to the Six Paths of Reincarnation and reincarnate as Human Race Emperor Xin.”

“Do you have any magic weapon you want, I can send it into reincarnation together.”

“I am born as a human, reincarnated as a human, there is nothing else to ask, everything is done according to the meaning of the deity.”

The mind of the future body and Lu Heng are the same, both of them understand the importance of reincarnation as the emperor star.

In order to prevent all parties from seeing Lu Heng’s layout, he can only temporarily seal his future body’s cultivation base.

After being reincarnated as Emperor Xin, it can be unblocked continuously with the help of human luck, and the cultivation base will be restored to the level of quasi-sage perfection again.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the close relationship between Di Xin and Lu Heng in the saint.

“In that case, I will send you reincarnation now.”

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Heng’s body-cleaning laws spouted out, condensed into holy chains, leaving a large array of clean-world dust-sealing in the body of the future body.

The cultivation base of the future body fell rapidly from Quasi-Sage Consummation, and within a moment, only the coercion of the golden immortal remained, and it was even still declining.

Lu Heng used the great formation of Jingshi Fengchen to repair his future body into a seal, and then with a wave of his big sleeve, he was sent into the humanity of the six reincarnations.


The six passages of reincarnation that propped up the heaven and the earth, after entering the humanity in the future, they trembled crazily, seeming to herald the change of the heaven and the earth.

Houtu has a wonderful connection with the Six Paths of Reincarnation. After the future body enters the humane passage, her eyebrows are slightly frowned.

“Lu Heng puts the future body of the three worlds into the six reincarnations, is it possible that he is making arrangements again.”

Lu Heng’s series of actions in the underworld can’t be concealed from Houtu’s Dharma Eye.

The gathering of Zhen Yuanzi greatly increased the luck of the prefecture, and the human race prospered and promoted to the Great Shang Dynasty. Lu Heng used this to cut out the skyrocketing strength of the future.

All things, Hou Tu was in her eyes, but the only thing that made her unable to see through was why she put her future body into the six reincarnations.

“Lu Heng is good at layout, planning everything ahead, he doesn’t want to think about it.

“I just don’t know when I will be able to step out of the underworld, without being restricted by the world. Maybe this matter has to be discussed with Lu Heng.”

Houtu pressed his thoughts and stopped paying attention to Lu Heng’s movements.

Lu Heng’s reincarnation of the future body is considered to be a dark game, but the canonization of the Human Race God of War requires a canonization magic weapon.

Although the Book of Life and Death is a human book, it is only in charge of the lives and deaths of the predecessors, used to record the ecstasy, and has no effect of canonization.

It seems that we have to find another way to find a magic weapon that can confine the heaven and earth’s fruit position.

Lu Heng tried his best to recall that there seemed to be no such magic weapon in the entire prehistoric land, except for the book titled God list that day.

The Conferred God List is used to canonize the Gods of Heaven, so you can’t canonize the God of War in the human world together.

“The ancient magic weapon has no such effect. I will forge a treasure to use as a canonization of the god of war in the human world.”

Lu Heng has a god-level forging system, as long as there are enough rare materials, you can forge peculiar items.

After using the system for a long time, he has gradually mastered its characteristics, and can even forge the magic weapon he needs most based on rare materials.

The most important thing now is to find the rare materials that can forge the canonized heaven and earth fruit position to create the corresponding magic weapon.

The human race canonized the human world war god, this matter may still fall on the three emperors and five emperors.

We must know that the three emperors and five emperors themselves occupy the position of heaven and earth, comparable to the existence of saints.

If you want to get the magic weapon that can enshrine the fruit position, you can only think of a solution from them.

The three emperors and the five emperors have been sitting in Huoyun Cave. Although Lu Heng recovered the seal of the most precious human race, Kongtong, they did not leave Huoyun Cave.

So if you want to find the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, you can only go to Huoyun Cave.


Lu Heng made up his mind and immediately turned into a bright golden light and flew in the direction of Huoyundong.

In the Primordial Continent, mountains with blades and peaks are stacked on top of each other, and the red hot aura is condensed into a cloud of fire, shrouded in the cliffs.

Among them is the flame-spitting Qiongcao Yaohua, and the flamboyant colors confuse countless spirit insects flying.

On the peaks and peaks, the three characters “Huoyundong” are depicted by the innate Dao pattern.

The void also has a strong atmosphere of formation, condensing into a peerless array that covers the sky and the sun, enclosing the entire Huoyundong dragon cart.

In the cave heaven and blessed land shrouded by the formation, there is a vast fire attribute aura, which condenses into countless red clouds like fire clouds to obscure the sight, but you can still see a dozen stalwart figures, looming in it.

An incredibly hot breath burst out from the Huoyun Cave and surged towards the heavens and the earth.


A dazzling brilliance flew from the underground palace and steadily landed in front of the fire cloud cave, manifesting Lu Heng’s majestic body.

“This is the Huoyun Cave that trapped the three emperors and five emperors. It really is full of flames.”

Lu Heng glanced around the entire Huoyun Cave, feeling the hot temperature, and couldn’t help but exclaim again in his heart.

Not only the Three Emperors and Five Emperors sit in Huoyun Cave, but also the Chao family, Sui Ren family, and Sui Ren family of the three ancestors of the human race are also trapped.

The most important thing is that outside the Huoyun Cave, there is a formation arranged by Taiqing Taoists personally, and they are locked in the cave not to go out.

You must know that whether it is the Three Emperors and Five Emperors or the Three Ancestors of the Human Race, they have the strength of Quasi-Sage Consummation, if it is not too clear to set up an array to block the Huoyun Cave.

With the combat power of everyone, how could you be willing to be trapped in the Fire Cloud Cave, I’m afraid I would fly away long ago.

If you want to rescue them from the Fire Cloud Cave, you must first break the guardian formation.

“I’ve seen the Lord!”

Several loud voices sounded, interrupting Lu Heng’s thoughts.

I saw Fuxi, Shennong, Xuanyuan and other three emperors and five emperors, as well as the third ancestor of the human race came to the entrance of the Duhuoyun cave, and sent greetings to Lu Heng across the large array.

“You fellow Taoists don’t need to be polite. Pang Dao is here today to ask you for help with something important.”

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