Chapter 164 【Suppression of Qi Luck, Human Race Jiuding)

Dayu governs the human race in an orderly manner, and many things are proceeding steadily, but he still does not feel the feeling of consummation.

This made him very puzzled. It is reasonable to say that his contribution is not less than that of other co-owners, why he can’t prove the way to Consummation.

Dayu could not understand his own chances of enlightenment, so he could only ask Lu Heng.

“Master, disciples try their best to manage things in the clan and let the people live a better life. Why can’t I feel the chance of preaching?”

“You are the last emperor among the three emperors and five emperors, and your responsibilities are much heavier than others.”

“It is necessary to suppress the human luck and completely establish the identity of the protagonist of the human world, in order to prove the consummation.”

Dayu was the last of the three emperors and five emperors. He not only needed to govern all things of the human race, but the most important thing was to suppress the luck of the human race and establish the identity of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Only by suppressing the human luck and establishing the identity of the protagonist of the human world, he can prove the path to completion.

Otherwise, no matter how great the credit is, it will not be able to prove it.

“Suppress the human luck? Dare to ask the master how to suppress the luck?”

Although Dayu is the co-owner of the human race, he doesn’t know how to suppress Qi Luck.

“The method of suppressing Qi Yun is usually suppressed by Fabao.


“You first order the tribesmen to collect bronze crystal essences from all over the prehistoric places, then the teacher will find a way to suppress the luck of the tribe.

If you want to suppress the luck of the human race, you need to use magic weapons to suppress it, but the human race does not have a strong magic weapon inheritance, and can only find ways to refine or forge it.

The Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Pagoda in Lu Heng’s hand has the effect of suppressing air transport.

But its power is too powerful, not to mention the suppression of human luck, it is more than enough to suppress the entire prehistoric luck.

If you use the Hongmeng Supreme Good Fortune Tower to suppress the human luck, it will seem a little overkill.

He only needs to think of a way to solve the problem by refining a magic weapon that can suppress the luck of the human race.

In the previous life, the Human Race borrowed countless bronze crystals to refine the Kyushu Ding, sinking into the land of Kyushu to suppress the human luck.

Lu Heng has a god-level forging system. With the help of bronze crystal essence and some other methods, it can definitely forge a Kyushu tripod that suppresses air luck.

Dayu knew that Lu Heng’s methods could reach the sky and earth, so he immediately ordered all the people to mine the bronze crystal essence and send them to the human capital.

There are so many human races, it is impossible to calculate it in billions (ajbb).

The entire human race mines the bronze crystal essence, and only half a month has accumulated a towering bronze crystal mountain, but they still have not stopped mining.

The greater the number of fine bronzes, the higher the grade of the magic weapon forged.

Of course, if you want to create a magic weapon to suppress the human luck, it is not enough to have bronze crystals. You also need items that are contaminated with the human atmosphere.

When Shennong was in charge of human affairs, Lu Heng instructed him to create copper coins, which were used to implement currency circulation to purchase goods.

These copper coins passed in the hands of countless tribesmen. They were already the treasures of psychics, and they even tainted the breath of all tribes.

There is no hesitation to say that every time the human race uses copper coins, it will give it a trace of spirituality. After countless years of cultivation, all the human race coins have an unimaginable aura.

Not only can they exorcise evil spirits, they are also closely related to all races, and have the effect of condensing great weather.

This is also the main reason why Lu Heng tried his best to make copper coins to be used by the people.

Psychic copper coins are very important. Lu Heng asked Dayu to collect all the copper coins used by the human race and prepare them to be refined into Jiuzhou Ding.

The human race produces a batch of copper coins every year for the tribesmen to trade and use. The psychic copper coins that have been stored for countless years are enough to pile up into mountains.

Dayu led the tribe to mine the bronze crystal essence for ten years, and collected all the used copper coins, waiting for Lu Heng to refine them into a magic weapon to suppress the air transport.

On this day, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly, and countless human races gathered in the capital, waiting for a grand refining ceremony.

“Quickly, the Holy Venerable is going to refine the artifact in public in the capital to suppress the luck of the human race.

“Emperor Yu said that everyone has to be there, so let’s go there soon.

No matter how far away from the capital, all races all set off to rush.

In the ancestral land of the human race, the water surrounded by the black and crushed people can not leak, but they can still see the bright luster and the look of expectation in their eyes.

Lu Heng wears a black cyan robe, embroidered with the pattern of the twelve good fortune green lotus, and flies up in the air wearing cloud silk walking shoes.

The law of good fortune is condensed into its essence, presenting a lotus platform of twelve good fortune green lotus in the heaven and earth.

Below the lotus platform of good fortune, there are nine towering bronze crystal mountains, and a mountain of money stacked by psychic copper coins, exuding a strong aura.

Lu Heng wants to refine the magic weapon for the human race to suppress the air luck, countless people have a little expectation, and a pair of eyes exudes excitement.

Lu Heng does not rely on Lu Heng to refine Jiuzhou Ding, because he does not know how to refine magic weapons.

Lu Heng has never learned craftsmanship, but he has a god-level forging system, which can forge rare materials into special items.

The scene of the explosion when the system forges items is invisible to other monks, and it can actively conceal the vision.

But Lu Heng only needs to move his thoughts to make a part of the forging vision manifest, which will not allow people to detect abnormalities, but also show the majesty of the human race.

Lu Heng made up his mind and immediately urged the laws of good fortune around his body to spew out, borrowing the aura of heaven and earth and the power of laws, to condense into a giant tripod and two ears.

On the giant cauldron that is enough to support the world, there are countless good fortune road patterns engraved, and a majestic aura of good fortune spreads to the surroundings.

With Lu Heng’s current cultivation base, he has been able to borrow the power of aura and laws to directly condense a cauldron of good fortune.

Although the good fortune cauldron was condensed by him, but with infinite laws of good fortune, it can create a more powerful magic weapon.


The nine towering bronze crystal mountains below and the money mountain where psychic copper coins were piled up were all lifted up by an invisible force and fell towards the cauldron of good fortune.

“Kang Dang!”

The bronze crystal mountain and the psychic copper coin fell in the good fortune cauldron, making a clanging sound of metal crashing.

“Good luck comes out!

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Heng’s laws of good fortune were condensed to the extreme, and with the help of the real fire of the sun, an immeasurable fire of good fortune was derived, directly breaking through the void and falling into the cauldron of good fortune, burning the bronze crystals and psychic coins in it.

Although Lu Heng has never learned the technique of refining, he has seen the system forging magic weapons many times and already knows some basic refining steps.

As for wanting to forge bronze crystals and psychic copper coins into magic weapons, system help is still needed.

“System, forging bronze crystals and psychic coins.”

“Bronze crystals and psychic copper coins are being forged, please wait…

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