Chapter 445 Time is reversed, the world is mirrored [seeking subscription]

The flow of time began to slow down. In addition, the world here is different from the outside world and can be changed at will. The master here is the Daoist, the user of the formation.

But he didn’t know how to cooperate with him, so he acted without making a sound. Randeng Daoist was puzzled, and the other brothers were even more embarrassed.

“Let’s see, let’s withdraw, now it’s not you and I can participate in it.” Moral Xingzun has been confident from the previous runaway, but now it has become a little embarrassing.

“Let’s take one step at a time. Anyway, it’s here to help us. As long as we can kill it, it’s okay.” Although Randeng Daoist had some doubts in his mind, he actually agreed very much.

Just ran away, leaving the deadlock to the lead Daoist. No matter what, I felt a bit cruel and didn’t agree with it. At this time, they are still paying attention to each other.

But the temperature here has also dropped sharply. Although the two of them are worthy people, the temperature is still dropping and has reached a freezing point. All things in the illusion of time have been refined into ice sculptures one after another.

However, the ice sculpture generated by Daoist started to crack, and the spider-web-like fragmentation traces spread quickly.

With a “bang”, the broken crystals began to raging, and under the visible ice sculpture, Daoist’s shadow was not attracted.

“Is this?” The two questioned at the same time, but in the 4 weeks of energy flow, all the shadows of people can be seen, but they don’t know where they are.

“Did you throw this mess to us?” Moral Xingzun asked suddenly.

Randuan Daoist didn’t know what to explain, and could only let the situation develop. After all, the current direction is still developing toward the benefit.

However, the spread of cold air can be said to be pervasive, and the Minor World in the landscape of mountains and rivers has been affected.

One after another white air currents hit the two of them, and a biting chill came to their hearts.

Ling Bao is squeezing the spell, the True Qi flowing on the body has formed an undercurrent of energy around the body invisibly, and naturally it has not been affected by it.

However, the protection beside Our Lady of the Golden Spirit can be said to be full of loopholes, and the uneven thickness of the defense caused this chill to erode into his body.

“No, someone has come in.” Our Lady of Jin Ling suddenly realized that it was wrong.

But in fact, Ling Bao has been integrated with the environment of 4 weeks, and naturally knows the changes in the situation. However, Ling Bao didn’t stop it, but let this slow surging cold slowly penetrate and act recklessly, just to see the real ability of attracting Daoist.

The cold white air filled every corner of the mountain and river Sheji map. Even the flowing mountains and rivers have become ice streams. Flowers, plants and trees, touch them and break them.

The original large piece of Minor World became shattered for the first time, from green to white, and even the sun’s rays became incandescent.

In his mind, Ling Bao felt the changes in this, knowing that he couldn’t hide, he could only find the law and break the law.

The fusion of the two people’s consciousness began to compete in secret. Ling Bao brought vitality, and the introduction of Daoist brought destruction. One yin and one yang, a raging fire, a piece of ice, the two did not give way to each other, and their ideas collided with each other.

“Ling Bao, I want to beat you this time.” The transmission of consciousness leads to the transmission of human voices into Ling Bao’s sea of ​​consciousness.

“Is winning or losing really that important? If so, I admit that I lost. Will you just stop there?”

Ling Bao’s words kept him immersed for a long time, and for a while, there was no extra voice. The difference between victory and defeat is not so important. Too many are just choices. Between thoughts, the creatures can be overwhelmed, and between thoughts, the waves in the heart can also be stopped.

“Preaching, I am ashamed, saying that I can’t say you can’t be better than you, let’s see the real chapter next.” The introduction seemed too calm.

But after the calm, it must be a storm.

What Daoist creates is a mirrored world, the opposite of life. The two are one. You can see both the good and the evil. It seems to be a dispute between you and me, but in fact, it is just a conflict between you and me. I’m just competing.

Shanhe World suddenly changed, and Minor World was divided into two.

“Ling Bao, I don’t believe you can escape from my world.” Daoist’s words were passed on again.

But the actual attack did not result from this. It’s just that Ling Bao saw the opposite of own, saw the evil illusioned by Daoist, and saw a wild beast that appeared in the world out of thin air, but in fact it has always existed.

-0 Seeking flowers…0

However, everything that Our Lady of the Golden Spirit saw was basically the same. The only difference was that both of them were trapped in their own state of mind.

The wild beast with its mouth and fangs swallowed Ling Bao into its abdomen in one bite. However, Ling Bao remained unmoved and allowed the changes in the outside world to see him sitting cross-legged, feeling everything in the outside world quietly.

Confusion and fear arise from the heart. As long as there is no distracting thoughts in the heart, everything in front of you is nothing but a bubble.

This level of attack, especially on the spiritual level, the height of Ling Bao’s ascending is not what Daoist can do. Basically, for Ling Bao, this is not a means at all.

But on the other side, the situation is so bad. The bottleneck of Cultivation Base is the biggest dilemma for practitioners. However, fear arises more from the heart. The breakthrough that can reach the limit and the next stage of cultivation have become the wish of many people.

However, accumulating resentment became a disease and became a criticism in the body. There are more and more Impurities in the mind, and it has become the most insurmountable wall in the Cultivation Base bottleneck.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit drove the Seven Fragrant Chariot to escape the attack of the wild beasts, but the more fear in the heart, the stronger the power of the wild beasts. Repeatedly, even if the speed of fleeing is fast, he cannot escape the Heart’s Demon reflected in the mirror world.

The body of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit began to become rigid, and countless frost and cold air had penetrated and cracked the Hunyuan True Qi that had been around for 4 weeks.

The natural barrier has been broken, and Our Lady of the Golden Spirit cannot escape. If it continues and is not awakened, his soul will be frozen. Although it will not reach the point where the primordial spirit is destroyed, the body is broken and the primordial spirit has nowhere to be placed. Generally speaking, this situation is Death in the superficial sense.

Ling Bao suddenly opened his eyes, and the actual situation was already not optimistic. Ling Bao used the power of the primordial spirit to ignite an incandescent flame and communicate the divine sea between the two.

It’s just different from Jiang Ziya’s situation. Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is trapped in the state of mind reflected in the mirror world. However, in this world, Daoist is the master. and.

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