Chapter 170: Uncle Talking And Laughing, The Treasure Of Humanity]

“Uncle Uncle joked, I am the human saint who is qualified to take charge of the Kongtong seal. Please return the human treasure.”

Although Lu Heng has the status of a human saint, it is definitely not so easy for the Taiqing Taoist to let go and give away the seal of the furnace.

The only thing he can count on is Tongtian.

Three Pure Ones have long since separated their families, each seeking opportunities for the sect. Lu Heng is not only a human race, but also a direct disciple of Tongtian.

Lu Heng’s chance is to intercept his education and gain benefits. Of course, Tongtian will give his full support.

Besides, the saint insists on snatching things belonging to the human race. If this is spread out, it will lose a lot of face.

“Brother, since it’s the treasure of the human race, let the race be in charge. It’s just a top-quality innate spirit treasure.

Although Tongtian said it was light, he knew that the supreme innate spirit treasure was very precious, and ordinary monks were not qualified to own it, and even Three Pure Ones were rare.

In order to help Lu Heng, of course, Tongtian would belittle the best Congenital Lingbao to be worthless, as it is very common.

The Taiqing Taoist’s complexion increased again, and a trace of evil erupted in his eyes.

If Lu Heng alone asks him for a Kongtong seal, he can definitely refuse it easily, but now it is a bit difficult to join the sky.

As Lu Heng said, the Kongtong seal belongs to the treasure of the human race, and he is only in charge of it, temporarily canonizing the three emperors and five emperors.

Now that the three emperors and five emperors have been canonized, they are supposed to be returned to the human race.

But the Taiqing Taoist has selfish intentions, how could he send the empty seal that controls the emperor’s disuse.

Even if there is Tongtian helping Lu Heng to speak, Taiqing Taoists are not afraid.

Could it be possible that Tongtian could have done a battle with himself for a top-quality innate spirit treasure.

“Third brother, this is Human Race’s own business, you still don’t want to participate.”

“Lu Heng is a disciple of Jiejiao, and it is also related to the prosperity of the human race. As his master, I naturally need to care more.”

“Big brother, junior sister think it is more appropriate to return the Kongtong seal to the human race, after all, you have said that this is the human race’s own business.”

“I’m waiting for the saint, it’s better not to participate in human affairs.”

Seeing Tongtian Taiqing’s lip-fighting, fighting for the control of the furnace seal, Nuwa also stood by Lu Heng’s side.

You must know that Fuxi Zhengdao Emperor’s fate, can originally be free and unfettered, not bound by heaven and earth.

However, a decree of the Taiqing Taoist made Fuxi trapped in Huoyun Cave, and Nuwa had long been dissatisfied with this matter in her heart, but it was a pity that the Three Pure Ones was so powerful that she could not intervene.

But now Lu Heng takes the lead to ask for the Kongtong seal from Taiqing, and Tongtian helps to speak.

Nuwa only then gained confidence and wanted to try to help Lu Heng seize control of Kongtong Yin.

She believes that with Lu Heng’s sense of belonging to the human race, as long as he gets the smoke seal, he will never keep the Three Emperors and Five Emperors trapped in the Fire Cloud Cave, and Fu Yi has a chance to be born.

In addition, when Lu Heng helped Fuxi reincarnate as the emperor, there was a cause and effect in it. Today, it is regarded as repaying the former favor.

Lu Heng didn’t expect Nu Wa to speak for herself, and was a little surprised. After all, there were some small conflicts between the two at the beginning, and now they are in the same camp.

There are no absolute allies in the primordial land, but there are absolute benefits. As long as there are benefits, they will unconsciously gather together, even the saints are no exception.

Lu Heng’s identity as a human saint, and with the support of Tongtian and Nuwa, Taiqing Taoists are in a very precarious situation.

The two saints supported Lu Heng, and Taiqing’s pressure was soaring. He did not expect that a treasure of the human race would unite Tongtian and Nüwa, forcing himself to surrender the seal of Kongtong.

Although Taiqing Taoist’s cultivation base was stronger than Tongtian and Nuwa, he did not dare to do it at will.

Kongtong Yin is the treasure of the human race. Once he does something for the magic weapon and Tongtian, Nuwa, etc., it will become a force and he can only gain the upper hand in speech.

“Sister Nuwa.”

“Taoqing Daoists have always had high moral character and high morals. I didn’t expect that they would use the magic weapon of the younger generation, which really opened my eyes.”

Before the Taiqing Taoist finished speaking, he was interrupted by quasi-speaking.

There are many contradictions between Zhun Ti, Diao Yin and Three Pure Ones, and it is hard to see that Tai Qing holds the seal, occupying a lot of luck in the human race.

Since they can’t benefit from the West, they can’t let you Three Pure Ones get better.

Rather than being cheap and clear, it’s better to help the human race to regain the empty seal, maybe you can get some benefits.

What Zhunti and Recitation wanted to see most was that the Eastern Continent was in chaos, and the Taiqing and Human Race’s fight for the Kongtong Seal was an opportunity. Of course, they would not let this opportunity to cause trouble.

Tongtian, Nuwa, Zhunti, and Jiyin all supported Lu Heng, and the Taiqing Taoists suddenly lost their confidence.

0…………Look for flowers

Even if it is as strong as a Taoist Taiqing, it can’t resist the pressure of the four saints at the same time. It seems that this Kongtong seal has to be handed over.

Lu Heng saw the four saints standing on the human side, and immediately said again.

“Uncle, please return the Kongtong seal!”

“Taiqing saint, please return the treasure of my human race!”

All the people shouted in unison, and the surging Taoyin heaven and earth made everyone tremble.


The sound of thunder rolled in the void, the power of various laws rushed, and a terrifying aura condensed on the sky.

The human race is the protagonist of the earth, and all the people of the race seek back Kong Ayin together, so that the world is moved.

“Uncle Uncle didn’t say not to pay it back, so Jun Qiao printed it to you.”

Although Tai Qing felt a little unwilling, but due to the pressure of the saints and the human race, he had to send the empty seal.



A golden light flew from the Taiqing Taoist and fell into Lu Heng’s hands.

Lu Heng fixed his eyes and saw that the big black seal in his hand was engraved with the appearance of the three emperors and five emperors. Many complicated innate Dao patterns were condensed into five-claw golden dragons, and a vast emperor’s gas spewed out.

Kongdong Yin exudes the breath of the best innate spirit treasure, rushing towards the surroundings.

Lu Heng took the Kongtong seal in his hand, feeling inexplicably stable in his heart.

After much effort and support from the saints, he finally got the treasure of the human race back.

Thank you “Master and Uncle) Complete!”

It is not his own credit to get the Kongtong seal back. It is only with the help of Tongtian and Nuwa. Lu Heng is very grateful to them.


Taiqing Taoist snorted coldly, turning into a golden light and flew towards Shouyang Mountain.

The luck of the occupied human race was scraped away by Lu Heng, and the smoke seal in his hand was still snatched away. Tai Qing was extremely depressed and just wanted to leave earlier.

The three emperors and the five emperors have completed the proving of the Dao, Zhunti and Xiuying smiled and left.

Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun had different faces, and they both disappeared without a trace.

“Lu Heng, you have a great responsibility as the saint of the human race. You should take good care of the human race. If you have time, you should return to Jinxiandao to give pointers to the juniors and juniors.”

“The disciples should remember Master’s teachings, and return to Jinxin Island after finishing the human affairs.

(ps: Second, please ask for flowers and give a reward!) B.

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