Chapter 452 Life-renewing charms to protect one’s body [seeking subscription]

Several people separated, but the escape route was roughly the same. The Universe Map didn’t suffer any damage, but Daoist burned the lamp, but it suffered him. The Cultivation Base was half scattered, and the old and new injuries were mixed together, and he could no longer say anything nonsense.

But fortunately, the flames of war did not spread to the real world. The four bronze pillars, as well as the spiritual body contained in the pillars, were all left in the Minor World of the Universe Map.

I don’t know who can dissolve this endgame, leaving an incomplete picture in the original pure land.

Standing on the other side of Yunxiao with the Master Tongtian, Ling Bao watched the enchantment collapse in the distance, making him wonder what he felt. Regret for not listening to persuasion, such words did not come to him in his mind anymore, he just felt that all this should be the best result.

“Why is this again? I have to tease you to death and life. This is not the case, and I am tired.” Ling Bao complained.

The primordial soul of the Tongtian cult has a body size, but he is still able to control the situation. This result has long been expected. The big deal is that the fish is dead and the net is broken, and the result is that it can be damaged no matter how bad it is.

“Why? This time I severely injured my senior brother’s good helper. This is the result I am very satisfied with. As for the future, I have my own way to deal with it, so you can’t help it worry about it.” Master Tongtian snorted. , Immediately eat and wipe away.

But in this brief process, the figure who introduced Daoist was not seen.This old guy ran faster, and he had made a preview in his mind long ago, although he did not expect the result. Arrived, but the death of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is absolutely good news for him, and everything he has done is a good ending.

“Let him run away?” The Master Tongtian looked around and inquired, but he still let him run helplessly.

“Isn’t it just right to go, and I want to fight him again in the real world?!” Ling Bao sneered when he saw him still incomplete.

Ling Bao hasn’t seen Tongtian’s appearance for a long time. Now he is in a panic, but it makes Ling Bao feel funny. This may be an expression of self-sacrifice.

Afterwards, Ling Bao took out the primordial spirit of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, and an already dimmed primordial spirit body that could no longer lose its color appeared in the air. Master Tongtian saw that his apprentice was already dysfunctional now, and the original fire was almost extinguished. By that time, it had already reached an irreversible trend.

“Thanks a lot.

The Master Tongtian suddenly felt a little sad, and he looked at Ling Bao but didn’t know what to say. Maybe this is my own destiny, what can we do to get rid of the shackles of Heavenly Dao, do whatever we want, and reach the Realm, which pursues the truth, there are almost no shortcuts at all.

“He’s gone, it’s inconvenient for me to stay longer, but I don’t want to meet the senior brother.” Master Tongtian left a sentence, but Ling Bao heard something wrong.

Seeing his distant figure, Ling Bao didn’t realize it was wrong for a short time. But then, Dao Xing Zun suddenly roared.

“Good, you Tongtian, let’s call you Master Uncle in vain, ah”

Ling Bao left after hearing the sound, but the ending was still irretrievable.

Fearing to leave his grandson, Ling Bao forgot this person. He was recovering and regenerating in the enchantment, but unexpectedly, he was severely injured by the anger of the Master Tongtian.


Ling Bao was particularly exhausted. He wandered around so that the two sides didn’t get into a fight. This was good. Not only did it fail to become its own purpose, but it speeded up the progress of the fight. And it has reached an irreversible state of affairs.

“Uncle Master, can my junior brother still be saved!” Ran Deng Daoist saw that the fear of leaving Sun Yuanshen did not break away from the body, and there was still a trace of True Qi body protection.

Upon seeing this, Ling Bao subconsciously touched own chest, and immediately realized at The next moment that there was still a turning point, and it had not yet reached the point of irreversibility.

Ling Bao stepped forward quickly, pointing both fingers on the chest of Filiu-sun, and then a 947 object appeared on Filiu-sun’s chest. A round bronze mirror shielded his last breath. Keep his soul immortal.

It is estimated that Tongtian had never expected that Yuanshi Tianzun actually hit the eight life-renewing charms on the body of the fearful grandson, protecting his soul from being immortal.

“Master actually gave him this Magical Item!” Tao Xingzun suddenly looked jealous.

“Fortunately, it is complete, he will definitely die if one is missing.” Ling Bao responded.

The complete life continuation spell is not just eight dao, its evolution and refining process can be said to be layered, if there are thousands of ways to protect its body, even if it is the full blow of the Master Tongtian, it may not be able to kill it.

The eight golden charms protect one’s life. It is one of the few special Magical Items, and its power varies from person to person. Ordinary people are fortunate to wait for a golden charm to achieve a hundred evils. Different demons cannot get close, let alone hurt. Now there are eight golden charms for fear of leaving their grandchildren, which shows that Yuanshi Tianzun’s preference for him.

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