Chapter 472 Hint [subscribe]

Ling Bao walked into it with the design drawings of mountains and rivers, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. The primitive Tianzun, who was irritated and depraved, had nowhere to vent his anger. Seeing the disappearance of the Qicai Bridge, he was helpless.

However, between the laws of heaven and earth, the changes in Taoism are also inseparable.

“Ling Bao, since you did this, don’t blame me for being unsympathetic.”

At the moment when the Colorful Rainbow Bridge disappeared, it was Tianzun who caught the breath left by Ling Bao and chased it in its direction.

Under the prehistoric world, in the eyes of his Primitive Heavenly Sovereign, it was nothing but a palm-sized place. Even a monk could not run away from the temple.

In the Minor World of the Colorful God Bridge, Ling Bao created a small world belonging to own. The Shanhe design drawing was opened, and Zhao Gongming was liberated from the seal.

“Thank you Uncle Master for your life-saving grace.” Zhao Gongming stepped forward and bowed.

“I saved you only temporarily, I believe that the original Tianzun will not let you go.”

After that, Ling Bao took out a leaf, condensed a charm on it and gave it to Zhao Gongming, and told him, “You still have to go on the road behind. If it is not, you have to do it, don’t abuse this thing, I That’s all there is to help.”

Zhao Gongming is like a treasure, but this life-saving grace is not repayable now. As the time can’t be delayed, Ling Bao’s Minor World can’t hold back for long. Sooner or later, you have to face each other, taking advantage of the fact that you can cover it for a while. Soon, Zhao Gongming got out.

Under Ling Bao’s guidance, Zhao Gongming was able to get away smoothly, but the troubles that followed did not get rid of.

On the bridge of seven colors, the original Tianzun’s figure changed from a virtual body to a physical body.

“Hey, I really can’t be peaceful for a while.” Ling Bao stood on the other side of the Seven Colors Bridge and walked slowly towards the original Tianzun.

“It’s been a long time since I haven’t seen you, you are still the same.” Ling Bao said slowly.

“You know what I look like naturally, and I don’t have to shy away from you in front of you.”

“What about others?” Primitive Tianzun asked again in a blink of an eye, still reluctant to show Zhao Gongming’s attitude.

However, this clear water has been muddled, and the lead is the culprit.

In this magical Minor World, the plants, the trees, the mountains and the rivers are nothing but imagined. Ling Bao’s mind changed, and there were new changes in Minor World.

All the memories in the picture are the past that cannot be looked back on. In the long river of these years, the shadow of the past emerged.

“Let the past events pass, why bother to resurface in front of my eyes, why are you doing this?” Seeing these past events, the heart of Primordial Tianzun slowly calmed down, and the angry and violent anger gradually subsided, but for Ling Bao’s methods and intentions, the original Tianzun, only guessed one or two, but didn’t fully understand it.

“This is what I want to say to you in my heart. Isn’t it like this at the end of the fight? The people are not living, I believe this result is not what you want to see, why bother to repeat history?”

Ling Bao’s tone changed a little bit. For him, this is not preaching, but this is indeed a fact that has happened in the past. From the melee between gods and demons, I don’t know how many years I have been calm now, but now the cycle goes back and forth. After a long time of calm, I naturally need to find something out.

However, where does it start and where does it end? The original Tianzun could not answer this answer.

“There are reasons for things, and there are results for reasons. There is no way between you and me in Karma. But there is an explanation for everything. Master Tongtian seriously injured my disciple. In one statement, as for the consequences, just let the flow go.

Primitive Tianzun said it was simple, and things were even simpler. If it can be clarified by reason, it is impossible for this situation to happen today. It is inevitable to fight a big fight. Since the fruit has already been produced, it is necessary to explain the matter. As for the consequences, whoever bears the responsibility in the end is up to God’s will.

Providence cannot be violated, but it is not unchangeable either. Ling Bao and Primordial Tianzun know this well. As long as someone bears the consequences, as for the current situation and how it will develop in the future, we can only take it one step at a time.


Your explanation is easy, but do you think you can bear the consequences?” Ling Bao asked again.

Primitive Tianzun shook his head and said, “There is a destiny in the world. As for the price to be paid, it depends on the individual’s supernatural powers.”

If you don’t hit the south wall or look back, it seems that you won’t be able to experience it between the three clearings when you don’t have a bloodshed.

“I understand what you mean, and there is no need to say more to me like this.”

“As for Zhao Gongming, I will settle this account with him sooner or later. You can’t keep him and naturally you can’t keep him.

The original emperor thought of this man, and the angry fire in his heart burned again. Then I saw him, hit Shattering Void, and walked out of Ling Bao’s Minor World.

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