Chapter 443 Watch the excitement [subscription required]

Standing back pain, sitting butt pain, it seems that he really frightened him, not eating enough, that is, watching the excitement is not too big a problem. Quoting Daoist’s words made it difficult for Ran Deng Daoist and the other two seniors to understand his intentions.

“It doesn’t matter whether he helps or not. Now he is a man in the urn. As for how to deal with him, it is indeed our own business.” Moral Xingzun’s temper has not been very good, but now it is different. , To save face, the opportunity to export bad anger lies in front of us.

“Brother look at me next.”

The time has finally come to break the deadlock. According to the effect of the universe map, the moral Xingzun has come up with a middle game.

The Absolute Immortal Sword hidden under the earth had already been prepared for him. Once the sword is out of its sheath, it will naturally give the final blow, and the person who hits the sword will injure his body.

What’s more, the Jue Xian Sword is one of the four swords of Zhu Xian. Its power is so great that even the body of Sage can be killed by him.

“Sword formation, get up.” Moral Xingzun shouted violently.

The ground immediately began to sway, and then it cracked, and the place at the feet of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was like stepping into a sword house. Countless Flying Swords broke ground and rose from the ground, led by the Supreme Sword, forming a group of swords, and the trend of returning ten thousand arrows to the sect has already risen.

“You are already at the end of the day. Let me tell you any last words. I can give you a chance while I am in a good mood.” Moral Xingzun finally took the initiative, and he was always passive, and his heart was angry. And the depressed emotions, finally found a place to release.

“It turns out that the 4th killing sword is with you.” The Mother of God Jin Ling just chuckled softly after seeing the Absolute Immortal Sword.

Then the same Jin Zhanjian collided with it. The contest between cold weapons has begun, but in comparison, it is still a bit worse.

The two rays of light oppose each other to “w, only” the sound of gold and iron, the collision of cold weapons.

I saw that Jin Zhanjian was invincible at all, but he led the sword formation in another direction and solved the immediate crisis.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit has its own layout. The Golden Sword Sword is just a means to delay time, and the expected goal has been achieved. Our Lady of the Golden Spirit continues to attack fiercely, consuming the other’s energy and power.

“There are some methods, it’s really far-sighted than well-known, it seems that I underestimated you.”

As soon as the voice fell, Daoist took out Ding Haizhu and threw it forward and smashed it out. The most accurate direction of its attack is the brows of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, which is the forehead.

After preparing for a long time, he was seriously injured by a sneak attack and finally killed. Also give a sigh of evil to the master of own, find a face, and destroy the prestige of the religion.

Seeing a sneak attack, and in this gap, Ding Haizhu passed through the sword formation and directly hit the face of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit. The distance is too close, and it is too late to find out. It is too late to dodge, but he doesn’t move, and he is facing hard. For heavyweight attacks, he can definitely disperse the own soul and extinguish the original fire.

But Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was already aware of the danger, but the five-clawed golden dragon controlled by the mind immediately turned the attack direction and came to the Savior. And with the dragon’s flying speed, compared to the four that are not like beasts, it is much faster.

I saw a five-clawed golden dragon, suddenly hovering like a python, hovering its own body and blocking it in front of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.


Thick billowing smoke came out, and the sound of the explosion shook the world.

But after the heavy smoke, the five-clawed golden dragon that turned out was already overwhelmed, and the growing scales slowly disintegrated and withered. The illusioned entity, after all, is a fake, can keep alive and resolve the fatal blow, which is already the best result.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit continues to control the other half of the Dragon Tiger Ruyi Scepter and fight against it, but in fact it is already dying.

“This time I came here specially for you. You really thought that you could run. It was so naive.” Daoist of Randeng made a slight trick to attract the Virgin of the Golden Spirit to take it lightly, and this fell into the trap.

“It’s really despicable and shameless. I really overestimate you by using this method.” Our Lady of the Golden Spirit resolutely said, but a trace of blood has flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Because they had to deal with this a few times, it has been prolonged for such a long time. They have nowhere to put those old faces long ago. How can they take so much into consideration. In short, if you win, you will win, and if you lose, you will lose. But the price between winning and losing is life and death.

On the other hand, Ling Bao, who was overdue, just caught up with the end. But there was a person in front of him to stop him, and the person was smiling, his face must have come prepared.

“Ling Bao, it seems that you and I are really destined.” Daoist was quoted with Xiaorou and said without a smile. In fact, he was delaying time.

But Ling Bao has long seen that he has bad intentions, and did not say much to him. As for the matter on the face, I will talk about it later.

Ling Bao continued to rush forward, and noticed sideways that, fearing to leave his grandson seriously injured, he was taking the panacea left by Burning Lantern Daoist to heal his body.

“,you really ”

Ling Bao’s questioning was audible, but he couldn’t open his mouth. The last bit of energy in his body was to melt the Medicine Pill in Dantian and protect his own Cultivation Base for thousands of years.

“You did a good thing, right?” Ling Bao asked back.

However, he then led people to laugh and said, “I’m here to save people, not to kill people. I don’t want to mix things up between you.”

After finishing speaking, Daoist shook his own sleeve, and then the three True Qis penetrated into the body of the fearful grandson, further consuming the panacea in the body to prepare.

But on the other side of Skyrim, there was not much (promising) movement. But the fear of staying with the grandson and taking Daoist together, had to arouse suspicion. And he was afraid that his grandson would be seriously injured, and his life was in danger. It was not like falling from the sky and falling to the ground, and he was still headed to the ground, and almost fell him to death.

Then Daoist closed his eyes and avoided talking, but he did it deliberately. Changes in the size of the universe map are not in the real world. If you want to see the truth, you can only know if you are in the battle.

“I don’t think you are saving him.”

Immediately Ling Bao shot a Gold Core, and the Gold Core slowly began to spin and volatilize the medicine. And at The next moment, the look of fear of leaving grandchildren gradually improved. He opened his eyes slightly, and his white and chapped lips trembled slightly, as if he had something to say.

Ling Bao often took a step forward when he saw this, and cut off the True Qi channel that received Daoist, and said angrily, “If you really want to save him, why don’t you show your true ability?”.

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