Chapter 463 Qianlu Jiqiong【seeking subscription】

In a certain situation, it is difficult to explain the truth, and it is also difficult to explain it clearly. Both sides clinging to each other, talking and chatting, the anger that there is nowhere to vent in the body re-spreads on the hands and feet.

“Don’t say so much, some are gone. I came here this time for one purpose, to have a statement and a result.” Zhao Gongming didn’t interrupt his mouth for a while, and said this to these self-respecting guys. It’s a waste of time.

Madam Taiyi has been injured by the own black tiger, and the injury is not minor. The clothes on the calves have been stained red with blood.

“Do you want to explain? Well, I will give you an explanation for him.”

As soon as the voice of the real Taiyi fell, the floating dust on his hand shot out two cyan rays, and it approached the black tiger’s head.

This time, the real Taiyi hit a ruthless hand. Under the floating dust, three golden needles were hidden, just breaking the copper skin and iron bones of the black tiger. Two moves, one in the light and one in the dark.

The black tiger was even more excited when he smelled the bloody smell. He immediately stood in front of Zhao Gongming, and then wobbled his tail to disperse the two glazed lights in front of him.

But the three golden needles that followed went straight to the black tiger’s eyes.

“Roar ”

Although Heihu is a divine beast, it does not cultivate a human form, and its wisdom and intelligence are relatively simple. Compared with the countless scheming of Taiyi Zhenren, Heihu appears a bit simpler.

Of the three gold needles, one hit between the eyes, and the other two were slightly off, but still hit the eyes.

The black tiger roared, and lay on his side for a while and rolled, seeking help from his master.

“Despicable villain”^. “Zhao Gongming yelled, and immediately beat the own golden whip out, and then his body flashed forward, using the golden whip to make a defensive barrier, and at the same time he repelled the real Taiyi.

The three golden needles have penetrated the bone, sealing the seven meridians and eight channels of the black tiger. The black tiger entered a short period of paralysis. As long as the three golden needles were taken out for me, and as the blood of Meridians circulated, the three golden needles would also be deeply affected.

Take advantage of it to hurt its vitals. Lead Daoist saw the opportunity.

With a wave of his palm, colored glaze beads spilled out. The golden whip was knocked down by the colored glaze beads. Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhao Gongming immediately retreated with his own baby beast.

The Great Master Xuandu couldn’t stand idly by when he was in a hurry.

In an instant, it changed from calm to chaos. However, the Great Master Xuandu was in the state of a third person from beginning to end. Although it has been shot, there is room for every move and every style.

Now, whether it is Zhao Gongming or the other side who is taking in Daoist and the two of them, he is invisibly regarded as an obstacle, but the magic power of this person is so high and unpredictable, no one dares to directly cut his face with him.

However, colored glaze beads are inherently as hard as gold and iron, and they still exist in the form of containers. The things stored in it have become a hassle. The Great Master Xuandu didn’t know it, and saw him hit out with a few sword fingers, smashing all the colored glaze beads in a point-to-point manner.

For a while, the hard appearance of the colored glaze beads began to fall off, so that the final burst. The power of the law contained in it began to spread slowly, and it was a bit of a situation. The forces of law began to influence each other, slowly forming a fishing net shape.

“Taking Daoist, your Cultivation Base does not see diligence, but your methods are really superb. It seems that I underestimated you.” The Great Master Xuandu sighed helplessly.

However, the battle that seemed to have come to an end had just entered its climax from this moment. I saw Daoist and Taiyi both doing both, hand seals chanting.

Sanskrit, Taoism.

The purple gold curse, the purple gold bowl gradually appeared, and it revolved at an extremely fast speed.

It’s not good, it can’t be absorbed into it. “After seeing Zijin Bomeng, Zhao Gongming’s expression immediately turned.

Burning Lantern Daoist’s Magical Item Zijin Bomeng, unexpectedly appeared in Taiyi’s hands, which surprised the two of them. Once, being included in it, even if there is a Vajra drill, it may not be able to escape.

However, at this moment, Ling Bao, running back and forth, finally appeared and broke the deadlock.


A five-finger palm print hit the front of Zijin Bomeng. The formation just formed was slapped away by Ling Bao.

Madam Taiyi’s closed eyes slightly opened (No Ma Zhao) to open a gap.

“It turns out that you are here, and I guessed that you must be indispensable.” The real Taiyi didn’t have any surprises about Ling Bao’s sudden appearance. On the contrary, everything was in his expectation.

Daoist has always been able to keep a back player, just to deal with Ling Bao. The Zijin Curse matched the sleepy formation in front of him, and it was just in line with it.

“Ling Bao, you are late this time.” Sui Yin laughed inwardly.

However, Ling Bao also came prepared, and the Zijin Curse was just a curse that trapped people’s minds. Zijin Bo Meng trapped his body, and Zijin curse trapped his heart. The two are one mile and the other, and they work just right together. But most of the methods used to introduce Daoist are based on fantasy formation. .


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