Chapter 483 Ominous Omen [Subscription required]

The Five Elements chessboard stood hundreds of miles away, and a golden chessboard intertwined vertically and horizontally, slowly drove in towards the mountain.

The black light and shadow, under the cover of darkness, kept hitting the nine bronze pillars, and the white light and shadow penetrated the dragon’s tail. The dragon endured the severe pain and let out a long roar, and the Spiritual Qi and True Qi in his body quickly lost. Ling Bao’s body suddenly leaned back and spouted a mouthful of blood.

Suddenly in this scene, including the real Yellow Dragon and his senior, did not expect such a thing to happen. The two have never seen or heard of it.

“Uncle Master, be careful.” Madam Yuding yelled.

The purpose of his visit this time is very simple and pure, to resolve the crisis. But the dragon was shot out of the body, and the strength and damage in it would double the backlash of its owner.

From serious injuries to serious injuries, Cultivation Base is not covered.

Although what is in front of us is just a ray of incarnation of Ling Bao Tianzun, but the two have already intertwined with each other, the clone has been destroyed, Ling Bao Tianzun’s body, mentioning Cultivation Base will lose a lot of it.

There is no absolute strength, no shelter from others. No one dared to go to the mortal world to experience. The pros and cons are among them.

But his reminder was too late, and the voice had not yet reached Ling Bao’s ears. A white light hit ~ passed through the neck of the dragon.

At this time, the dragon didn’t even have the strength to scream. I saw the dragon’s body, forming countless golden light spots, gradually fleeing into the void, until it disappeared. At the nine dragon pillars set at the foot of the mountain, the earth began to shatter, and the huge molten casting began to tilt-until it collapsed.

Ling Bao was seriously injured as much as possible to control the direction of the dragon column’s collapse, so as not to hurt the innocent. But Nine Heavens, which spread to the mountains and plains, began to spread everywhere, and with the howling of the violent wind, it had reached a point where it was out of control.

“Is it someone secretly tricking the ghost?” Ling Bao thought of all this in his heart, but there was no disclosure or perception when the formation was set up. Someone else came quietly, hiding behind own, and giving himself a fatal blow.

Everything happened too suddenly, Nezha was absorbed in it, and the Five Elements board used Nezha’s spiritual body as the trigger point, and entered the attack state on its own.

When Yang Jian’s original god returned, its body was shaken out a long time ago, and the last ray of original god reluctantly returned. But when Yang Jian woke up, everything in front of him was completely different.

A hundred miles ahead, the mountains were burning, a sea of ​​flames, spectacular and desolate.

However, in this land under our feet, I don’t know when there will be gaps.

After a second thought, just a few hours, this place has become a purgatory on earth. As for what Ling Bao did, it was because the other party had some superiors, Yang Jian didn’t know.

Seriously injured, he could only choose to stay away, quickly flee, and informed Jiang Ziya of the real-time news at the moment.

“Master, Nezha must persist until I come back.

After speaking, the novice Yang Jian turned into a white dove with blood stains on his fingers, and wrote a few large characters briefly, and finally ran in the other direction, seeking rescue.

The Nine Dragons Lihuo Array has disintegrated, and the power of Star that has been taken down has long been beyond the constraints of the law, and no one except Ling Bao can control it at the moment. However, Ling Bao is already seriously injured at this time, and there is no longer it. The rest is manipulating this force.

Nine stars entangled, countless stars twinkling, and the black and white lines of the Five Elements chessboard collided with each other.

-0 Seeking flowers…0

The aftermath of the impact began to be released here unscrupulously.

The two are like mutual growth and mutual restraint. They do not give way to each other, and no one controls them. They are completely in the perspective of a third party, and they are killed. Regardless of the life or death of others, only when one party’s energy is exhausted can he stop.

Ling Bao’s spirit body returned to his place, and the real body was revealed. Then he leaped and appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

As for the real Yellow Dragon who had been rescued by his brother a long time ago, Ji Chang also disappeared in the chaos.


Just as Ling Bao was searching for other people’s figures, the wine suddenly fell into the lotus flower in the sky. With the appearance of the lotus flower seal, Nuwa reveals his true body and erects a seven-color bridge. In the midst of this chaos, Ling Bao should not be allowed to think too much. The important thing is to find out the truth of the matter.

“Can you see someone there?” Ling Bao stood on the colorful bridge and asked the banshee.

“I’ve just arrived here, and I haven’t seen anyone else doing this.” Nuwa knew nothing about it, only that the Five Elements chessboard, as if going crazy, attacked the distant Star.

“Is it because I really got into trouble? Heavenly Dao is punishing me.” Ling Bao thought of this, and suddenly there were some accusations.

In any case, this Nine Heavens Lihuo Great Array has exceeded the limit of the law, because the divine fire between heaven and earth corresponds to 9 stars, and then the power of Star is drawn into the array, so it is killed.

But this consequence is unimaginable, if no one is secretly making a ghost. It means that the Magical Item, Five Elements chessboard left by Master Hongjun, he said, it will not appear out of thin air with an unheard of strangeness. and,

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