Chapter 417 Lure the enemy to go deep [seeking subscription]

It’s always the same. It’s not helpful to say too much, but it makes people chew the tongue. Ling Bao knows this well, and knows that disaster comes out of the mouth. The six ways of the god demon Samsara are all destroyed by their own desires, but in fact the disaster comes out of the mouth.

“It’s good to do it for yourself, but remember not to be emotional, and be careful that this fire hurts yourself.” Ling Bao was kind to persuade, but the result was not satisfactory. I can only say that the burning flame can be extinguished.

“Let’s take a step and take a step. If you talk too much, it’s nonsense. As for what I do next, it depends on whether my senior will be a human being.” Master Tongtian left a sentence, flung his sleeves and left, Ling Ling Bao shook his head helplessly.

“Let’s go.

Ling Bao turned his head and left, but looked up at this day. The weather was uncertain. Depending on the situation, it should rain soon. After that, Ling Bao pinched and calculated that at the current speed of Jiang Ziya’s army, the two armies should almost meet each other.

On the other side, Jiang Ziya’s marching speed was much faster than originally thought. In addition, Master Wen Tai had already received news that the two armies had increased their speed by 10 or more than doubled in relative rounds.

Not far in front, ten miles away, the sound of horseshoes began to ring, and the flag of the Shang Dynasty was fluttering in the wind. In addition, the place was empty, and the one in Pingchuan was easier to identify.

“Military division, we will be here soon.” Nezha stepped on the Hot Wheels all the way back and forth, tossing tossingly, but in the end it always developed in a good direction.

“Nezha, you are relatively quick to act, and inform Taishi Wen ahead of time.” Jiang Ziya exhorted her, which was also an account of a new task to avoid conflict.

All the way to do it was disgraced and looked very embarrassed. Ran Lan Daoist did not bring Magic Treasures to chase him personally. Instead, Ji Chang took advantage of the victory to pursue him. Huo Er, who had held his stomach before, did not relax this opportunity at all.

However, Jiang Ziya’s retreat and avoidance made Ji Chang even more vigorous. The pursuit was three days and three nights. As the so-called one day in the sky, a hundred days have passed in the mortal world.

Ling Bao arrived late and didn’t tell Jiang Ziya personally when he left, so Jiang Ziya didn’t have a trace in his heart.

However, colorful auspicious clouds appeared in the sky, which is a good omen.

“Uncle Master, you are back.” Jiang Ziya raised his head and shouted upwards.

“There was no accident in the middle, right?” Ling Bao observed for a while, except for a little embarrassment, everything else was the same.

“Master Wen’s army will meet with us immediately, and then we will be able to fight a turnaround.” Jiang Ziya has planned the matter more than once, and he has intensified it countless times in his mind, but there is no chance of winning. What is the chance.

Ling Bao looked into the distance and found that the time was just right, the number of the army had doubled, and the grain and grass resources were relatively sufficient. A hundred miles away, Ji Chang’s army began to advance slowly, because Ji Chang also understood why Jiang Ziya kept running east.

“This time I lobbied for a bit, and the harvest is still quite fruitful, and I have already thought of the corresponding method, and we will have a long-term plan after meeting.” Ling Bao’s words are like a reassurance. Jiang Ziya’s original calculations were originally worried. , Disappeared in this moment.

All the way fast, and then set up camp, everything was properly arranged according to the plan, except for the unsuccessful negotiation, nothing else was unexpected.

The manpower of Master Wen Tai can be said to be strong and strong. As one of the proud disciples of Our Lady of Jin Ling, this is undoubtedly a great help. Master Wen Tai has been practicing for hundreds of years. Compared with other Da Luo Jinxian, it is much stronger, if it is not a generational relationship, Even if he is afraid of leaving his grandchildren, he dare not face it.

“How did you make Jiang Ziya like this?” Taishi Wen didn’t care about the worldliness of human beings. When he talked straightforwardly, it was in line with his temper and true temperament.

“Wen Taishi, you are still going smoothly this time. My side is in a miserable situation. I came here to ask for help.” Jiang Ziya gave a wry smile. She really couldn’t hold on to her face. Taishi Wen was almost single-handed, although Ling Bao helped secretly once, but on the battlefield of Xiqi, the clone of Ling Bao Tianzun has come to supervise the formation personally.

The situation is still not optimistic.

“I’ve heard about it. The battle on the opposite side is really big. Even if I meet it, I may not be able to parry it.” Wen Taishi began to be humble. After all, the two were serving the same master together. When it is lively, the most urgent task now is to catch Ji Chang alive and stop the chaos.

The two sides had a face-to-face meeting, simply cold and dark what do you think tomorrow. Now Ling Bao has taken the sacred artifact back, and it can be said that it is more than enough to deal with the burning lamp Daoist, but this does not mean that you can be blindly arrogant, you should be more careful to avoid being killed.

Basically, the troops of the Eastern Expedition did not have much casualties. The only pity is that other princes and lords ran away and went incognito. Fortunately, all the lost territories were recovered. In addition, King Zhou lacked tax cuts and reduced financial expenditures for civilian use. This move has benefited ordinary people, so they are naturally peaceful and peaceful.

But on the other hand, the situation is not optimistic. Singing all the way can be said to be a rush to Yellow Dragon. However, the current situation has suddenly changed. Not only the military spirit is unstable, but everyone has lost their fighting spirit. Jiang Ziya is a headache at this 913 point.

Next, there must be a tough battle. It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, but you must fight beautifully.

“Uncle Master, what should we do next?” Jiang Ziya asked.

“It’s simple, just lure the enemy into deep, let them taste more sweetness, so that we can hold the pocket a little bit bigger, our chances of winning will be a little bit more.”

The most indispensable thing now is the manpower. In terms of strength, it is almost twice that of the opponent, but in fact, the real golden fairy fighting method, they only clean the mess and clean up the battlefield. This is their only thing.

“Uncle Master, I don’t understand this a bit.” Jiang Ziya did not understand what Ling Bao said. Now I can’t beat it, because the universe map is too powerful, and the world changes suddenly. Yin & Yang Five Elements Eight Trigrams change at will. A flick of the finger can achieve a radical change. It takes a bag how big to hold it.

“According to what I said, divide the existing army into two groups and take care of each other. The front is used as a decoy, and the back is led by Master Wen Tai. They are trapped here by double-teaming.”

What Ling Bao said is simple, but it takes a lot of time to support it in actual operation. An army of hundreds of thousands of people wants to camouflage in the open ground of Ma Pingchuan, which is as difficult as reaching the sky. .

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