Chapter 422 Variable [seeking subscription]

Ling Bao had ulterior motives when he saw Master Tongtian, and blocked him beforehand. I saw Ling Bao flicking a cyan light with his fingers, and he missed the attack direction of the soul bead, and then asked: “Tongtian, what are you doing? Are you wronging me?”

Ling Bao asked twice. The Master Tongtian knew it, and after putting the soul bead in his palm, he responded: “Ling Bao, you think too much. Properly.

What was in his mind Ling Bao naturally knew, wasn’t he just waiting for an opportunity to retaliate. But the place to do it can’t be here. Ling Bao turned his head and continued, “Haha, forget it, what you’re thinking, you and I know it well, your apprentice is not dead, and in the end, although you can’t confine your body to the gods, But this is already the best result, he has his own fate, this force can’t come


To put it bluntly, I just came up with a breath. The death of Outer Sect disciple Shi Ji in the hands of real Taiyi has already made him angry. Has been in the heart of Tongtian hierarch and refused to let it go.

The good things are said to be exhausted. The current situation is very good. Ling Bao is ready to detain Ran Deng and others for a short period of peace. The human and material resources are consumed too much, and the war has only been a few months, and it has reached the point where it has been devastated. If it continues to develop, the entire primordial universe will be shaken by this.

On the surface, the Master Tongtian promised not to do it, and the small movements he can do in the form of the soul is very limited. Seeing Ling Bao’s clone facing each other, he dared to tear his face apart at this moment. Who is more familiar than the master of Tongtian has his own discernment ability.

“I just want to give my senior brother a good start, and also that their Cultivation Base soul will not be easily dissipated.” The Master Tongtian burst into a hurry and disappeared without a trace.

The matter came to an end, the situation had stabilized, and Ling Bao’s heart had calmed a lot. This period of time broke his heart.

Ling Bao manipulator Five Elements chess board, take back all the black and white chess pieces on it. Then the frozen picture began to fragment slowly, until the entire space fell off and everything returned to normal.

Due to several people’s vitality in the Qiankun Map, the magic circle began to fail. Without enough Spirit Power Cultivation Base True Qi, the Minor World of the Qiankun Map gradually began to collapse.

“Boom.” The earth shook the mountains, but after the shaking, like rain and the sky cleared, a new world of birds and flowers appeared in front of everyone.

“What did you do Ling Bao just now?” Ran Deng Daoist has not escaped from the battle scene.

Seeing that several of them had no ability to parry at this time, Jiang Ziya and others did not continue to do it. Instead, Ling Bao took out a few Gold Cores and prepared to protect the immortal body for them.

Whoosh whoosh, a few golden gleams the size of glass beads hit their bodies. At that instant, several people were shocked. The defeated Burning Lantern thought that Ling Bao was going to kill him, and immediately adjusted his luck to parry. But in the next second, Ran Deng was shocked, because Ling Bao was not killing them.

The Gold Core in the body began to clear the meridians in the body, and the two forces of one yin and one yang were wandering through the body. The two forces, one fire and one ice, which seem to be mutually restrained, did not show a repulsive reaction. Instead, they promoted each other and reached a Yin & Yang balance.

“Why save us?” Ran Deng asked puzzledly.

“I’m not saving you, but self-help. Today, both sides are injured in the first battle. No matter how hard you fight, you and I will be disadvantaged. Go back and tell your Master that I am not here…

“Ring bells.” When the golden bell rang, everyone’s Divine Sense changed strangely.

Ordinary soldiers are mortal wombs, and they can’t resist the strange noise that confuses their minds at all. They shook their feet, the weapons in their hands began to drop, their palms covered their ears, and they shouted loudly in their ugly faces.

“Ah… Pain…o.o0”

For a while, the situation that had just stabilized is now a mess. This is not Yuanshi Tianzun’s handwriting, because of his character, there is no need to do this, doing the behavior of a villain.

“I don’t know where the gods are, can you come out and see?”

At this time Ling Bao couldn’t tell the direction of the ringtone. Apparently everyone had been tricked in this unknowingly. This person’s Cultivation Base is definitely not under Daoist, and the Magic Treasures in his hand are also indistinguishable in a short time.

Seeing that the person didn’t match, Ling Bao played the Five Elements board again. Soybean-sized seeds began to appear in the sky, and then they fell to the ground and began to grow savagely. With the rapid growth of the hundred grasses, a dense small forest was quickly formed on the land under the feet to resist the erosion of the magic sound.

Ling Bao is in the light, and the person is in the dark. There were new changes in this game. There were multiple forces on the chessboard. He had been observing secretly, but finally he couldn’t help it.

“Uncle Master seems to be Sanskrit!” Jiang Ziya heard what was wrong with this voice.

Ling Bao naturally guessed who this person was, but this person did not show up.

“The Gang オー war has lost too much, and I can’t worry about your thoroughness, so I can only get rid of this volume.

Jiang Ziya did not fully understand what Ling Bao said. In fact, the Five Elements board needs a lot of Spirit Power True Qi city, and this 913 green area can only be a temporary refuge. Today’s plan is to make dangerous moves.

Immediately, Ling Bao took out a picture of the mountains and rivers, and saw that the circle appeared, and then it seemed to be in the sky. Jiang Ziya and others fell into the circle, into the Minor World created by Nuwa.

Now Ling Bao had no worries, and immediately rushed out of the sky, ready to meet the person. Unexpectedly, the mysterious black hand target was not Ling Bao, but the three people in front of him. Just as the burning lantern and others were sucked into the picture of the mountain and river shrine, suddenly, the golden chain made by the Three Dao Swastika seals wrapped around the three of them and pulled them out.

The speed is extremely fast, as if he was on a ladder, disappeared in a short time. Ling Bao naturally couldn’t let him escape under his own eyelids so easily.

“You have been exposed, there is nothing to hide.”

Ling Bao quickly followed the direction of the three golden chains. No matter how fast the person is, and no matter how decisive, it is impossible for one person to drag three to get rid of Ling Bao.

After pushing away the clouds and breaking through a huge cloud, a black shadow suddenly blocked Ling Bao’s pursuit direction. After stopping, a vest was hundreds of meters wide and a thousand meters long and rolled up towards Ling Bao. There are countless Restrictions blessings on the vestments, like a wall of thousands of feet that cannot be easily surpassed. ,

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