Chapter 179 [A widely denounced as a lesson illustrates teach)

Lu Heng purple pattern may be seeing Peach, peach forged into seedlings.

Hearts of joy at the same time, so that three mines and Chang’e and Treasure et al., The leftover Peach gave him.

While everyone wondered why Lu Heng eat leftover Peach, but they are still the Peach gave him.

“Jon, these Peach gave you.”

Bi Xiao although the smallest, but the most she eats, dozens of pieces of peach pit heap in front of Lu Heng body.

Chang’e and Joan Xiao eat with more elegant, but also has more than a dozen.

Everyone leftover Peach are given to Lu Heng, he means the ability of the system, forging a lot of innate peach seedlings.

Of course, not every time forging can create inherent peach seedlings, and some are innate peach crystal, the same people can lift tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

Peach crystal can enhance innate repair people, can give family use, after congenital peach seedlings need to be planted in order to know how it effects.

But there is no doubt, Lu Heng others do not get the opportunity, these are from the system of credit.

Three drinks food flavors too, many guests have tasted innate aqua regia peach, Wu and Yao Chi as a phase, I wanted to recruit some of the monks settled in heaven.

They aim peach event is held to recruit monks, and enhance the strength of heaven, and now to be the most high banquet when, just an invitation.

“Gentlemen Xianjia, heavenly realms in charge of maintaining order in the world, today there are many 013 job vacancies need Daoxing person sits Quartet.”

“Faithfully here is one of the largest energy, if willing me into heaven, will be able to borrow the clerical power of the stars practice, improved rapidly repair.”

“Heaven is willing to open the treasury, and other practice resources provide immortality, magic sent the Spirit of God is the heavenly armed.

“Gentlemen, may I would like to enter heaven office.

Haotian out of the conditions can be very attractive, so many monks around the corner.

To know prehistoric monks occupy fairyland need to absorb the vast aura upgrade repair, and sometimes even suffer great cataclysms, time to prepare for the raid other monks.

If settled in heaven, with the power of the stars will be able to steadily improve cultivation, more heavenly sanctuary without fear for their lives.

Coupled with the lack of prehistoric magic monk, only acquired Lingbao own refining.

If adding heaven, heaven to get the treasure house of magic, they will be able to combat the armed forces.

Emperor Wu is indeed, very precise control of the people, know prehistoric monks sorely lacking what it is.

As long as there is enough interest, we will be tempted to believe that any monks settled in heaven wants.

“I waited willing to join heaven, His Majesty effect.”

“North Ming four-star child, willing to heaven a little humble.”

Repair is not high monks, in order to secure practice to enhance repair, did not hesitate to agree to join heaven.

Some Tai Kim Sin repair or large Luo Jin Sin monks, remained unmoved.

Although there are many benefits to join heaven, but will be in charge of Wu restrictions.

These powerful monks they certainly do not want to join heaven.

“Gentlemen Since willing to enter heaven as clergy, the seat naturally not ill-treat you.”

“But you also need to show some strength, we go to arrange jobs.

Want to serve in heaven must have the strength, or Wu will send many benefits.

Lu Heng for Haotian practice without the slightest interest, but is a temptation to recruit monks, but also the other said Zhong unfaithfulness, the repair will certainly not too strong.

Maitreya and pharmacists are renowned Haotian want to show the strength of the crowd, eyes flashed a little light.

Before coming to heaven they had instructions from the Fazhi, find a way to upset the peach event, let the Three Pure Ones Wu disciples and the outbreak of conflicts.

Haotian people now want to make a show of strength, it is their best time.

Just find a way to explain and teach the cross-sectional teaching fight, this peach event definitely do not go.

When heaven and explain to cut two teaching against each other, the West can be an opportunity.

“Some monks show the strength of low Are there any good, might as well let illustrates teach and demonstrate combat power cut taught his disciples.”

“Young, that you can be wrong, explain and teach his disciples how dare cut taught his disciples a competition, they repair the gap too far.”


Maitreya pharmacists and self-serving chatter, but they say that all the monks heard.

As they say, learn from the monks between the lower without any spectacle, still have to fight to see Three Pure Ones disciples.

But illustrates teach only few large Luo Jin Sin, the rest are Tai Kim Sin successful repair.

In contrast cut at least teach the existence of large Luo Jin Sin, and even quasi-holy presence.

Even without specific know how the outcome.

“Teach cut stronger, what is there to have a competition, even if all learn illustrates teach defeat, of course they dare.”

Many guests talking about, say gate teach better to cut education, wide as the child and others looking anxious, eyes look to the Lotus Lantern Taoist.

“Enlightening teacher, I think. …

“Go, teach explain the matter about my face, they must come forward to kill the momentum of the cross-sectional teaching.

While the West to teach treacherous, but illustrates teach has been pushed to the cusp, they had to sell.

If you do not come out of a war, illustrates teach will be said to be afraid of the cross-sectional teaching, even if it must be a toss-up fight over say.

Received the approval of the Lotus Lantern, flying flashed wide as the child falls on the central hall, Shining eyes looked at the cut-off to teach people.

“Illustrates teach wide as the child, to teach there please cut with the door wing.”

Carter, all the guests applauded in unison, illustrates teach after all, it is to challenge the cross-sectional teaching.

Wu renowned for their wide as the child played challenge sectional teach, heart suddenly felt good.

He was originally selected primitive monks settled matters of heaven, explain how to become a battle cut two taught his disciples.

Wu wanted to stop, but the enthusiasm of the guests here have been aroused, certainly can not be blocked.

His only expectation is to teach everyone can cut yourself, do not fall into the trap of Western religion, so maybe there was hope.

Cao Lu Heng and three-wide as the child, who are renowned provocative cut education, looking not the slightest change, still just keep sipping wine tasting peach, like a kind not seen him play.

In the eyes cut to teach everyone, clown wide as the child is simply not worth the shot.

“Illustrates teach wide as the child, then please enlighten me with the door cut to teach.

“Illustrates teach, teach cut Three Pure Ones belong to sects, a few others call you fly into a rage machine front, so no wonder the emperor Mind period is to teach Western drama.”

Here ’cause who to turn to a break, they want to know, I have to cut you teach fellow to teach it.

Lu Heng gentle tone, but directed at the key sentence punish heart, wide as the child road heart fibrillation.

Wong period, Maitreya teach the West and pharmacists, to stop him teach Regulus sermon, even almost led to irreversible consequences.

The peach event illustrates teach and incite lead to conflict, wide as the child after Lu Heng slightly reminding, that suddenly Ming Wu who point the finger.

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