Chapter 160 (The Lord’s Summoning, Mountain Axe)

It’s a pity that many hidden powers are going to be frightened again.

“This voice is the Lord calling us!”

The Dragons of the Four Seas were amazed when they heard Lu Heng’s vast voice.

We must know that the Dragon Clan suppressed Sihaihaiyan since the Longhan period. Even when the Lich fought against the turmoil of the world, they did not show up because they were not allowed to leave the Sihaihai at will.

The vocation of the dragons is to guard the world, and they certainly can’t leave at will.

But now the human race is suffering from floods, and the tribes everywhere are covered by the monstrous spiritual rain, which can be said to be unpredictable.

The human race is the future protagonist appointed by heaven and earth. If the dragon race can help them tide over this crisis, it will certainly alleviate some causal karma.

In the past, when Lu Heng left the abyss, he told them that in the future, he would find a way to reduce the karma of the dragon clan. Could it be the present?

“Dragons in the East China Sea follow the orders to go to the prehistoric continent, collect the rain from the heavens and the earth, and save the human race from crisis.”

“Xihai Dragons go out to sea together to resolve the human crisis.”

In an instant, the dragon races from all over the world soared from the deep sea at the same time, and attacked the eastern continent.

The dragon roars that resounded through the world spread, and countless powerful abilities were shocked.

“This… the Sihailong clan was born again!”

Hundreds of thousands of dragons of different colors appeared over the eastern continent, such as five-clawed golden dragons, blue-blooded thunder dragons, and jade-scaled white dragons.

Hundreds of millions of dragons roared in the sky, their scales shone with dazzling brilliance, and the gazing dragon horns seemed to break into the void.


With an order, the hundreds of millions of dragons opened their huge mouths, and the vast spiritual rain that had fallen in nine days was swallowed by the surging suction.

The dragons are born to move clouds and rain, and want to swallow the rain falling from the void, which can be said to be a piece of cake.

Swallowing spiritual rain is a trivial matter. The key is that the heavens and the earth have been invading the western rain, and have never stopped.

Even if there are hundreds of millions of dragon clan devouring spiritual rain at the same time, they can only barely contain it and prevent rainwater from spilling on the wild land.

The dragons are not omnipotent, they are very rare to contain the rain in the sky.

As for the surging underground water veins and rivers and lakes of the primordial continent, people can only find a solution by themselves.

After all, this flood was a test of the human race, and in the end they had to find a way to resolve it by themselves.

The dragons are just helping, temporarily collecting the monstrous rain from the sky.

Hundreds of millions of dragons collected the rain that fell for nine days. The floods on the prehistoric continent have subsided, but they are still extremely fierce. Frequent changes have caused many people to be washed into the rivers.

Although the Dragon Race did not resolve all crises, the Human Race remembered their kindness.

While the dragons contained the rain in the sky, Lu Heng was in charge of teaching Dayu.

Dayu is worthy of being the last emperor of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. He can speak three days and walk five days after he was born. He grows up to the size of a five or six-year-old child in one year, which is extremely magical.

The most important thing is that he can easily understand what Lu Heng is saying, even sometimes by analogy.

Lu Heng not only passed the Shangqing Immortal Jue to Dayu, but also informed him of some methods to control floods and rectify the country.

In a blink of an eye, Dayu had grown into an adult. Although his body was only exuding the aura of an immortal, his dragon-like arms were full of vast power.

“Master, the people of the tribe are suffering from floods, and the disciples beg to come out to help the tribe and eliminate this monstrous flood.

Under the teaching of Lu Heng, Dayu was proficient in water control, and even the floods like the huge sea could be resolved one by one.

It is Dayu’s responsibility to manage human floods, and Lu Heng will naturally not stop it.

“The human race has suffered from floods. It is the right time for you to come out and govern the world, but if you want to control the flood, you need two magic weapons to help each other.”


As soon as the voice fell, Lu Heng waved two bright brilliance with his big hand.

I saw a giant axe emitting golden light appeared in the void, with many innate Dao patterns engraved on it, condensed into countless patterns of mountains and rivers, and a breathtaking cold light flashed from the axe blade.

On the handle of the axe, the word kaishan is condensed from the innate Dao pattern.

“This giant axe is called a mountain-opening axe. It has the power to open mountains and break rivers. With it in your hands, it can help you open mountains and make roads.”

On the side of the mountain axe, there is a huge golden pillar to the sky, on which there is an innate Dao pattern outlined as a golden dragon flying out to the sea, and a vast auspicious cloud pattern is engraved on it.

A divine power of the universe Dinghai, from the huge pillar to the surroundings, people feel the vast power.

This is “the needle iron of the sea god, but it can be used to measure the depth of the river, and it has the power to fix the world.”

0…………Look for flowers

“With these two magic weapons in hand, they are enough to help you quell the flood.”

The mountain-opening axe and the Dinghai Shenzhen in Lu Heng’s hands are all innate magic weapons he forged by looking for rare meteorites outside the sky and forging with the help of the forging ability of the system.

The magic weapons forged by his system are all of the innate level, which can greatly enhance the power of the magic weapon.

When Dayu saw the mountain axe and the Dinghai Shenzhen in front of him, he was very happy.

Although he has a solution to the flood in his mind, when manpower is poor, he must use the power of magic weapon to open mountains and rivers.

With the mountain axe and the Dinghai Shenzhen, he can manage the flood smoothly.

Disciple, “Thank you Master for the treasure!

Dayu worshipped, then turned into a golden light and flew towards the human capital.


If you want to control the flood, he can not completely eliminate it alone, and you need to find some tribesmen to help.

After Dayu came to the human capital and explained his intention to control the flood, Emperor Shun immediately ordered him to be the water control Sikong and lead the tribe to control the flood.

After assuming the official position of Sikong, Dayu led his tribe to climb the mountains, and when they encountered insurmountable mountains, he broke them with a mountain axe.

When encountering low-lying waters, use the Dinghai Shenzhen to measure the water depth. At the same time, let the craftsmen build dams to dredge the floods along the dams toward the four seas, and finally gather the sea to the middle.

Dayu led the floods in the rivers into the sea by dredging, so that people no longer need to suffer from floods, and they are loved by countless people.

As Dayu continued to control the floods, the nine huge rivers in the eastern continent have been dredged, but the Huai River area is still full of surging waves, destroying the human tribes from time to time.

In the Huaishui River, there is a demon god named Wu Zhiqi left over from the ancient demon court.

Wuzhiqi, one of the four monkeys in the mixed world, was born as a red horse monkey.

He is good at change, can easily capture nine golden dragons, and his best skill is water control.

There are even rumors that his ability to control water is no less than that of the ancestor of water, Wu Gonggong.

Wu Zhiqi was originally a demon god in the ancient demon court. He cleverly avoided the calamity of the Lich, and built a solid Dong Mansion in the Huai Shui River.

(ps: First update, please subscribe automatically, and give a reward!) B.

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