Chapter 419 Formation of troops [seeking subscription]

The Master Tongtian is observing in secret, which is more direct than Yuanshi Tianzun. Ling Bao looked up, shook his head and chuckled: “You old guy is quite stiff in his mouth. When he meets the real chapter, he is still afraid of his head.”

Seeing Ling Bao muttering to himself, Jiang Ziya did not dare to interrupt. He turned his head and looked to the other side. At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared on the other side of the sky, heading towards the other side of the mountain.

Just in this fleeting moment, two people came around in the other direction, and the four walked opposite each other, aiming directly at the camp where Ling Bao was located.

“Uncle Master, someone is here.” Jiang Ziya turned around and said.

“I came so soon, it seems that Yuanshi Tianzun has also lost his blood this time.” Ling Bao did not count that the four of them recovered so quickly. Even with the elixir of the Taishang Laojun, it may not be able to recover in just a dozen days.

“Call everyone to prepare for the battle, and none of them can be let go.” Ling Bao continued to arrange deployment.

Above the Third Stage sky, the leader of Tongtian overlooked all beings and couldn’t figure out the layout of Ling Bao. The opponent is clearly prepared, but Ling Bao’s layout is too flawed, which can be seen at a glance from his perspective, but the authorities are obsessed with bystanders.

“Ling Bao, you are badly injured now, don’t you go back quickly.” Daoist of Landeng stood on a high place, holding the Feng Shui compass 913 map of Qiankun in his hand, eager to try.

“I think you are our brother-in-law who doesn’t want to hurt you, so we should stop it quickly so that it will not be unreasonable in the future.” The attitude of the moral Xingzun is the same as that of his brother, and he still somewhat estimates Ling Bao’s identity.

“What’s the point of saying so much? Besides, it’s already here.” Ling Bao responded

“Okay, then don’t blame us for making too heavy a hand.” Tandan Daoist waved his hand and started to move it.

The other brothers also came to help out. With the experience and lessons from the last time, the strength of the four people did not choose to separate this time, and they came up with a joint attack.

On the other side, Ji Chang had already been in ambush in the back mountain for the sake of coping, but seeing that the two sides had already started, immediately ordered: “The decisive battle is imminent, don’t stay alive.” Ji Chang roared.

Lei Zhenzi, Han Dulong and others took all their hands to the mountains and forests ahead, and they knew Ling Bao’s deployment plan before leaving. The military’s specificity is very clear. The army of more than 100,000 in a time is divided into three forces and marches in three directions.

Seeing that the current situation is almost the same as previously expected, Jiang Ziya immediately ordered an attack: “Everyone listens to my orders and prepares to respond to the enemy.

The formation of troops had already been prepared properly, and Jiang Ziya was more flexible in the follow-up arrangements for the layout. Jiang Ziya repaired the Taoist method. According to the method of using Five Elements Eight Trigrams, he used the ground under his feet as the battlefield, soldiers and soldiers as the battlefield, and used his unique geographical advantage to arrange this killing game.

Ji Chang’s army lost its way as soon as it entered the battle, and Lei Zhenzi immediately realized that there had been a new change in the layout. Then he quickly fluttered his wings and flew up to the sky to overcome the current predicament.

But unexpectedly, Yang Jian was waiting for the opportunity. Before Lei Zhenzi left the ground three feet, only a golden light flashed, and a three-pointed two-edged knife slashed past him.

“Lei Zhenzi, you can’t run this time. It’s a pity that I saw that you were a person and died like this.”

Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi have gone through a long history, but when they met this time, they had already become enemies. The two people were in different positions, and on the battlefield, even if the father and son were facing each other, they could not be merciful.

“You can only say that you and I are different, don’t worry about your relationship, today you and I must decide a victory or defeat.”

After Lei Zhenzi finished speaking, he still showed his cold face, without the slightest expression, nor did he think of any past feelings.

“In this case, there is nothing to say.”

The two people can say these two sentences, it is considered to be a pre-age love, after all, the war is cruel, and it is involuntary to be involved in it.

At this time, Lei Zhenzi had already flown into the blue sky with the help of the Bafa gap and gained supremacy. The continuous percussion of the golden rod in his hand led to countless thunders. The thunder flashed past like a Heavenly Tribulation, but it was a pity that it reduced a certain amount of power in this formation.

Yang Jian used his own eyes to send out several golden lights to fight against him. The two men contained each other in a short period of time without a victory or defeat, but Jiang Ziya had already had a countermeasure. Using Vajra to make filaments, one after another Vajra iron net suddenly Covered in the direction of Lei Zhenzi.

At this moment, Yang Jian saw the opportunity and took the weapon in his hand and stepped forward to take it down. That was when Lei Zhenzi’s master suddenly realized something was wrong, and asked him to shoot two flames and melt the gold and iron into Leizi to escape.

Subsequently, Yang Jian did not lose the wind in one-to-two, and Yang Jian’s task this time was to involve himself. The main event was Yun Zhongzi. This man was always treacherous and cunning, and the most difficult to deal with.

Nezha, who had been watching the battle on the side, was looking for a chance to find Yun Zhongzi’s figure. The sudden reality of Yun Zhongzi gave Nezha a chance.

“The old thief took me a shot.”

In a fleeting moment, Nezha’s speed has reached a state of detachment. In just a moment, the distance of kilometer is instantly shortened to an incredible range.

The rocket gun directly hit Yun Zhongzi’s back, and Yun Zhongzi yelled, “You, a little baby, dare to attack me and watch.”

Yun Zhongzi’s hand seals chanted, and a raging fire ignited for 4 weeks, and the real fire of the three flavors surrounded him, but what he didn’t count was the cultivation technique attribute of Nezha, which was originally the fire of Five Elements. Say it has limited power.

“Stop talking big and let you see whose fist is harder.”

Nezha retreated violently, and the wind fire wheel at his feet turned into a phoenix and a phoenix, and also based on the fire attribute, formed two fire scrolls to oppose the three flavors of real fire of Yunzhongzi.

The power of the two flames did not repel, and slowly merged together, and finally the entire flame range shrouded the land below.

However, at this moment, an unexpected scene appeared, Yun Zhongzi’s mouth was open, his face was surprised and unbelievable.

“How could this be?”

Sanwei real fire slowly merged into it, and instead became the help of two fire rolls, and slowly moved closer to Yunzhongzi.

Two flames to the sky, one after another tore the earth, Yun Zhongzi wanted to leave at this time, but was too late to dodge. The best time to escape was over in his hesitation.

“Unexpectedly, I prepared this specially for you.

Nezha is transformed by a derivative body, it is immortal, and its potential power is endless. However, Ne Zha never showed his full strength, so Yun Zhongzi overestimated himself.

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