Chapter 486 Countermeasures【Subscribe for subscription】

In the prehistoric times, the beings who are endowed with wisdom, as long as the mind is mature, the things in front of them will naturally be able to see the cause of the things. Although Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian hierarch blindly pretended to be confused and looked at Ling Bao’s jokes, they also took advantage of this opportunity to be embarrassed everywhere.

However, the two of them knew very well what they were doing was even clearer. As for Taishang Laojun, why didn’t he come here? After the two looked at each other, they thought that there was no need to wait for him to come.

The ominous omen of the sky, although in thousands of years, almost never happened. Of course, there is one exception, that is, when the world is separated, the situation at that time may be undoubtedly.

Countless streamers raged in this chaos. The current situation is almost the same as at that time, but the scope is smaller. At that time, there were only the divine body and consciousness, just like the ghost, floating around. But the only difference is that the divine body is wise and autonomous.

But the current situation seems to be the same, but in fact there are still differences. At least it was still under the control of a few people, and the occurrence of this incident was just a touch of feeling in his mind. Every time there is a change between heaven and earth, it can be said that such a big change is impossible to escape the eyes of a few people. Even if he was not there, he would feel the changes.

After various analyses of Yuanshi Tianzun and Master Tongtian in their hearts, they came to a final result that is that only by solving the immediate trouble and going deep into it, can we see the truth in this process, and what caused the matter.

“Hmph, brother, don’t watch the excitement anymore, I won’t have time if I don’t clean up.” “Tongtian Sect Master snorted and watched his former seniors were favored by the master and received a lot of rare resources. At that time, the Zen teachings could be said to be thriving, with the three religions and nine streams, all led by Zen.

But now the core disciple is extremely damaged, and the glory of the year is gone. The Lord Tongtian looked at the old elder who was pulling the old face of the original Tianzun, and he was naturally very happy. In this battle, the Lord Tongtian must have the upper hand.

And it has been proved by practical actions that in this long path of cultivation, talent and understanding are far more important than birth. But the words of this lesson, the words that are more emotional, the Master Tongtian did not say it, but some people just think so.

“Look at how proud you are, how long can you be happy?”

After the original Tianzun finished speaking, he tossed his sleeves, and then he was next to the Lord Tongtian. The Primitive Tianzun, who has always been hindered by Face and impatient, naturally can’t tolerate someone watching own jokes. And in his opinion, there are outsiders beside him.

“The ignition is on, I haven’t said anything yet, and I am making faces with me again here.” The Lord Tongtian said with a smile.

“The most urgent matter is to solve the immediate troubles. As for the matter between the two of you, wait until you go back and solve it yourself.” Nuwa reminded helplessly that whether this trouble can be solved is still a problem, but as soon as a few people meet, They began to attack each other verbally.

Although I didn’t say much, time is tight and the task is heavy. The enchantment laid by Ling Bao Tianzun can be said to have no life in the original dead silence, and gradually revives everything. But the power of a person is limited after all. The power coming in and out of the enchantment is constantly flowing. Each time the two energies collide, there will be a range of aftermath. The direction of the rest waves is more comprehensive, with

All the trees near the mountain range were cut off after being affected.

Countless innocent creatures, most of them have no mind, and instinctively drove them to flee to the periphery, but in the enchantment, even the Taoist real person like Yuding can’t break through it, and they are even more unruly.

The huge vegetation growing from the seeds is constantly being cut off, and some are even shattered by bombing. The slow growth rate obviously cannot keep up with the rate of destruction.

Without cutting one, Ling Bao Tianzun’s Spiritual Qi will be broken up and will never return to the body again. It can only accumulate slowly over time and slowly make up for the debt owed today. Time is long, and the troubles before our eyes change quickly.

The four Sages were scattered in the 5 corners of the south, east, north, and west. Then, according to the law, the four teamed up to shoot four beams of light in different directions in the south, east, north, and west. The gathered energy began to slowly spread from the center (of King Nuo) to everywhere, and a golden ripple slowly enlarged and enveloped it.

The enchantment formed by Hunyuan Qi forced the two raging forces to tolerate it. This time, Ling Bao and the original Tianzun and Tongtian hierarch put aside the sorrow and grievances in their hearts. They fought side by side and cooperated with each other as one hundred years ago. They shattered the mass of hemp in front of them.

But the power of this Star is like the same source. The power transmitted by the nine light beams is not trivial. They constantly hit upwards, and the light and water can be said to be pervasive. They hit the Hunyuan enchantment, like a transparent dome, and it is impossible to cut off the source of this energy.

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