Chapter 490 Only increase troubles [seeking subscription]

After a while, the stagnant eyes of Master Tongtian suddenly flashed, saying: “I am going to transcend nature, reach a state of transcendence, and break the bottleneck of the Cultivation Base. It is not a step-by-step procedure, but a fixed one.”

Master Tongtian said half of his words, but he didn’t say his thoughts and feelings. Because the few people in front of him, including himself, are all in the bottleneck of Cultivation Base, as long as one person takes the lead in breaking the bottleneck of Cultivation Base.

In this whole world, it can be said that he has reached the land of no one. The joy in this almost made Master Tongtian laugh out loud. He hid everything he saw deeply in his heart, and only briefly said a few words later. As for whether he could see through or not, it could only be based on personal comprehension.

“The accumulation of quantity has reached a qualitative leap, and what I see is nothing more. It’s just that whether you can comprehend the truth or not depends on your understanding, and that’s all I can say.

Master Tongtian’s deliberate concealment shows that he has not slashed himself, 10 is still bound by the seven emotions and six desires.What I see is also some shallow level, but he can see so much in the Tai Chi diagram, which is enough to explain him. This is the reason for the highest value of force among the Three Qing Dynasties.

“If you don’t want to say it, don’t say it, why bother talking nonsense here, huh.”

Primitive Tianzun is different from his junior and disciples in disposition. The leader of Tongtian seems to be good at calculation, and he hides the knife in his smile and shows the truth. But in fact, the Lord Tongtian is a rather conservative person, and under certain special circumstances, he is still a very honest person, otherwise he can’t be for so many years, he has been suppressed by two seniors, and has been completely suppressed until now. break out.

Primordial Tianzun glanced at him, and continued to say, “I found a medicinal material that the senior brother missed. His Gold Core is not the reason for the delay, and I have found it.

What he saw was the most obvious thing, restriction and balance. The path of pill refining is exactly the same as the path of practice. Although the path between the two is different, the final destination is the same.

Under the restriction of the laws of the prehistoric, falling in love with the Gold Core practiced by the old man is too pursuit of the ultimate, so a few powerful drugs have been placed in the Gold Core, breaking the inherent balance, so that until now, the Gold Core is only Xiaocheng couldn’t achieve the desired effect at all.

If you remove the real fire of the three flavors, use the feminine fire to refine, inject a few feminine auras, and some of the natural treasures of the corresponding attributes, the Gold Core of the Taishang Laojun, after re-refining, it will definitely reach 100% Effect.

Often when obsessiveness is too deep, you will not lose yourself, the simplest and most obvious reason is buried in the deep memory in your mind.

“It seems that we have our own understanding, but what I see is that there is indeed a crisis. In the near future, there will be a catastrophe. At that time, will the land under our feet still exist? Will the sky above our heads still exist? Whether the blue, sky-filled constellations still follow their original trajectories, they will all change drastically.”

Ling Bao Tianzun sees the first opportunity and sees the future. It’s just that when the time will come, whether the images that emerge in my mind will actually appear are all unknown.

But this matter is not groundless, and the crisis that has just been resolved is the best warning. If the scale were larger, the thousands of stars on the fringe of the predicament all gathered here, the power of the Star at that time could not be easily resolved by a few people, even if it was a life, it might not be able to deal with it.

“Ling Bao, don’t worry too much.” When the original Tianzun saw Ling Bao, his eyes were a little blurred and his mind was a little uncertain, but he laughed and said, “Ling Bao, I ask you a question, you explain that you know how Where? Where will I be? What will happen?”

The original Tianzun asked three questions, but Ling Bao Tianzun could only shook his head for these three questions. What will happen tomorrow can only be expected in the mind, and the scope of the prediction is only centered on oneself.

Seeing that Ling Bao could not answer, the original Tianzun said, “What will happen tomorrow, you can’t guess at 960. Then whether the future catastrophe you just said can be resolved, it is already an unknown number. He will come, and he won’t come if he shouldn’t. Why bother about it.”

Ling Bao Tianzun gladly accepted this preaching, and he was indeed a little unreasonably worried. Take the moment as an example, the ominous omens came one after another, and he, who was yesterday, naturally would not have expected such things to happen. I don’t even think that I will have this insight today.

It depends on Heavenly Dao in the midst of the world, and my thoughts only add to my troubles.

“Thank you for your advice. I didn’t even think about it myself for such a simple reason. It’s ridiculous.” Ling Bao Tianzun laughed at himself, but there was no embarrassment in the laughter. On the contrary, it seems more natural, as if suddenly enlightened. The current veiled fog is lifted in an instant. This sense of relief makes people feel more comfortable.

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