Chapter 162【Open Heavenly Palm, Demon Ape Origin)

With the appearance of the horrible giant palm, the heavens and the earth changed abruptly, and the sun, moon and stars in the nine heavens were evading their sharp edges, and they did not dare to shine.

There seemed to be only a giant hall left in the entire void, controlling the life and death of all things in the wild.


A sound of thunder and explosion spread, and I saw the huge hall that shattered the world, carrying the terrifying power to destroy the heavens and the world, and quickly pressed towards Wu Zhiqi.

The vast coercion has not yet fallen, the mountains and fairy peaks within hundreds of millions of kilometers around have been broken into powder, and the vast land has cracked and revealed a strong gushing earth gas.

Wu Zhiqi felt the incomparable majestic coercion, his face suddenly became extremely shocked, and the fear in his eyes lingered for a long time.

At this moment, he seemed to be facing death threats, and even his soul was trembling.

Wuzhiqi is the demon god of the ancient demon court anyway. He is not afraid of life and death crisis after all battles, but he still has a cowardly mentality under the coercion of Lu Heng.


A terrible roar came out, and Wu Zhiqi suddenly showed a strong chaotic aura, and a monstrous warfare spewed out, causing the void around him to tremble.

Wu Zhiqi is one of the Chaos Four Monkeys, possessing 09-quarter of the original power of Chaos Demon Ape.

Under the pressure of a powerful crisis, Wu Zhiqi directly urged the original power of the Chaos Demon Ape in his body, and his strong fighting spirit combined with the rolling chaotic air, condensed into a terrifying Demon Ape phantom behind him.

The phantom of the Chaos Demon Ape is as large as hundreds of millions of meters, and the stalwart body is like a stack of mountains, and the strong chaotic atmosphere is constantly hovering around him.

The monstrous fighting spirit has been condensed into essence, evolving into crystal clear bones, and the terrifying coercion of fighting against the sky is launched.

Wu Zhiqi urged the original power of the Chaos Demon Ape in his body, from the complete cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, into the realm of quasi-sage.

The magical treasure in his hand, the vast sea purple golden beam, evolved into a huge pillar that pierced the world, exuding the sordid coercion of destroying the world.


With a loud shout, Wu Zhiqi waved the Hanhai Zijin Liang in his hand, and countless complicated Dao patterns on it lit up.

With the wave of the Zijin beam, countless shadows of giant pillars that propped up the sky and the earth flew out, smashing the entire void into powder.

The surging coercion shattered the surrounding mountains, and the earth appeared abyss-like ravines.

In an instant, the world was divided into two colors, the universe was shaken again, and the earth’s wind, water and fire, the four extreme spiritual energy was frantically violent.

It’s too late and it’s fast, the giant palm that covers the sky and the sun is bombarded with countless stick shadows that have pierced the sky, making a roar that destroys the sky and the earth.


The roar of deafening and deaf work sounded, the void was covered by a strong Taoist rhyme, and the terrifying smoke of gunpowder hung the sky with a gray luster, which looked extremely dim.

In the vast rhyme of Taoism, you can still see the flames of collision and explosion, evolving into a sea of ​​fire.

The clanging sound of Jin Ge mingled, like the thunder of the sky and the earth, echoed in the void for a long time.

The yin and yang universe is turning upside down, and the void is shattered like glass.

Although Wu Zhiqi used the power of Primal Chaos Demon Ape to ascend to the realm of quasi-sage, no matter how strong his eruption might be, it would not exceed the middle stage of quasi-sage.

On the other hand, Lu Heng is the mid-term quasi-sage cultivation base, even a random blow will not be weaker than the power of the mid-quasi-sage.

A blast spread, and the Dao Yun covering the Tiangong was directly washed away. I saw countless huge pillars in the void, smashed to pieces by the huge palms that covered the sky, and fell on the earth like huge rocks.

The huge pillar that Wu Zhiqi smashed was shattered, but Lu Heng’s condensed huge palm still blasted towards him.

Although Lu Heng is a quasi-sage mid-term cultivation base, his combat power cannot be determined by common sense, even a giant palm can surpass the power of his own cultivation base.

Wu Zhiqi’s face twisted together when he saw the giant palm that was still blasting at him.

In Wu Zhiqi’s view, the power of the Primordial Chaos Demon Ape in his body was able to explode with a quasi-sage-level combat power.

Even if you can’t resist Lu Heng’s, at least it can consume a lot of power.

But now feeling the pressure of the giant palm in the void, it does not seem to be weakened at all, and it still blasts out as strong as it is, and it is unmatched.

Chaos Demon Ape was born for war. Even if Wu Zhiqi only has a quarter of its origin, he still exists as a warrior.

Even in the face of terrible coercion, we must fight to the end resolutely.


Wu Zhiqi let out an angry roar, and his whole body exuded a dazzling chaotic aura, enough to tear the golden dragon’s arms up high, as if to destroy the heavenly palace.

Since the stick shadow can no longer resist the giant palm, he will tear the world apart with an immortal body.

At this moment, Wu Zhiqi raised a terrible fighting spirit, wanting to smash the fallen giant palm with the power of his flesh.

Lu Heng was a little admired in his heart, knowing that he couldn’t do it, he was really a reckless man.

Wu Zhiqi resisted the horror giant palm with his flesh and blood, and sent out a roar that destroys the heavens and myriad worlds.


The vast void made a crisp cracking sound, and the endless chaotic air rushed toward the heaven and earth, repairing the broken space.

Wu Zhiqi only felt that the terrifying coercion of hundreds of millions of worlds came from his arms, and his body would be crushed.

The bones all over the body creaked and rubbed, and the towering muscles and the rushing blood all turned into dust under the pressure of the terrifying power.

At this moment, Wu Zhiqi knew that the giant palm derived from Lu Heng was not so easy to resist.

Lu Heng uses the quasi-sage mid-term cultivation base, and borrows the huge palm formed by the 003 law of heaven and earth, which is enough to destroy the heavens and the world.

Wu Zhiqi only used the power of the Primordial Chaos Demon Ape to temporarily gain a quasi-sage-level combat power. If he wanted to resist Lu Heng’s attack, it was undoubtedly the snake-zinc-shaking tree beyond his control.


Lu Heng lit a golden light and fell on the giant palm that covered the sky and sun, suddenly exploding with a more powerful power.

The terrifying giant palm lightly squeezed Wu Zhiqi’s huge body directly, turning it into a blood mist floating in the void.

Lu Heng only spawned a giant palm from beginning to end, and killed the struggling Wuzhi Qi Mie into a cloud of blood.

In the thick blood mist, there is also the origin of a group of Chaos Demon Ape, which is constantly surging and exudes a strong aura.

Lu Heng’s shots have always been measured, not only can destroy Wu Zhiqi’s physical body and the original spirit, but also do not damage the original power of the Chaos Demon Ape in his body.

It is necessary to know that Wu Zhiqi borrowed the power of the Primordial Chaos Demon Ape to complete his cultivation in Daluo Jinxian, and he could explode with a combat power comparable to that of the quasi-sage.

If other quasi-sages meet Wu Zhiqi, the outcome is difficult to predict.

This is still the combat power that he did not fully control the Primal Power of Chaos Demon Ape, once fully controlled, at least the strength of the Quasi-Sage late stage.

(ps: third update, ask for automatic subscription, and rewards!),

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