Chapter 441 Intermediate Bureau【seeking subscription】

After learning that she was being tricked, the Mother of God Jin Ling immediately turned around and broke the law with the golden sword, and then swiftly chased the past, and all this was in the arms of Daoist.

At the periphery of the barrier, the Taoist Xingzun received a distress signal shortly after he left for fear of leaving his grandson. The two arrived at almost the same time.

Moral Xingzun arranged a killing array with the sword of absolute immortality, as long as he dared to show his head, he would definitely kill him with one arrow.

Everything is ready, I only owe the east wind, but everything has been prepared, but the Golden Spirit Mother is not Fan Fan’s generation, I think that the burning lamp Daoist is already in place, and the moral Xingzun and other disciples who have just left recently have almost all heard the news. .

Time dragged on for a long time, but after thinking about it, Mother Jin Ling suddenly realized that it was he who was delaying time, deliberately slowing down, and “Nine Thirty Zero” came here to do things.

“Sure enough, it’s you, it’s so good to get Daoist.”

The calculation of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was taken advantage of by Daoist. However, at The next moment, the sharp weapon that hit the golden sword and flew over again to the top of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

Then, in order to block the parry, the Mother of God Jin Ling stretched out her hand, Hun Yuan True Qi protected her body, forming a golden defense.


I saw a golden bead, which made a buzzing sound like a beating drum. Our Lady of the Golden Spirit also bounced off the attack and bounced back.

The situation has changed. One-to-one becomes one-to-two, and one-to-two becomes one-to-many. But in this wheel of war, the Golden Spirit Mother did not mean the slightest timidity, on the contrary, it became more and more courageous, without the slightest retreat in a short period of time.

“If I want to go, you can’t stop it.” Our Lady of the Golden Spirit exclaimed.

I saw 7 sacred beasts pulling a treasure cart and galloping quickly. The Virgin of the Golden Spirit jumped immediately and fell into the seven incense car. Standing and retreating, the speed is extremely fast and unstoppable. Jin Zhanjian accompanies the left and right, with one enemy three is still easy to do. The power of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit cannot be underestimated.

“Haha, but is that so?” Our Lady of the Golden Spirit sneered.

The four laughing people did not dare to look at each other. The former were afraid of leaving their grandsons being beaten and unable to parry. The latter three joined forces to lead him into the game, but they were easily broken, and the old faces of several people were beaten.

“Hey, it seems that I am still miscalculating, forget it, let’s go!” Daoist said helplessly.

But the matter is not over yet. The drama of moral honor and fear of retaining grandchildren has ended, but the drama of introducing Daoist and Randeng Daoist is still going on. It is the so-called reluctance to bear the child and can’t cover the wolf. The Mother of Gold is waiting. This opportunity can be said to have endured a lot of time. Thinking of the murder of Own’s apprentice, the student Jianzhong was almost killed by Daoist.

Refined by it, new hatred and old hatred have been added together, and the accumulating grievances have already become deep. It is naturally impossible to stop easily without a satisfactory result.

The two sides are even more familiar with the little calculations between each other. Without playing this drama, it is naturally impossible for Our Lady of the Golden Spirit to enter the game obediently.

The backhand plan was secretly activated by the two of them, and they looked at each other, and Daoist sent her hands and feet intentionally to let her go.

“This? Okay, let’s see you later, you have to be careful when you walk in the future, don’t be abolished by others. Cultivation Base, destroy the soul.”

The bad breath of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was calculated to be abruptly held back, and this account will be calculated later, I don’t know how long it will be, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is destroyed by Daoist, which makes her heart. Unwilling. Then when she was leaving, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit quietly played a copper coin. The copper coin is like an inscription on a piece of paper, which flutters with the wind and disperses as soon as it blows.

Into the air, it was printed on the body of Filiusun.

Fearing to stay with his grandson is considered a great fortune, but it can only be said that he understands that he must. This person has great luck in him, and killing him now is against Heavenly Dao. Even if at the end of the Golden Spirit Mary got her wish, I believe that the price of Heavenly Dao is even more unbearable for him.

The Qixiang Cha is extremely fast, and the seven sacred beasts follow the master’s mind. But it didn’t work out, how could we just let it go.

In the middle of the road, Daoist received the Daoist’s own arrangements and pretended to let him leave, but the secret calculations were still going on.

Absolute Immortal Sword Array is not here, but with the help of the power of the Universe Map, it has made traps and tricks on the way to the bound. Killing people invisible is exactly what this group of monks who claim to be from noble origins did.

If you want to introduce them into this universe, unless you are willing to enter the battlefield, otherwise you have to use this method, no one is stupid enough to cast a spell in front of the caster and fall into the battlefield.

“Whizzing ”

The immortal rope suddenly appeared, but it jumped off the Virgin of the Golden Spirit.

“Isn’t my vitality already badly wounded, how can it be?” Our Lady Jin Ling muttered to herself.

However, this is not a sacred rope. A closer look, this is a golden swastika rune. I saw the Dharma seal condensed together, like a chain, and even more difficult to entangle. Its offensive ability is limited, but its involvement ability is extremely annoying.

“I saw you, this is a slow strategy, but your recovery speed is too fast, how to slow it down, teach me!” The Golden Spirit sneered, facing this annoying little trick, it is only time to solve it problem.

But time is tight and the task is heavy. Faced with the chase and interception of the other three, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is still somewhat lacking in avatar.

“Whether I can fight with a knife and a gun, if I lose, I will naturally not be able to avenge Yu Yuan’s hatred for him, and it will save you trouble. I can’t retreat out of Immortal Cave.

However, no matter how much the Mother of the Golden Spirit says, it is nonsense, and the contradiction between the two religions is therefore a thorough plan. The Twelve Golden Immortals and the eighth major disciples of Jiejiao are all second-generation disciples, and they are both disciples at the core of the sect. Forget it, it’s a trivial matter, but when it’s dead, that’s another matter.


The fight here is not open, but the other side is calm. Ling Bao led the children of other human races to meditate and cultivate in a place halfway up the mountain. While Ascension’s own quality, he pointed them to the changes in the world. Whether it is a mortal body or a body that has attained the Tao, under Ling Bao’s guidance, they are more or less facing the perception between heaven and earth.

, All have a new understanding.

Everything is changing, and people’s minds are also changing. The changes in one link are very involved. However, when this human race came, new changes suddenly appeared on the horizon.

The night is the time when the Spiritual Qi of all things is the strongest between heaven and earth, especially when the moon is full, the essence of the moon can be seen at first sight. Suddenly, everyone was moved by a trend. The shining degree of the light of a shooting star is rare in a century.

But in fact, it’s not always true.

“Uncle Master, I think something is wrong.” Jiang Ziya’s expression changed, seeing the abnormalities in this. .

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