Chapter 167 (Sages gather, in the fire cloud cave)

As the two of them prayed for a while and murmured a few words in their mouths, many visions suddenly advanced between heaven and earth.

I saw purple qi coming for thousands of miles from the east, billions of Ruicai ascending to the heavens, and the four-pole spiritual qi evolving into the most essential rules.

The spiritual flowers and other grasses on the earth, mountains and rivers all grew crazily in an instant, and bursts of fragrant fragrance spread towards the world.

Numerous golden lotuses emerged from the vast void, half-opened and half-closed, exuding endless glow, and the lotus platform opened on the light to form a golden lotus road.

The infinite aura manifests the yin and yang of the world, and a white jade bridge connecting the world falls in the void.

The Taiqing Taoist, wearing a tai chi robe and a yin and yang fishtail crown, slowly fell from the Baiyu Golden Bridge.

His complexion was ruddy and full of spirits, and there was a smile on the corners of his mouth, obviously in a very happy mood.

The human race experienced the three emperors and five emperors completely established the identity of the protagonist of the great famine, and as the leader of the human education, he can certainly get a lot of blessings.


There was a sound of trampling into the air, and I saw Yuanshi Tianzun, wearing a crown of sun, moon and stars and wearing a Xuanqing Suxian robe, sitting on the Nine Dragons Chenxiangpan and driving from Jinlian Avenue.

The Jiulong agarwood climbing is extremely luxurious, with many decorations such as golden beads, horses, and colored glazes. The climbing cars are surrounded by glowing bridges, and the fragrance is full of fragrance, accompanied by the singing and phoenix dance.

The nine-headed golden dragon driving forward is even more impressive.

“Ha ha!

There were bursts of Jin Ge’s symphony, and a lotus platform made of the seal of the open sky flew in the void.

Wearing a dark golden robe and wearing a mountain and river town Yueguan, Tongtian was sitting in the lotus platform. Behind him, he seemed to have a huge sword about to tear through time and space and break through the chaos.

A bend phoenix whispered quietly. Nuwa, wearing a plain-colored xia skirt, appeared in the void with her feet and wings spread out, surrounded by the vast laws of good fortune.

This Fang Tiandi has become full of infinite vitality because of her arrival.


There was a trembling in the void, and a twelfth-rank meritorious golden lotus appeared from the west, with a painful complexion sitting on the lotus platform, exuding the vast Buddha light that covered the world.

A deity of Buddha and Dharma appeared behind them, showing the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.

Following the prayers of Lu Heng and Dayu, the six saints appeared at the same time, the whole void surging infinitely, and the vast Taoist rhyme was condensed into colorful clouds and hung above the dome.

The era of the three emperors and five emperors is about to pass, and all the saints will be there to witness the moment when the last emperor’s proving to complete the Dao.

“I’ll wait to see all the saints!”

“The disciple has seen Master (Uncle Shi)!”

Lu Heng leads all races and salutes all the saints.

It is an important matter of the human race that Dayu’s proving the Dao to complete, whether it is a saint or a human race, it is very important.

“You don’t need to be polite, get up quickly.

The Taiqing Daoist’s sleeves waved, exerting a soft force to lift all the people up.

All the saints were already in the dojo, and Dayu did not hesitate to take an oath to preach the doctrine.

“I am the Great Yu of the Terran race, to resolve the flood disasters, divide the world into the land of Kyushu, and use the Kyushu Ding to suppress the luck of the Terran race.”

“From then on, the human race has become the protagonist of the heavens and the earth, in charge of the prehistoric land, and governing the major events of all races in accordance with the will of heaven. Today, I prove that the Dao has become the Emperor Yu consummately, and hope that heaven can learn from it.”

With the blessing of the power of Heaven’s Dao, Dayu’s vast voice spread throughout the entire prehistoric continent, and countless creatures could clearly hear his voice.

Spiritual energy surged in the void, and the law of heaven and earth condensed into an extremely huge vertical eye, exuding the aura of heaven.


The vicissitudes of quaint Taoism spread throughout the prehistoric times, and the Heavenly Tao allowed Dayu to prove Emperor Daoyu and become the last emperor among the three emperors and five emperors.

Seeing that the Dao of Heaven recognized the identity of Dayu, the Taoist people of Taiqing waved a bright brilliance with their big hands, which became a big seal full of imperial spirit.

To be recognized by the Tao of Heaven, it is necessary to have the blessing of the free seal to prove the position of the Emperor of Tao.

The biggest use of the empty seal is to abolish the Lirenhuang, and Dayu must go through its blessings.

As soon as the Kongdong seal exudes a vast aura, all the complicated innate Dao patterns on it light up, and the infinite emperor’s aura condenses into countless five-clawed golden dragons roaring and flying in the void.

“hold head high!

With the roar of dragons, the whole world was awakened, and the vast aura evolved into auspicious clouds to lift countless five-clawed golden dragons.

Many five-clawed golden dragons felt the emperor’s breath of Dayu, and they all wanted to pour into his body, but they were suppressed by a larger emperor dragon.


A billion-meter emperor dragon roared, suppressing all the golden dragons, and then turned into a bright light and shadow into Dayu’s body.


Dayu surrounded his body with imperial qi, and the dragon power that suppressed the heavens and the earth stirred the universe of Yin and Yang, and even sent a bright beam of light to the Xiao Han.


Dayu got the double affirmation of Heavenly Dao and Kongtong Seal, Heavenly Dao descended vast merits and rewarded him for many achievements.

I saw the turbulence of the world, the spiritual energy condensed into a cloud of glow, and the clouds of billions of millions of merits fell from the void and enveloped Dayu’s head.

Dayu was the last emperor among the three emperors and five emperors. He made a huge contribution and was also credited with suppressing human luck.

The merits he gained were no more than the merits of the Three Emperors, and even more.

The auspicious clouds of billions of millions of merits and virtues are ups and downs in the void, exuding the bright and yellow energy, and the infinite aura is condensed into the auspicious beast and unicorn leaping in the auspicious clouds.

The crystal-clear and bright colored phoenix flew its wings, lifting aloft the boundless merits and auspicious clouds.

The golden dragon made of gilt travels in the sea of ​​merit, showing endless auspiciousness.

The billions of billions of merits are divided into three parts each, Lu Heng has 007 points for credit to get one of the merits of success.

Don’t underestimate the virtue of success, but it is enough to make people break through to the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

Although these merits are not worth mentioning to Lu Heng, no one would dislike too much merit.

Lu Heng’s mind moves slightly, and his own merits are absorbed into his body.

All races helped Dayu suppress the luck of the race, and shared one of the virtues of success together.

Merit in the body allows all races to slightly increase their cultivation base, it also strengthens their physique and extends their lifespan.

With a little merit in the body, even if the clansmen are in danger, Heaven will give them a small amount of support to prevent them from being substantively hurt.

The remaining 80% was absorbed by Dayu, and his cultivation directly broke through to the consummation of the quasi-sage, proving the emperor’s fate.

Although the three emperors and the five emperors are all quasi-sages, their fate is equivalent to the existence of sages, and they are the most direct manifestation of humanitarian power.

After Dayu’s proving the Dao, his cultivation level broke through the quasi-sage to perfection, so he should go to Huoyun Cave to suppress the luck of the human race.

After all, the three emperors and the other four emperors are in Huoyun Cave, but Lu Heng does not want them to be trapped in it.

You must know that the Three Emperors and Five Emperors and the Three Ancestors of the Human Race are powerful forces of the Human Race. If they have been trapped in the Fire Cloud Cave, it will be a huge loss for the Human Race.

(ps: third update, please subscribe automatically, and rewards!)

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