Chapter 480 Good words to persuade [subscription required]

A little bit of Mars, blend into it. For a time, thunder and fire cried, and a huge thunder and lightning gathered in front of the dragon’s mouth. Energy Spiritual Qi and so on, the more the drama, the more the dragon’s body began to shake with the restlessness of this energy.

“Impossible, who is behind him?”

The real Yellow Dragon looked around, from the foot of the mountain to the mid-air, almost nothing was wrong. Even if someone is behind the scenes, it is impossible to escape his eyes. What’s more, this person’s strength is unfathomable, he is not below him at all, there is no need to dodge here.

“Dare to ask which real person is here? Can you come out and meet you?” Real Yellow Dragon said to the giant dragon calmly.

However, in the surroundings, apart from the thunder and lightning, no response was received.

But at this moment, a golden light went straight to the top of the dragon’s head and smashed down.

The power of thunder and fire that gathered together was knocked out by this collision, hitting the top of the 10th mountain.


The tip of the mountain, as if it had been cut off by a blade, the entire upper half was shattered. Fortunately, the accumulating blow was missed, otherwise, everyone would die tragically.

But the real Yellow Dragon was suddenly overjoyed, and the long-lost figure finally appeared.

“Brother, why did you come? I can’t stand it anymore.”

Reality Ji Chang and Yellow Dragon saw hope, they only saw his face with excitement. They looked at Reality Owner Brother Yuding and said, “Brother, we are ambushing among us. Here, I don’t know what kind of barrier is blocking this place, and I can’t get out of it. , I can’t get in outside, there is such a beast here looking at us.”

True person Yuding had seen the situation from a distance, but he did not perceive where the caster Ling Bao was?

If you want to break this formation, you must find the position of the caster, or everything is in vain. This person’s Magic Power Cultivation Base is so advanced that even if the two brothers work together, they may not be able to break this person.

What’s more, the matter is extremely involved, and the battle between the two sides has reached a deadlock.

“Don’t talk nonsense with me here, you deal with this dragon, I’ll go find it out.”

Madam Yuding came over this time, but he took the Sword Immortal Sword and came even more prepared, just in case. This sword, the Cultivation Base below Sage, can be slashed with one sword. Even if it is Sage’s body, hitting the goal, you can also discard the Cultivation Base.

But Ling Bao, who was in the dark, did not give him a chance to use the sword. I saw Ling Bao injected his True Qi and Spirit Power into the formation. The two have long been integrated. As long as the real Jade Ding can’t pull the nine copper pillars out of the surface, the formation will never be broken.

Ling Bao is even more ubiquitous at this time, and the golden and red dragon was born out of Ling Bao’s spirit.

“Stop looking around, you don’t want to see me, I’m here.”

The dragon suddenly opened its mouth and uttered human words. At the same time, the dragon was divided into multiple dragons, transformed into 9 dragon shapes with different attributes, scattered in 9 positions of the formation.

Nine bronze pillars appeared, and the countless rune marks on them were wrapped in Lihuo. Don’t look closely, don’t touch it, as long as you touch your body from the fire, it will burn more than ever, and it will not turn to ashes.

“I believe Jiang Ziya does not have the ability to trap so many people here. If I am not mistaken, it is you, Master Uncle.

In Jiang Ziya’s camp, it is possible to show such magical powers. Except for Ling Bao Tianzun, no one else can arrange the formation invisibly, so that others who are deeply affected by it can be recruited without knowing it. This shows that this person The strength is higher than that of the real Yellow Dragon.

“You are not in the formation, and there is no need to get involved. Why not take this opportunity to inform you of the situation, maybe his old man came to rescue him, I can still give him a face.”

Ling Bao can be said to be persuasive. The true man of Yuding is among the primitive heavens respecting his disciples. He has relatively ordinary talents, but this person is extremely kind. In this practice and enlightenment, what is needed is his mentality.

“Uncle Master, my junior brother has been severely injured, and the formation is so powerful, even if my master comes, it may not be able to bring my junior brother out completely.”

Yuding real person’s heart has been decided, and the shot is even more decisive. In this conversation, within a short period of time, it has been confirmed that Ling Bao, where the spirit body transformed out of it is.


I saw a golden light and shadow falling vertically from Jiuxiao, pointing straight to the dragon’s 960 spiritual place.


Then there was another loud noise. However, the Slashing Immortal Sword stood an inch from the Dragon Heavenly Spirit and stopped falling.

The Sword of Immortality can be said to be invincible, even if there is an enchantment barrier as an organization between the formation and the outside. But as long as you act decisively and find the weak spots in the formation, you have a great opportunity to break through this barrier, but the situation is just the opposite.

The dragon’s head was raised, Ling Bao couldn’t help laughing in his heart as he looked at the sword hanging upside down close at hand.

“You are not talented, but you have no distractions. There is such a Cultivation Base today. It is really not a rumor. But it is a pity that you did not find the other side, but I will not give you this opportunity. ”

Ling Bao uttered all the good things through the mouth of the giant dragon. However, Zhenyu Ding told Ling Bao with practical actions that this battle is inevitable.

Immediately, the dragon suddenly closed his eyes tightly. The earth began to shake, the mountain began to swing, and the nine copper pillars climbed up again. .

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